

care, graduate, laugh, persuade, purpose, ruin, concern, bury , frighten,

tire, attitude, set, determine, shock, suffer, come, judge , prefer


1.Several suggestions ____ up at the meeting.

2.We were _____ about his health, while he was _____ in his work.

3.He _____ down what he sees in the zoo every day.

4.When we heard the interesting story, we all burst into _______.

5.What is your ______ towards the plan ?

6.My sister doesn’t _____ about the details.

7._____ from what he said, he is probably not an honest man.

8.She gave me a ______ look----the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind.

9.After ___ from the college, he ___ from heart trouble ,and he had to take medicine wherever he went.

10.I have ______ him to give up smoking, now he is more healthier.

11.I didn’t do it on ______,it was an accident.

12.The boys were _____ of listening to the same thing again and again.

13.The houses across the street are in ______,but they were in good conditions a few years ago.

14.He _____ to go shopping rather than stay at home on weekends.

15.It was a ______ news and we all got _____.


1. came

2.concerned, buried







9.graduating, suffered

10. persuaded





15.shocking/frightening, frightened/shocked



1.came 动词短语come up出现,该短语没有被动语态也没有进行时。句意:在会议上出现了几个建议。

2.concerned, buried 固定搭配be concerned about担心,关心;be buried in忙于;句意:当他忙于工作的时候,他很担心自己的健康。

3.sets动词短语set down写下,记下。句意:每天他都记录下在动物园里所看见的东西。

4.laughter 固定搭配burst into laughter突然笑起来;句意:当我们听见那个有趣的故事时,我们都突然笑了起来。

5.attitude 名词attitude与介词towards连用表示“对…的态度”。句意:你对这个计划的态度是什么?

6.care 固定搭配care about关心,担心;句意:我姐姐不关心细节。

7.Judging 固定搭配judging from/by…根据…判断;这是一个独立结构,不随任何形式变化。

8.determined 过去分词转换的形容词常常修饰人或者与人有关的事物,本句中的look表情,是与人有关的,所以使用determined修饰。

9.graduating, suffered 固定搭配graduate from…从…毕业;放在介词after后面要使用动名词的形式。第二空固定搭配suffer from患…病。

10. persuaded 固定搭配persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事;句意:我已经说服他戒烟了,现在他更健康了。

11. purpose 固定搭配on purpose故意地;句意:我不是故意做那件事情的,它是偶然地。

12.tired 固定搭配be tired of厌倦…;对…厌烦。句意:那个男孩厌倦了一次又一次听同样的事情。

13.ruins 固定搭配in ruins成为废墟;句意:街对面的房子成为废墟,但是几年之前他们状况很好。

14. prefers 固定搭配prefer to do sth rather than do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事;句意:周末他宁愿去购物也不愿意待在家里。

15.shocking/frightening, frightened/shocked 由分词转换成的形容词用法是形容词考查较多的内容。由过去分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰人或者与人有关的事物,如look, appearance等;由现在分词转换的形容词常常用来修饰事物。这样的形容词经常在句中做表语或者定语修饰名词,也可以在句中构成形容词短语对主句的情况进行说明。第一空使用shocking/frightening修饰news,第二空使用frightened/shocked说明人的情况。



During the 19th century, women’s education was not considered important in the United States. Supporters of advanced education for women faced many problems. States did require each town to provide a school for children, but teachers were often poorly prepared. Most young women were not able to continue on with their education in private schools. If they did, they often were not taught much except the French language, how to sew (缝制) clothing, and music.

Mary Lyon felt that women’s education was extremely important. Through her lifelong work for education she became the most famous woman in the 19th century America. She believed that women were teachers both at home and in the classroom. And she believed that efforts to better educate young women also served God. If women were better educated, she felt, they could teach in local schools throughout the United States and in foreign countries.

In 1837, Mary Lyon opened Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women. Only four teachers and the first class of eighty young women lived and studied in the building when the school opened. But Mary knew the importance of what had been established (建立) — the first independent school for the higher education of women. The school continued to grow. In 1893, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became a college. Mount Holyoke College was the first college to offer women the same education as was offered to men.

People who have studied Mary Lyon say she was not fighting a battle (战争) of equality between men and women, yet she knew she wanted more for women. Her efforts led to the spread of higher education for women in the United States. Historians say she was the strongest influence on the education of American young people during the middle of the 19th century.

1.What did Mary Lyon think would be a result of better education for women?

A. They could be teachers in local schools in the USA and in foreign countries.

B. They could help their children with the homework.

C. They could help their husbands with the work.

D. They could help their parents with the housework.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

A. Teachers were poorly prepared in the 19th century.

B. Mount Holyoke Seminary for Women was the first independent school for the higher education of women in the United States.

C. Mount Holyoke College only taught women French.

D. Young women studied French, sewing and music in private schools in the 19th century.

3.What contributions did Mary make to education?

A. She taught a great number of young women.

B. She made the law protect men’s right to education.

C. She was responsible for the spread of higher education for women in the USA.

D. She succeeded in developing her own education system.


The captain of a ship and a merchant(商人)were friends.The merchant had a young son,who wanted to be a sailor(水手),so the captain took him for voyages in his____ .One day when the captain had come from a ___ with a lot of money,the merchant told him that the price of iron(铁) had_____ and suggested that he should buy some with his money.“I’ll ____ it for you in my storehouse _____you return from your next voyage,and perhaps you’ll get ____ money.” But while the captain was away,the price of iron went up _____ 60% ,so the merchant sold it and kept the money.When the captain came back,his____ friend told him that he was very sorry and the mice had____ all the iron. The captain knew that his friend was____ lies,but he stayed ____and said,“I knew that you had problems_____mice in your storehouse.” After a few days,the captain started _____ voyage,and when he returned home,he said to the merchant,“I’m very sorry,but _____our voyage a bird came down and carried your son away.” The merchant was very____ and said,“Birds cannot carry boys!” “And _____ can mice eat iron,” answered the captain.The merchant took the captain to a_____ ,who said,“The merchant must____the captain the money which he got when he ___the iron,and then the captain must_____ the merchant’s son back to him.”

1.A. car B. cart C. ship D. plane

2.A. voyage B. travel C. business D. visit

3.A. fallen B. raised C. widened D. risen

4.A. keep B. hide C. hold D. put

5.A. when B. since C. after D. until

6.A. many B. more C. a bit D. less

7.A. on B. in C. to D. by

8.A. dishonest B. honest C. real D. former

9.A. sold B. borrowed C. eaten D. drunk

10.A. talking B. making C. telling D. saying

11.A. friendly B. calm C. quiet D. angry

12.A. about B. in C. on D. with

13.A. another B. next C. the other D. other

14.A. while B. after C. during D. before

15.A. boring B. puzzled C. angry D. afraid

16.A. yet B. neither C. so D. either

17.A. lawyer B. manager C. child D. judge

18.A. return B. give C. offer D. lend

19.A. kept B. bought C. sold D. stole

20.A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. catch


J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series, began writing at age 6. In her biography(传记), she well remembers her good friend, Sean, whom she met in secondary school, helped build her confidence in becoming a very good writer. “He was the first person to know my serious dream to be a writer. He was also the only person who thought I was certain to be a success at it, which meant much more to me.”

Rowling met many difficulties in her writing, especially fantasy(幻想) stories. It wasn't until l990 that she first got the idea about Harry Potter. As she recalls, it was on a long train journey from London to Manchester that “the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into my head. I didn't have a pen with me, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one. I think, now, that this was probably a good thing, because I simply sat and thought, for four(delayed train) hours, and all the details appear in my brain, and this thin, black-haired, glasses-wearing boy who didn't know he was a wizard (男巫) became more and more real to me.”

That same year, her mother passed away after a ten-year illness, which deeply affected her writing. She went on to marry and had a daughter, but separated from her husband shortly afterwards.

During this time, Rowling suffered from depression(抑郁症). She, out of work,completed her first novel in the cafes, where she could get her daughter to fall asleep. After being refused by l2 publishing houses, the first Harry Potter novel was sold to a small British publishing house.

Now with seven books sold nearly 400 million copies in 64 languages, J. K. Rowling is the highest earning novelist in history. And it all began with the confidence of a friend!


1.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?

A. Confidence of a Friend Helped the Success of Harry Potter

B. J.K.Rowing’s Hard Life and the Success of Harry Potter

C. J.K.Rowing---author of the Harry Potter book series

D. How J.K.Rowing Firstly Got the Idea of Harry Potter

2.According to the passage, we know J.K.Rowing_______.

A. had a happy family

B. had a ten-year illness

C. earned a lot from her novels

D. published 12 books in 64 languages

3.Where did J.K.Rowing first have the shape of Harry Potter?

A.in the cafes B.on a train

C.in a secondary school D. in a publishing house

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Harry Potter’s friends didn’t know he was a wizard until he graduated.

B.J.K.Rowing wrote down her idea while she was on the train by borrowing a pen.

C.It’s lucky that J.K.Rowing didn’t have a pen while she got the idea of Harry Potter.

D.Harry Potter was a thin, yellow-haired handsome boy with a pair of glasses on his nose.


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