

Winter running is the best way to lose winter weight. But before heading out, make sure you have a solid plan. You don’t want to come across accident along the way.__ 1.__

Wear the Right Shoes

The right shoes will depend on the road. You want shoes that are made for the kind of surface you run on. For example, if you are running on slippery surfaces, you want shoes with great friction(摩擦力). _2.__When trying out a pair of running shoes, check the fit, feel and ride of the shoes. These elements(要素) are important once you take your new shoes out for a run.

Warm Up

Warm up is an important part to keep fit. Especially if temperatures drop and your muscles are stiff(僵硬的) from the cold! ___ 3._ It also prepares the muscles for the intense (激烈的) activity ahead. The cold climate won’t feel as cold when you do warm ups. This is because blood flows much faster after a good warm up!

Deal with Wind

__4.___The key is to run into the wind and finish by running against it. This keeps icy wind from blasting(用力撞击) your face. To prevent any injuries or accidents, break your run into small parts. _5.__ You can use certain creams on the nose and cheeks to prevent frostbite(冻疮).Don’t skip your sun-block if you’re running during the day. UVB(紫外线)passes through the clouds. Running for an extended period on a cloudy day will still damage the skin!

A.Don’t run in the wind.

B.Running makes you warm.

C.Warming up prevents injuries.

D.It’s hard to run if it’s too windy.

E.Your shoes should fit very well so you don’t slip.

F.Here we are giving you important tips to remember.

G.It also helps to keep the skin protected from the wind.


Harvard University health policy researcher Ellen Meara says scholars have found some clues as to why some groups of people have more or less disease than others. She says one important factor in people's health is the amount of education they have.

In her most recent paper, Meara looked at data from the United States census(人口普查). These counts of people occur every 10 years. Meara and her colleagues examined data from several decades.

Meara says they found that in 1990, a 25-year-old who only had some secondary school could expect to live for a total of 75 years. In 2000, a 25 year old with some secondary education could also expect to live to the age of 75.

In contrast, for a better educated 25-year-old, they could expect to live to the age of 80 in 1990. Someone with a similar education level in the year 2000 could expect to live to be more than 81 years, 81.6 years to be exact.

Meara says, not only do better-educated people live longer to begin with, but in the past ten years, more educated people have made gains in the length of their lives. Meanwhile, the life expectancy hasn’t changed for less educated people.

Some of these gains can be explained. Meara says researchers know that people who are more educated are more likely to quit smoking cigarettes, or not start at all, compared to people with less education.

“I think it’s a reminder not to be satisfactory,” Meara says. “Just because a population overall appears to be getting healthier, it doesn't always mean that those advantages and successes that many people have enjoyed really extend into all parts of the population. And I think that's something to really pay attention to regardless of whether you live in the US or elsewhere.”

Meara points out that education can often determine income — people with more education frequently make more money. This makes them aware of health care, and purchase other resources and services that can keep them healthier. But the data on income do not show that people who make more money are automatically healthier. Meara says education is key. People need to be educated in order to take advantage of opportunities for better health.

Title: The Amount of Education 1. ____________ to People’s Health.

Groups of people

Less educated people

2. __________ educated people

Analysis of the 3._________ from the census

In 1990

They could live for 75 years.

They could live to the age of 80.

In 2000

Their life expectancy was the same as in 1990.

They could live 4.___________ to the age of 81.6.

In the past ten years

Their life expectancy remained 5. __________.

They made gains in the length of their lives partly 6.__________ to their quitting smoking or not smoking at all.

7. ____ of the research

People are getting healthier in general, but it doesn’t mean that all parts of the population are enjoying the advantages and successes.

Income is 8._________ to education. People with more education make more money, which helps to 9. _________ their awareness of health care, keeping them healthier.

10. _________

Education is the key to better health.


Having bad feeling about world? “Cheer up.” says science writer Matt Ridley. “The world has never been a better place to live in, and it will keep on getting better both for humans and for nature.” 1.

1. 2.

It is reported that there are more than ten billion different products for sale in London alone. Even allowing for the many people who still live in poverty, our own generation has access to more nutritious food, more convenient transport, bigger houses, and better cars. 3. This will continue as long as we use these things to make other things. The more we specialize and exchange, the better off we'll be.

2.Brilliant advances

One reason we are richer, healthier, taller, cleverer, longer lived and freer than ever before is that the four most basic human needs—food, clothing, fuel and shelter—have grown a lot cheaper. Take one example. In 1800 a candle providing one hour's light cost six hours' work. In the 1880s the same light from an oil lamp took 15 minutes' work to pay for. 4. Today it's half second.

3.Let's not kill ourselves for climate change

5. A child that dies from indoor smoke in a village, where the use of fossil-fuel (化石燃料) electricity is forbidden by well-meaning members of green political movements trying to save the world, is just as great a tragedy as a child that dies in a flood caused by climate change. If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet (止血带) around our necks.

A. Ridley calls himself a rational optimist—rational, because he's carefully weighed the evidence.

B. Overreaction to climate change could prove just as damaging to human welfare as climate change itself.

C. Shopping fuels invention.

D. And, of course, we earn more pounds and dollars than any who lived before us.

E. In 1950 it was eight seconds.

F. It’s high time that we took immediate action to fight climate change.

G. Here's how he explains his views.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

It is always interesting and inspiring to observe human behavior. Some behavior ________ to be true to form more often than not. In the past years, we have always held a Christmas gift exchange at our house with at least ten of our ________. Each year, we all buy gifts ________ in Christmas paper. When everyone is sitting around a ________ at home, all the gifts are piled in the middle of the floor.

People choose a(n) ________ from a bowl that tells him or her when they can take their ________ to choose their gifts. The person with the number one can choose any ________ and then, each person picks one in turns. Before they choose a gift, they have the ________ of taking the gift from the former person. ________ when all numbers have chosen a gift, the person ________ the first number can then take a gift away from any other person.

What is always interesting is ________ each person as they choose a gift. What happens ________ usually happens more often than not. The biggest gift always gets chosen first. It is hardly the smallest gift, ________ is it the fanciest gift-wrapping. What does this tell us about most human ________?

Is the ________ always the best or worth the most? Is it that we think that something small is not worth as much or cannot ________ our expectations?

Human beings, in fact, appear ________ all sorts of packaging and size. Some are bigger and some are smaller; some are dressed ________ and some are dressed poorly. Behind every human trapping though ________ unforeseen characteristics, talents, desires, hurts, pains and dreams.

Just as Terry Josephson, a motivational speaker, says, “________ thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities.”

1.A. intendsB. happensC. seemsD. remains

2.A. audienceB. familyC. classD. team

3.A. coveredB. piledC. hiddenD. wrapped

4.A. circleB. distanceC. directionD. table

5.A. tipB. fortuneC. numberD. item

6.A. chancesB. turnsC. measuresD. time

7.A. giftB. numberC. personD. bowl

8.A. desireB. patentC. optionD. talent

9.A. At the endB. In other words

C. By the wayD. On the contrary

10.A. countingB. holding

C. offeringD. exchanging

11.A. persuadingB. accompanyingC. seeingD. watching

12.A. lastB. nextC. finallyD. first

13.A. andB. orC. yetD. nor

14.A. historyB. mindC. behaviorD. custom

15.A. biggestB. smallestC. cheapestD. heaviest

16.A. catch up withB. live up to

C. get along withD. break away from

17.A. withB. onC. inD. at

18.A. privatelyB. wealthilyC. simplyD. elegantly

19.A. liesB. containsC. disappearsD. occurs

20.A. RememberB. BeginC. KeepD. Stop

How to Be Interesting

Everybody tries hard to be interesting and well-liked in his or her life. If you feel like you are boring or dull, don't fret (苦恼)! 1. Read this article to learn how.

2. The more you know about what is going on in the world, the more you can contribute to conversations. Interesting people are the ones who can bring something new to a conversation and share fun facts rather than just sitting there nodding. The more you learn, the better conversationalist you will become. So keep yourself educated by reading books and staying up-to-date with current events in the news and pop culture.

Create more stories to share. Interesting people always seem to have a lot going on in their lives. 3. . The best way to accumulate interesting stories is by travelling, constantly meeting new people, and putting yourself in new and interesting situations.

4. . Expand(扩展) your social circle by starting conversations with anyone and everyone. You never know when a stranger can turn into one of your new best friends! Give everybody you meet a chance to show you who they are, and welcome them into your life.

Be yourself. Remember that even though you may feel uninteresting, you are one-of-a-kind. Don't try to get attention by pretending to be somebody you are not, because eventually the truth will come out and you will seem like a dishonest person. 5. .Instead, learn to highlight (强调)your positive qualities and downplay(轻视)your negative ones.

A. The more you do,the more stories you will have to share with others.

B. Everyone has the potential to be interesting, regardless of how unexciting your life may seem.

C. Get to know new people.

D. Be busy with what you do.

E. Be educated.

F. Accept yourself.

G. Don’t hide who you are.

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