
Nowroz: Iranian New Year or Nowroz is celebrated on the first day of spring sometime in March. People sing, dance and parade as in a carnival through the streets with drums and trumpets to spread the news of the coming new year.
Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year is called “Rosh Hashanah”, and is celebrated in the month of September. It is a holy (神圣的) time when people think of the things they have done wrong in the past, and promise to do better in the future. Special prayers are held, and an instrument called a Shofar is played. Children are given new clothes, and New Year loaves are baked and fruits are served to remind people of harvest time.
Shogatsu: In Japan, the New Year (Shogatsu) celebrations are from January 1 to January 3 and most Japanese don’t work during these days. In Japan, the New Year is a fresh start. This means that in December all duties should be completed. Parties are held to forget the worries and troubles of the old year. Homes and cars are decorated. On New Year’s Eve, most people spend their time with their families.
Bahai New Year: The Bahai people have their own calendar consisting of nineteen months of nineteen days plus a couple of extra days between the eighteenth and nineteenth months. They have, however, adopted the Iranian custom of beginning the New Year in the spring equinox (春分). The New Year celebrations are held on the evening of March 20th.
【小题1】During the Jewish New Year,        .

A.people don’t mention things they have done wrong
B.children often wear new clothes
C.loaves and fruits are often not allowed to be served
D.Shofar is their favourite food
【小题2】Which of the following festivals are celebrated in the same month?
A.Nowroz and Shogatsu.
B.Rosh Hashanah and Shogatsu.
C.Nowroz and Rosh Hashanah.
D.Nowroz and the Bahai New Year.
【小题3】What can we learn from the text?
A. Japanese families often stay together to celebrate Shogatsu.
B. The Bahai people usually hold a carnival to celebrate the New Year.
C. The Jewish harvest fruits to celebrate Rosh Hashanah.




A Chilean(智利)soap-opera star, a beauty from Ancient Pompeii and a freckled (雀斑的)boyish girl hardly make an average beauty show line-up.

The first world-wide digital beauty contest to the surprise of many online fans was won by a woman who is virtually(虚拟) real flesh and bones. "Virtual models are not the anti-real, they are a different representation of reality," said Franz Cerami, the organizer of Miss Digital World (数字世界小姐).

Each of the contestants had to provide the charming photo of high degrees, with date of birth and body measurements.

Chilean Rodolfo Perez Ayala decided that no figure of his imagination could beat the beauty of his wife, Katty Kowaleczko, so he hired artist Flavio Parra to recreate her. Kowaleczko, who plays Paula Sandoval in the popular Latin American soap opera Tentacion, was transformed into Katty-ko and won the digital contest with more than 17,000 online votes.

"I'm so happy Katty-ko won. I think her strength is her similarity to a real woman - not too luxurious or exposed", Kowaleczko, 40, told reporters. "Her beauty is in her simplicity." Kowaleczko was not afraid of being replaced by her 3D clone in movies or theatres, but hoped she would become "a sort of ambassador(使者) of Chilean beauty".

Cerami said Latin American interest in Miss Digital World had greatly increased since Katty-ko joined the contest, which attracted about 3600 entries from countries from Iran to Australia and even from the ancient Roman empire.

"Pompea" was the digital reconstruction of a young woman killed by the outbreak of Vesuvius in 79 AD."She was a slave, but also a rich man's lover. When her body was discovered, many jewels and a bangle(手镯) with the writing 'from the master to his servant girl' were found" said Genny Tortora, a professor at the University of Salerno who led Pompea's creative team.

Other contestants included Kaya, the most realistic model with digital freckles, pouty (噘起的) lips and upturned nose.

Now, Cerami's dream is to manage a form of virtual beauties, introducing them for calendars, games, ads, and movies. One is even reported to be heading for Playboy's front page.

The winner in the first Miss Digital World contest was ______.

       A.a star who performed in some soap operas

       B.a beauty who came from Chilean

       C.a beauty who was from the ancient Roman empire

       D.a made-up beauty based on a real woman.

Which group of the following are the names for the digital beauties mentioned in the passage?

       A.Katty-ko, Pompea, Kaya.

       B.Katty Kowaleczko, Pompea, Playboy.

       C.Flavio Parra, Genny Tortora, Franz Cerami.

       D.Rodolfo Perez Ayala, Pompea, Franz Cerami

The digital beauty “Pompea” was created by ______.

       A.Genny Tortora         B.a group of people 

       C.by a young woman        D.a rich man

What the organizer of Miss Digital World wants to do next is ______.

       A.sell pictures of beauties for calendars  B.hold another contest

       C.put the digital beauties into practical use. D.start an ads company

Surviving treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan



3 MARCH — 3 JULY 2013

At the heart of the silk road, Afghanistan linked the great trading routes of ancient Iran, Central Asia, Indian and China, and the more distant cultures of Greece and Rome.

Nearly lost during the years of civil war and later Taliban (塔利班) rule, precious objects that reveal this diverse past were bravely hidden in 1989 by officials from the National Museum of Afghanistan to save them from destruction.

The surviving treasures date from 2000 BC to the 1st century AD and included rich gold ornaments (装饰品) found at a burial site and limestone (石灰石) sculptures of a Greek city.

This is a unique opportunity to discover the story of Afghanistan’s ancient culture, its immense fragility, and the remarkable dedication (奉献) shown to its survival and protection.



The exhibition is open late on Fridays until 20:30.

£10, members free



020 7323 8181


﹡On weekdays, take advantage of a classic afternoon tea package in the Court Restaurant for just £26 (including exhibition ticket).

﹡The exhibition catalogue (£25 paperback) and other related titles are available in the museum shops or online at www.britishmuseum.org/shop.

﹡The exhibition Multimedia Guide (£1) is available at the exhibition entrance.

﹡If you are visiting with a group, ask for the group ticket price. Details on group lecture packages are available at www.britishmuseum.org/groupvisits.



Monday 18 March, 17:30.

Nowruz, or New Year, is celebrated in many countries from Afghanistan and Iran to Uzbekistan.

17:30~18:00 Entrance to exhibition.

19:00    Talks and discussion on Nowruz.

£15 (including exhibition entry).

﹡Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.

Tuesday 14 May, 16:30~17:30.

Afghan rubab virtuoso Soudi Homayun Sakhi and tabla player Yusuf Mahmoud give a performance of a full raga and folk pieces.

£5, members £3.

﹡Easter holiday activities

Thursday 18 ~ Monday 22 April,11:00~16:00.

Explore the rich culture of Afghanistan. Listen to stories of Alexander the Great, try making a kite and be inspired by the treasures from the Hill of Gold.

Suitable for all ages.

Free, just drop in.

1. If you arrive at the museum on April 20th, what can you enjoy?

A.Near Year celebration.

B.Performance: The art of the Afghan rubab.

C.Easter holiday activities.

D.The exhibition without any special events.

2.When seeing “The art of the Afgahan rubab”, a tourist can pay less by ________.

A.booking tickets online

B.attending talks and discussion on Nowruz

C.calling at 020 7323 8181

D.becoming a member of the British Museum

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Of all the special events Performance costs least.

B.Museum officials saved these objects from destruction.

C.The Multimedia Guide is offered to visitors without any charge.

D.You can learn details about group visit either on website or by phone.

4. Where can you most probably find this passage?

A.In a high school text book.                 B.In a history magazine.

C.In a state-owned newspaper.               D.In a traveler’s booklet.


Earthquakes may rightly be ranked as one of the most destructive forces known to man: since records began to be written down, it has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities (????) have numbered in the millions, and that earthquake-related destruction has been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life had been due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods, fire, disease, tsunamis, and other observable events resulting from earthquakes, rather than from quakes themselves.

The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area covers the Pacific Ocean and its bordering landmasses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey and the Alpine regions. It is in these two great belts or zones that ninety percent of all earthquakes take place; they may, however, happen anywhere at any time.

This element of unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dead and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent times there have been indications that earthquake forecast may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns of movements in the earth's shell, variations in the earth's force of attraction, and the frequency with which minor earth shakes are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in expecting when and where earthquakes will strike. As a result, a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lessen) the vast destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected.

It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and get rid of their destructiveness altogether, but as how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their possible damage before they occur.

60. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Earthquakes destruction is declining.

B. Man is capable of conquering earthquakes.

C. Man is no longer fearful of earthquakes.

D. Earthquake forecast is improving.

61. We can infer from the passage that quakes _______ .

A. mostly strike in oceans and mountains

B. may happen anywhere at any time

C. are unperceivable in masses of land

D. are hardly the direct cause of fatalities

62. The underlined phrase "This element of unknown" in Paragraph 3 refers to__.

A. the extension of earthquake zones

B. the percentage of earthquake occurrences

C. when and where earthquakes may occur

D. what big damage earthquakes may cause

63. Man's research on earthquake forecast at present is to _________ .

A. lower the frequency of earthquakes

B. release the energy that causes earthquakes

C. reduce the loss from earthquake disasters

D. analyze the relationship between different earthquakes



     WASHINGTON--President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials, and hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks, aides (政府官员的副手)said Friday.                                                                       

     White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas, "but that is not set in stone."

     At a morning meeting with congressional leaders, Bush said, "We talked about the need for a new way forward in Iraq."

     Bush will visit the State Department on Monday and meetings with military officials will follow over the next two days, according to a tentative White House schedule. All are involved in an ongoing administration review of the situation in Iraq.

     "These are deliberative(慎重的) meetings and discussions," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "They will inform the president's thinking, and he will inform their thinking."

     Bush said he is also reviewing the Iraq Study Group report released Wednesday. Its suggestions include withdrawing US troops by early 2008, conditions permitting, and a new diplomatic(外交的) effort including Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria.

    The president said he also wanted the troops home too, but not until the new Iraq government can sustain(支撑) itself. He expressed skepticism(怀疑态度) about possible talks with Iran and Syria, saying they must stop efforts to undermine(削弱) Iraq's fledgling(年轻的) democracy.

60. The word “revised” in Paragraph One can be replaced by "_______".

   A. rewriting             B. changed            C. important             D. directed

61. The word "that" in Paragraph Two refers to ________.

  A. President Bush plans to meet next week with top Pentagon and State Department officials

  B. the thing that President Bush hopes to offer a revised Iraq plan within two weeks

  C. what White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said today

  D. the thing that President Bush wants to give a major speech on Iraq before Christmas

62. The last paragraph shows us that _____.

  A. President Bush wants to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria

  B. Bush will make his troops go home unless the new Iraq government can sustain itself

  C. Bush will make his troops go home if the new Iraq government can sustain itself

  D. President Bush is sure to have a talk with Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria


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