
You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?

Jane Addams(1860-1935)

Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community(社区)by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need. In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Rachel Carson(1907-1964)

If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans.

Sandra Day O’Connor(1930-present)

When Sandra Day O’Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952,she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员) and ,in 1981, the first woman to join the U.S. Supreme Court. O’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court.

Rosa Parks(1913-2005)

On December 1,1955,in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery bus boycott. It lasted for more than a year, and kicked off the civil-rights movement. “The only tired I was, was tired of giving in,” said Parks.

1.What is Jane Addams noted for in history?

A. Her social work.

B. Her teaching skills.

C. Her efforts to win a prize.

D. Her community background.

2.Who made a great contribution to the civil-rights movement in the U.S.?

A. Jane Addams. B. Rachel Carson.

C. Sandra Day O’Connor. D. Rosa Park.

3.What can we infer about the women mentioned in the text?

A. They are highly educated. B. They are truly creative.

C. They are pioneers. D. They are peace-lovers.


Life is comprised emotion and sense. When we were babies we reached the pinnacle(顶峰) of emotion. At that time we asked for everything that we wanted, cried as we were uncomfortable, laughed as we were happy and released our emotions day and night. When we grow up we find that if we want to live in a cozier environment we must be sensible enough to deal with our emotions and relationships. Our world is based on sense and beautified by emotion.

Sense is the base of life; it builds up the structure of life, and helps us see the real world. And emotion is the invaluable element of life. It adds colorful paint to our life. Lacking sense we may lose the guiding light and lacking emotion we may lose the value of life.

We admire Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, we are attracted by Michelangelo’s The Creation of Man, and we are carried away by Monet’s Lotus. Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet may bring us tears, Victor Hugo’s poems can make a maid’s love revive, and Jane Austin’s stories arouse our dream of holding a party of ladies and gentlemen as an England beauty in the countryside. All of them are people who deserve our respect and showed us sentimental emotion: love, hatred, betrayal, loyalty and so on. They made their works full of emotion, shocked our nerves, and evoked our passions. Somebody may have found their destiny in these works, and surely they influence people time after time. But in fact, though these people or their works have the power to control our mental world, we don’t choose them to be our President or Prime Minister. We cannot deny the fact that our world is based on sense and ration. Mark Twain once said that the passion of friendship is so sweet, steady and royal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime if neither of the two friends asks the other to lend money.

Emotion is our nature and sense gives us an eye to live in reality. Only sense makes Jack a dull boy; emotional moments give us vigor and enthusiasm to live and color our life.

1.We can learn from the second paragraph that__________________.

A. sense is no more important than emotion

B. sense is as important as emotion to human life

C. sense deserves less concern than emotion

D. sense gives people more pleasure than emotion

2.What’s the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Artists are good at containing emotion in their works.

B. Works full of emotion show people the value of life.

C. There is a variety of emotions in this world.

D. Life can’t be enjoyable without emotion.

3.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Sense and emotion make people wiser

B. Sense and emotion help you live in peace

C. Sense and emotion—the bases of our life

D. Sense and emotion—the reason for happiness

Golden lion tamarins (GLT) are among the most endangered animals on earth. They have fur which ranges in color from reddish orange to golden brown. They are the smallest monkeys in the world,and they weigh only half a kilogram. They move quickly through the forest. Each group of these delightful creatures needs a living space of about two square kilometres of thick forest. They are named after lions because of the ring of fur around their faces. Their only natural habitat(栖息地)is the Atlantic forest in Brazil.

Sadly,it is unusual to see a GLT nowadays,and there are very few of them left because they are hunted for the pet trade. In addition,the rapid expansion in the human population has resulted in the need for more land to grow crops,leaving them homeless.

GLTs live in close family groups. In the1970s,the Brazilian scientist,Eduardo Figueiro, realized what was happening to this rare animal,and began trying to save them,which has been supported by the government. He said,“It's so important to protect the animal,who evolved more than 20 million years ago. The worst problem is that the monkeys cannot travel without tree cover. It is trees that connect these groups. In this way,the monkeys can meet and socialize with each other. " Meanwhile , special patrols(巡逻) have been organized by government in the reserves to prevent hunting and forest fires.

As a result of these actions,the number of GLTs has grown to about 1500. There are also another 450 living in zoos throughout the world. Here they can be seen living in happy and close family groups,with the male gently taking much of the responsibility for the young.

1.The main idea of Paragraph 1 is GLTs' .

A. main characteristics B. present situations

C. value D. habitat

2.According to Figueiro,to save GLTs the most important thing is to .

A. prevent forest fires B. keep as many trees as possible

C. educate people to stop hunting them D. make them live in close family groups

3.What can be inferred from the text

A. GLTs are dying out nowadays.

B. Some GLTs feed on tree leaves.

C. Some GLTs are living in the Atlantic forest.

D. Brazil has been taking active actions to save GLTs.

4.We can conclude from the text that zoos

A. keep GLTs to separate them from each other

B. have taken a key role in the pet trade of GLTs

C. are helping raise GLTs to increase their population

D. catch GLTs and kill them cruelly to get their fur

Dad had a green comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night,he would hand me his ____ and say, “Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?”

I was ____ to do it. At age five, this dull task brought me such ____. I would excitedly turn the tap____and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would____affectionately(深情地)at me and place the comb in his wallet.

Two years latter,Dad started his own _______which wasn’t so good . Things started to ______, Dad didn’t come home as early and as he used to. Mum and Ibecame____with him for placing our family in trouble. With ____going on,an uncomfortable silence grew between us.

After my graduation, Dad’s business was getting back . On my 28th birthday, Dad came home________. As usually I helped him carry his bags into bis study.When I turned to leave, he said,“Hey,would you help me ____ my comb?” I looked at him a while,then ___ the comb and headed to the sink.

It hit me then: why, as a child,_____dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯)meant dad was home early to ____ the evening with Mum and me. It___ a happy and loving family.

I passed the clean comb back to Dad, He smiled at me and_____ placed his comb in his wallet. But this time,I noticed something _______. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, ____ his smile was still as ____ as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good ____ for his family.

1.A. bag B. wallet C. comb D. brush

2.A. annoyed B. relieved C. ashamed D. pleased

3.A. joy B. sadness C. courage D. pain

4.A. out B. over C. in D. on

5.A. stare B. smile C. shout D. laugh

6.A. family B. business C. task D. journey

7.A. progress B. change C. improve D. form

8.A. satisfied B. delighted C. mad D. strict

9.A. time B. patience C. speed D. ease

10.A. occasionally B. early C. frequently D. rarely

11.A. sharply B. repair C. clean D. keep

12.A. dropped B. took C. handed D. threw

13.A. watching B. letting C. helping D. hearing

14.A. find B. lose C. waste D. spend

15.A. affected B. broke C. meant D. supported

16.A. firmly B. hurriedly C. casually D. carefully

17.A. different B. exciting C. interesting D. urgent

18.A. for B. or C. so D. yet

19.A. convincing B. heartwurining C. cautions D. innocent

20.A. origin B. life C. reputation D. education

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