为了人民的健康, 一些大中小城市相继在公众场所实施了禁烟。 在其他城市公共场所戒烟的呼声也越来越高。 教育部要下令要求老师戒烟。然而, 与之不协调的是, 越来越多的高中生正在加入烟民的行列。请根据提示写一篇短文, 分析高中生吸烟现象、原因并呼吁高中生戒烟。
原因:1. 认为吸烟很酷 2. 父母吸烟,树立了坏榜样。 3. 受影视作品中吸烟人物的影响。 呼吁:吸烟一点都不“酷”, 马上戒烟吧。
curiosity n. 好奇心 attention n. 注意词数:100-120.
More and more students around me are smoking nowadays. Smoking seems attractive to boys and even girls._________________________________________________________________
More and more students around me are smoking nowadays. Smoking seems attractive to boys and even girls. Most young smokers say smoking is cool and doesn’t hurt us right now. However, smoking is not cool at all. What’s worse, it is bad for our health.
But why do we often see students smoking in the toilet? In my opinion, some parents, who have developed the bad habit of smoking and are driven to smoke by curiosity.