My friend Paul will never forget his first chemistry teacher. He was a lit?tle man with thick glasses,but he had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. And his lessons were not easily forgotten.

  Paul remembers one of his first lessons from this teacher. After the students were all in the chemistry lab,the teacher brought out three bottles. One was filled with petrol,one with castor oil (蓖麻油) and one with vinegar (醋) ."Now watch carefully," said the teacher.

  He then filled a cup with some of the petrol,some of the castor oil and some of the vinegar. As the students watched him quietly,he mixed the three together. After that,he held up one of his fingers and showed it to the class. He then dipped it into the cup. After a few seconds he took his finger out. "Now watch," he said.   "Remember,you must do everything as I do.” He put a finger in his mouth,tasted it and smiled,looking rather pleased. Then he handed the cup around the class of students. Each student dipped a finger into the mixture and sucked it. Instead of smiling,each of them made a face. The mixture tasted terrible.

  When the cup was at last returned to the teacher,he said sadly, "I'm sor?ry .none of you watched carefully enough. Yes,I sucked a finger,but the fin?ger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup." It was Pauls first important lesson as a student of chemistry and he never forgot it.

6. What did the teacher fill a cup with?

   A. Some petrol and some castor oil.

   B. Some petrol and some vinegar.

   C. Some castor oil and some vinegar.

   D. Some petrol,some castor oil and some vinegar.

7. What does the underlined sentence "you must do everything as I do" mean in Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Yon should follow me.

   B. You must do everything in the whole process of the experiment.

   C. You should do everything by yourselves.

   D. You should only do something.

8. What did the teacher give to the students in the lesson?

   A. Some knowledge on chemistry.

   B. Some knowledge on experiment.

   C. Instruction in mixing liquids.

   D. Instruction in the right way to learn science.

9. How did Paul think of this teacher?

   A. He disliked the teacher.

   B. He respected and liked the teacher.

   C. He liked the teacher because the teacher looked interesting.

   D. He liked the teacher because he liked chemistry very much.

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