

-Hello,Anne,it’s Jack here Can I speak to Robert,please?

-Hi,Jack.Robert_______in the garage,Can I get him to call you back?


A.has worked       B.is working       C.worked          D will work







One day, Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms, Mummy tried to   36  her. After a while, she stopped crying and asked, “Mummy, am I  37  ?” “No, you are not,” said Mummy, “but let us discuss this after you  38  , OK?”

Several minutes later, Nancy began to have supper with Mummy.

“Who   39  that you are bad?” asked Mummy.

“Phillips, my friend. He asked me for help with his maths but I   40   because I wanted to read the new book Daddy gave me. He got   41  and said I was a bad girl,” said Nancy.

“You are   42  ,” said Mummy. “Phillips has often helped you with your English. You should have helped him. Why don’t you phone him and say   43  to him?”

“But he called me bad and   44  with me. I don’t want to go,” Nancy cried.

“Though you have done   45   bad, it does not make you a bad person. You are  46   a good person.”

Nancy showed a  47   look on her face. “How can that be, Mummy?” she asked.

“Our   48  is always good. So never believe that you are bad,” Mummy replied with a smile.

  49   flooded on Nancy’s face. “Am I  50  good, Mummy?” she asked.

“Yes, you are good, and always will be so. But that does not mean that you should not  51  the wrong that you do. You will have to call and   52  to Phillips. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mummy,” said Nancy slowly. “Thank you for telling me this. I feel much better now,” said Nancy  53 . “I am going to   54  Phillips right away, and I am never going to   55  that I am always good.”

1.                A.calm           B.protect         C.trick D.praise


2.                A.shy            B.foolish          C.bad  D.strong


3.                A.get up          B.grow up         C.wash up D.turn up


4.                A.said            B.saw            C.heard    D.doubted


5.                A.cried          B.refused         C.admitted  D.allowed


6.                A.excited         B.comfortable     C.nervous D.angry


7.                A.wrong          B.brave          C.wise D.careful


8.                A.goodbye        B.sorry           C.thank you D.hello


9.                A.competed       B.lived           C.worked   D.argued


10.               A.everything      B.anything        C.something D.nothing


11.               A.always         B.sometimes      C.ever D.never


12.               A.worried        B.puzzled         C.confident  D.satisfied


13.               A.chance         B.choice         C.condition  D.nature


14.               A.Fear           B.Patience        C.Shock     D.Joy


15.               A.really          B.hardly          C.already    D.gradually


16.               A.account for      B.pay for         C.look forward to D.rely on


17.               A.devote         B.apologize       C.introduce D.turn


18.               A.coldly          B.sadly           C.gratefully  D.pitifully


19.               A.consult         B.change         C.teach     D.call


20.               A.agree          B.explain         C.forget     D.confirm







Five tips to deal with stress

Stress, the biggest enemy of the modern world! It kidnaps our peace of mind, tortures our evenings, when we return home from work and murders those beautiful moments. But like all enemies, this enemy can also be got rid of!

Put your body in motion.

Moving from the chair to the couch while watching TV is not being physically active! Physical activity is one of the most important ways to keep stress away by clearing your head and lifting your spirits. Physical activity also increases endorphin levels—the natural “feel-good” chemicals.


Some say that laughter is the best medicine—well, in many cases, it is! Did you know that it takes 15 facial muscles to laugh? Lots of laughing can make you feel good—and, that good feeling can stay with you even after the laughter stops. So , head off stress with regular doses of laughter by watching a funny movie or cartoons, reading a joke book, or even make up your own riddles…laughter can make you feel like a new person!

Everyone has those days when they do something really silly or stupid. Instead of getting upset with yourself, laugh out loud! No one’s perfect! Life should be about having fun. So , lighten up!

Have fun with friends.

Being with people you like is always a good way to get rid your stress. Get a group together to go

to the movies, shoot some hoops, or play a board game—or just hang out and talk. Friends can help

you work through your problems and let you see the brighter side of things.

Spill (发泄)to someone you trust.

Instead of keeping your feelings bottled up inside, talk to someone you trust or respect about what’s

Bothering you. It could be a friend , a parent, someone in your family, or a teacher. Talking out

your problems and seeing them a different view might help you figure out ways to deal with them.

Just remember, you don’t have to go it alone!

Lend a hand.

Get involve in an activity that helps others. It’s almost impossible to feel stressed out when you’re helping someone else. It’s also a great way to find out about yourself and the special qualities you never knew you had! Signing up for a service project is a good idea, but helping others is as easy as saying hello, holding a door, or volunteering to keep a neighbor’s pet. The feeling you will get from helping others is greater than you can imagine!

Remember , you’re not alone—everyone has stresses in their lives…it’s up to you to choose how to deal with them.

Five tips to deal with stress

Lead in

We can get rid of stress.



1.Being   71  active.

To keep stress away.

To   72  endorphin levels.

2.  73  up and laugh.

To make you feel good.

To make you feel like a new person.

3.Hanging  74  with friends.

To help you work through your problems.

To make you have a  75  attitude towards things.

4.Talking to someone you trust.

To help you figure out ways to deal with 76  .

5.Taking part in an activity that is  77  to others.

To find out about yourself.

To feel  78  than you can imagine.


Everyone is under heavy  79 , and you can choose  80 to so with it.


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