

The British have many traditions but there is nothing more typical than taking afternoon tea. We know the Brits have a love affair with drinking tea, with more than 160 million cups 1. (drink) every day, but it was the invention of afternoon tea that turned tea-drink into 2. popular pastime.

This sociable feast involves drinking good quality tea 3. (comfort) while nibbling (小口吃) on nice sandwiches, scones with jam and cream and a selection of small cakes. And, of course, it can only happen in the afternoon! Afternoon tea, which 4. (design) as a light snack to bridge the gap between lunch and dinner, dates back to the 1840s. It went on to become a 5. (fashion) social occasion for the upper classes.

Now there is a resurgence (复苏) in its 6. (popular) in the UK and it is available to anyone who can afford it. 7. it can be enjoyed at home, the best way to experience it is at a smart hotel or café. But if you’re thinking of visiting such a place 8. (enjoy) afternoon tea, remember the rules you must follow to avoid 9. (ask) to leave.

Writer Henry James once noted that “there are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony 10. (know) as afternoon tea.” I’m sure once you have tried it, you will agree.


If you want a little extra security against thieves stealing your bicycle, designer Dennis Siegel has designed a solution. The RFID Bikealarm is attached to the seat on a bicycle and gives off an alarm when it senses movement.

“The RFID Bikealarm is meant to be a useful add-on to mechanical bicycle locks because it greatly extends the range of protection with only a few components,” Siegel explains on his website. “It is low-cost, durable and easy to use.”

The Bikealarm was designed as part of Siegel’s Bachelor’s degree thesis at the University of the Arts Bremen in Germany. The device will scare off any would-be thieves the moment they begin to steal the bicycle to which it is attached. It is able to continuously sense the environment to distinguish between specific events, for instance a passing tram / car and a serious theft.

Siegel created a working model of an alarm that would sound when it sensed movement, but wasn’t initially sure how it would be best attached to a bicycle. “I decided to mount it to the rails of the seat because it allows for comfortable interaction and the position is less obvious as it looks like a small repair kit,” he says.

Siegel chose to use RFID technology rather than Bluetooth to keep the costs down. Siegel explains that the most difficult aspect of creating the alarm was to get the electronic circuit down to a small enough size.

The device runs off a kind of battery that can be charged by USB within 2 hours and lasts for a few days with normal use. As the Bikealarm is only at development stage, Siegel hasn’t signed any agreements to put it on the market.

1.When it senses movement, the RFID Bikealarm will ________.

A. make a warning soundB. fasten the bicycle tightly

C. shake the bicycle quicklyD. call the police automatically

2.Which of the following shows the right position of the RFID Bikealarm on a bicycle?

3.What do we know about the RFID Bikealarm?

A. It can’t tell between specific events.

B. It is very difficult to use.

C. It uses a kind of battery for power.

D. It depends on Bluetooth technology.

4.It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that ________.

A. the electronic circuit is a little larger

B. it’s very easy to make a Bikealarm

C. it costs too much at present

D. not many Bikealarms are produced


Question: Why is it so hard for some people to apologize after they’ve done something wrong? I have made efforts to persuade my uncle to be nice to people that he’s hurt. 1. How I wish things would be better if he’d just say he’s sorry and ask them to forgive him.

Answer: 2. It’s just easier for him to pretend nothing happened than to face the embarrassment (尴尬) of admitting he was wrong. You’ve probably done the same thing yourself at some time. In fact, most of us have. Furthermore, what if others won’t forgive him even if he apologizes?

3. Pride blinds us to our mistakes or faults. Or at least it makes us pay less attention to their seriousness.

Pride also makes us unwilling to admit to others that we were wrong. Perhaps we’re afraid they will look down on us if we admit it. 4.

But others see through our pride. And things would be far better if we admitted our faults and asked for forgiveness. 5.

Now you know why your uncle refuses to apologize, talk to him again. Help him to learn how to apologize and ask for forgiveness from others.

A. But a deeper reason is pride.

B. But he just refuses to do that.

C. We may even hope that somehow they will overlook it.

D. As a result, you would offend others and hurt their feelings.

E. There are a variety of reasons for your uncle’s refusal to apologize.

F. Otherwise our pride would only hurt us and cause conflict with others.

G. One reason your uncle finds it hard to apologize could be embarrassment.

A Deed a Day

It was a busy day as usual. I was making sandwiches and balancing the phone between my shoulder

and chin. The washing machine sounded as my husband walked in with our daughters. We had only about twenty minutes to eat we had to take the girls to their next activity. My husband seemed a bit that dinner was not on the table.

That night, I had a heavy , thinking we were becoming taskmasters on an assembly line (流水线). We had become too in our own tasks and not very considerate towards

those around us. We needed to do something to bring back some meaning into our lives. It needed to be something that would our own agendas and energize us toward the common good.

I bought a notebook, named it “Our Deed Diary” and held a family meeting. I told my family I wanted us all to think about doing a for others every day. It could be for each other or for people outside our . And we all needed to write it down in the notebook.

I thought one deed a day was too easy. However, it was actually than it seemed because it had to be something what we had already done. Sending birthday cards to people we already sent cards to every year would not .

We had a rough . On some days, someone would forget to a good deed, while on other days, we would forget to write our good deeds in the diary. After a few weeks though, I found myself waking up in the morning trying to what good deed I could do for someone that day. My daughters began to rush to me after school to me the good deed they had done.

Now, after a year, I am happy to say that it is making a(n) in our lives. Instead of always what the day will bring for us, we think about what we can do for someone else.

Who would have thought that trying to do a simple kindness a day would be so ? I feel my daughters have felt inner joy that you can only by giving to someone else from your heart. The best thing is that you feel so great about doing something for someone else; you don't even look for or expect anything in . So, when someone does return the favor, it is an enormous and positive .

1.A. before B. while C. though D. unless

2.A. embarrassed B. frightened C. annoyed D. puzzled

3.A. heart B. shoulder C. foot D. stomach

4.A. successful B. absorbed C. confident D. interested

5.A. repeat B. recall C. refocus D. relate

6.A. task B. copy C. job D. kindness

7.A. home B. town C. school D. room

8.A. stranger B. harder C. bigger D. sweeter

9.A. between B. beyond C. about D. from

10.A. matter B. happen C. last D. count

11.A. time B. start C. idea D. life

12.A. praise B. record C. do D. check

13.A. describe B. explain C. remember D. decide

14.A. bring B. tell C. offer D. teach

15.A. effort B. fortune C. difference D. choice

16.A. forgetting B. believing C. knowing D. wondering

17.A. tiring B. rewarding C. surprising D. moving

18.A. experience B. exchange C. predict D. imagine

19.A. silence B. order C. time D. return

20.A. effect B. contribution C. bonus D. attitude

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