At dawn, word came that the river water had risen to height of the main road beside it.
A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D.不填; a
Latest observations feed | Current Nearest observations: sunny 9 ℃ W (4 mph) Relative humidity (%):26 Pressure (mb): 1020, Falling Visibility: Moderate View this forecast in Fahrenheit | |||||
Date | Max day | Min night | Wind (mph) | Visibility | Pressure(mb) | Relative humidity |
Thursaday Sunrise07:04 (HKT) Sunset16:55(HKT) | 9 ℃ | -3 ℃ | 4 | very good | 1023 | 45 |
Friday Sunrise07:05(HKT) Sunset16:55 (HKT) | 11℃ | -3 ℃ | 2 | good | 1029 | 54 |
Saturday Sunrise07:06(HKT) Sunset16:54 (HKT) | 10 ℃ | -1 ℃ | 2 | good | 1026 | 62 |
Sunday Sunrise07:07(HKT) Sunset16:54 (HKT) | 9 ℃ | -2 ℃ | 3 | very good | 1029 | 56 |
Monday Sunrise07:09(HKT) Sunset16:53 (HKT) | 10 ℃ | -1 ℃ | 2 | very good | 1028 | 60 |
The weather symbol shown for each day in the five-day forecast represents the predominant(主要的)weather expected on the day in question. This is calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather, so if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then we will see s sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. The maximum temperature is the highest temperature forecast between dawn and dusk, whereas the minimum temperature is the lowest temperature expected from dusk on the day in question to dawn the following day. The wind speed and direction are the expected conditions at midday. For information about your local weather station, or any other questions, refer to the Site FAQ.
49. According to the report, on which day will the people in
A. On Friday B. On Saturday C. On Sunday D. On Thursday
50. If a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then _________
A. we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol.
B. we will see a rain cloud.
C. we will see a heavy rain in a short time.
D. we will see sun and shower altogether.
51. What will the weather be like in the coming five days in general in
A. Rainy B. Cloudy C. Sunny D. Snowy
52. What can Site FAQ most probably be according to the passage?
A. A brand B. A newspaper C. A TV station D. A website.
完形填空。 | ||||
The morning in London was wet, wet, wet. I had to check out from the 1 before noon, and then I would have a few 2 before my conference started near Richmond Park in the 3 . I started early for a literary London 4 with just my two feet, a guidebook and a map and a backpack with purse, camera and 5 . My hotel was in Bayswater, and by walking through Kensington Gardens, 6 by the Peter Pan statue, I soon 7 myself in Kensington, former home of many a great 8 . The more I 9 into literature, the more I want to learn, the more I see 10 I don't know, what I haven't 11 . Like Peter Pan. Familiar title, but a book I have never read. Among my classic favorites are several books 12 Henry James. Some years ago I had some time alone in Roma and I spent a morning 13 for James' home there, which is now a museum. My walk 14 . Turning a corner right here, passing a square, looking up to see signs with familiar names, T.S. Elliot, W.M. Thackeray, Ezra Pond… Stopping for a 15 at a small French cafe, trying to 16 my wet and cold feet, writing my diary, then out again. I 17 in paradise (天堂) river, surrounded by images of words and famous writers. Have you ever tried a literary walk? It is a great way of 18 . You not only see a city or a place like it is today, you can keep on 19 you are back home, reading the books by the authors, imagining their 20 , their places, knowing a tiny little bit more about the man or woman behind the creating hands and mind. | ||||