
1.The songs sung by Song Zuying are _________(备受欢迎的)ones.

2.The fans _________(排队,列队)up in the rain to wait to see Zhou Bichang.

3.Some _________(鲜为人知的)people may become well-known in the future.

4.Maybe something is wrong with the _________(麦克风)because we can not hear what the chairman is saying except that his lips are moving.

5.Ma Sanli was a well-known _________(大师)of crosstalk.

6.The audience laughed when they heard the _________(幽默的)lines.

7.My teacher smiled _________(意味深长地)after hearing my reason for being late again.

8.He suddenly caught sight of the murderer when he was _________(漫步)in the street.

9.When the _________(场景)changed into the place where his dog was shot, he couldn’t help crying.

10.The _________(对话)made up by Tom and Jim is so funny that all the students burst into laughter.

11.The opinion seems _________(官方的), but in fact, it is just the company’s trick to cheat the employees.

12.The factory is in great need of _________(熟练的)workers.

13.The cheats said the clothes were _________(看不见的,无形的)to the fools.

14.In English-speaking countries, keeping one’s fingers _________(交叉的)means wishing you good luck.

15.The rich lady lives a _________(舒适的)life.

16.Seeing the dirty office, the boss was very _________(恼怒的).

17.You can dial the telephone number in case of _________(紧急情况,紧急事件).

18.After you learned this unit, can you tell me what the _________(单口喜剧)means?

19.I like the _________(最初的,初始的)form of the silent film.

20.There are more and more _________(外国人)who like the crosstalk in China.

21.Miss White is a _________(热心的,热情的)girl and we all like her.

22.Many people like playing basketball just for _________(娱乐).

23.It seems _________(合适的, 恰如其分的)that you left the office when the boss was so angry.

24.All the students in our class are _________(杰出的,显著的).

25.The _________(常规节目)of CCTV-1 at 6∶50 a. m. is News Report.

26.Can you tell me what _________(笑声)is good for?

27.I have nothing on me.I am really _________(空手的).

28.Chaplin was one of the greatest _________(喜剧演员, 滑稽演员)in the world.

29.The boss nodded with a smile in _________(回应, 反应)to the worker’s greetings.

30.The _________(反应)of the students did satisfy the English teacher.

31.The style of the comedy is _________(观察评论的).

32.Each of us is equal.We can’t look down upon the _________(体力的,形体动作的)workers.

33.The students speak highly of the outstanding professor in the _________(学院,研究院).

When Jack Ma founded the Alibaba Group in 1999, he had 500,000 yuan in his hand and the support of 17 friends. Now eight years later, Alibaba has become China’s largest online commerce company, earning a profit of 1.36 billion yuan in 2006.
But when asked what makes him proud, Ma surprised many people by putting his employees way ahead of his legendary e-commerce websites.
“I feel most proud of my team, and the least of the websites,” Ma said. “The secret of my success is relying on team work and having a sense of mission(使命)”
Ma made the remarks on the eve of Alibaba Group’s shares becoming available for trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last Tuesday. On the first day of trading, the shares more than doubled in value.
Eight years ago, when Ma created Alibaba, he envisioned(预想)that the Internet would change people’s lives. But the former English teacher knew little about computer science. “So I decided to hire someone who knows technology and respected his decisions,” he said.
Ma said he trusts his employees fully as long as they are diligent and have a sense of purpose.
“When people apply to work for Alibaba, I talk with them for two hours to lower their expectations. I tell the applicants not to expect a pay raise or promotion, but to prepare to work long hours and to be criticized by the boss, “ Ma said.
But Ma is not a rigid(严厉的)boss. He is like a friend in the eyes of most his employees. Unlike traditional companies where most of the people do just what their boss asks, he treats them as partners and encourages them to present their own ideas.
“I have confidence in the online commercial service in China and encourage my more than 4,000 staff to remain united to make Alibaba the biggest ecommerce supplier for China, Asia and even the world,” said Ma.
He promotes company values of honesty, passion and teamwork. Those who don’t accept these principals will find it hard to work there, no matter how talented they are.
“I have seen many who are more clever and hardworking than my team and me,” Ma said. But “we have a loyal team which has stayed on the same course, no wavering(摇摆).” And Ma pursuing his dream is the magnet(磁铁)that draws talents in.
57. What did Jack Ma do before he founded Alibaba?
A. He was a waiter.                B. He was a technician.
C. He was a teacher.               D. He was a manager of a small company.
58. What is Jack Ma’s characteristic in terms of his management?
A. Trusting his employees fully.
B. Putting his employees ahead of himself before performing and trade.
C. Promoting company values of honesty, passion and team work.
D. Pursuing his dream is the magnet that draws talents in.
59. What does Ma take the most pride in?
A. His employees.            B. His website.
C. Alibaba Group’s Shares.     D. His efficient management.
60. According to the text, which remarks following is NOT reasonable?
A. Jack Ma believes an employee’s talent is less important than the acceptance of the company’ principals.
B. Alibaba is an online commerce company started eight years ago.
C. Alibaba has become the biggest e-commerce company in China.
D. Alibaba’s shares rocketed after they made their first public appearance on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last week.

When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously ,did not give her good service ,pretended not to understand her ,or even acted as if they did not hear her .W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m
My mother has realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on phone to pretend I was she . I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人).I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs.Tan..”
And my mother was standing beside me ,whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me cheek already two week late.”
And then , in perfect English I said : “I’m getting rather concerned .You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”
Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”
The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs.Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.
When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.
【小题1】Why was the author’s mother poorly served?w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m

A.She was unable to speak good English.
B.She was often misunderstood.
C.She was not clearly heard.
D.She was not very polite.W_w w.k*s*5 u.c@o m
【小题2】From Paragraph 2, we know that the author was ________ .
A.good at pretendingB.rude to the stockbroker
C.ready to help her motherD.unwilling to phone for her mother
【小题3】After the author made the phone call, _______.
A.they forgave the stockbroker
B.they went to New York immediately
C.they failed to get the check
D.they spoke to their boss at once
【小题4】What does the author think of her mother’s English now?
A.It confuses her.
B.It embarrasses her.
C.It helps her understand the world.
D.It helps her tolerate rude people.
【小题5】We can infer from the passage that Chinese English ________.w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m
A.is clear and natural to non-native speakers
B.is vivid and direct to non-native speakers
C.has a very bad reputation in America
D.may bring inconvenience in America


When Jack Ma founded the Alibaba Group in 1999, he had 500,000 yuan in his hand and the support of 17 friends. Now eight years later, Alibaba has become China’s largest online commerce company, earning a profit of 1.36 billion yuan in 2006.

But when asked what makes him proud, Ma surprised many people by putting his employees way ahead of his legendary e-commerce websites.

“I feel most proud of my team, and the least of the websites,” Ma said. “The secret of my success is relying on team work and having a sense of mission(使命)”

Ma made the remarks on the eve of Alibaba Group’s shares becoming available for trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last Tuesday. On the first day of trading, the shares more than doubled in value.

Eight years ago, when Ma created Alibaba, he envisioned(预想)that the Internet would change people’s lives. But the former English teacher knew little about computer science. “So I decided to hire someone who knows technology and respected his decisions,” he said.

Ma said he trusts his employees fully as long as they are diligent and have a sense of purpose.

“When people apply to work for Alibaba, I talk with them for two hours to lower their expectations. I tell the applicants not to expect a pay raise or promotion, but to prepare to work long hours and to be criticized by the boss, “ Ma said.

But Ma is not a rigid(严厉的)boss. He is like a friend in the eyes of most his employees. Unlike traditional companies where most of the people do just what their boss asks, he treats them as partners and encourages them to present their own ideas.

“I have confidence in the online commercial service in China and encourage my more than 4,000 staff to remain united to make Alibaba the biggest ecommerce supplier for China, Asia and even the world,” said Ma.

He promotes company values of honesty, passion and teamwork. Those who don’t accept these principals will find it hard to work there, no matter how talented they are.

“I have seen many who are more clever and hardworking than my team and me,” Ma said. But “we have a loyal team which has stayed on the same course, no wavering(摇摆).” And Ma pursuing his dream is the magnet(磁铁)that draws talents in.

  57. What did Jack Ma do before he founded Alibaba?

A. He was a waiter.                B. He was a technician.

C. He was a teacher.               D. He was a manager of a small company.

  58. What is Jack Ma’s characteristic in terms of his management?

A. Trusting his employees fully.

B. Putting his employees ahead of himself before performing and trade.

C. Promoting company values of honesty, passion and team work.

D. Pursuing his dream is the magnet that draws talents in.

  59. What does Ma take the most pride in?

A. His employees.            B. His website.

C. Alibaba Group’s Shares.     D. His efficient management.

  60. According to the text, which remarks following is NOT reasonable?

A. Jack Ma believes an employee’s talent is less important than the acceptance of the company’ principals.

B. Alibaba is an online commerce company started eight years ago.

C. Alibaba has become the biggest e-commerce company in China.

D. Alibaba’s shares rocketed after they made their first public appearance on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last week.

When Jack Ma founded the Alibaba Group in 1999, he had 500,000 yuan in his hand and the support of 17 friends. Now eight years later, Alibaba has become China’s largest online commerce company, earning a profit of 1.36 billion yuan in 2006.

But when asked what makes him proud, Ma surprised many people by putting his employees way ahead of his legendary e-commerce websites.

“I feel most proud of my team, and the least of the websites,” Ma said. “The secret of my success is relying on team work and having a sense of mission(使命)”

Ma made the remarks on the eve of Alibaba Group’s shares becoming available for trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last Tuesday. On the first day of trading, the shares more than doubled in value.

Eight years ago, when Ma created Alibaba, he envisioned(预想)that the Internet would change people’s lives. But the former English teacher knew little about computer science. “So I decided to hire someone who knows technology and respected his decisions,” he said.

Ma said he trusts his employees fully as long as they are diligent and have a sense of purpose.

“When people apply to work for Alibaba, I talk with them for two hours to lower their expectations. I tell the applicants not to expect a pay raise or promotion, but to prepare to work long hours and to be criticized by the boss, “ Ma said.

But Ma is not a rigid(严厉的)boss. He is like a friend in the eyes of most his employees. Unlike traditional companies where most of the people do just what their boss asks, he treats them as partners and encourages them to present their own ideas.

“I have confidence in the online commercial service in China and encourage my more than 4,000 staff to remain united to make Alibaba the biggest ecommerce supplier for China, Asia and even the world,” said Ma.

He promotes company values of honesty, passion and teamwork. Those who don’t accept these principals will find it hard to work there, no matter how talented they are.

“I have seen many who are more clever and hardworking than my team and me,” Ma said. But “we have a loyal team which has stayed on the same course, no wavering(摇摆).” And Ma pursuing his dream is the magnet(磁铁)that draws talents in.

57. What did Jack Ma do before he founded Alibaba?

A. He was a waiter.                B. He was a technician.

C. He was a teacher.               D. He was a manager of a small company.

58. What is Jack Ma’s characteristic in terms of his management?

A. Trusting his employees fully.

B. Putting his employees ahead of himself before performing and trade.

C. Promoting company values of honesty, passion and team work.

D. Pursuing his dream is the magnet that draws talents in.

59. What does Ma take the most pride in?

A. His employees.            B. His website.

C. Alibaba Group’s Shares.     D. His efficient management.

60. According to the text, which remarks following is NOT reasonable?

A. Jack Ma believes an employee’s talent is less important than the acceptance of the company’ principals.

B. Alibaba is an online commerce company started eight years ago.

C. Alibaba has become the biggest e-commerce company in China.

D. Alibaba’s shares rocketed after they made their first public appearance on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last week.

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