19£®µÚÒ»½Ú ¶ÌÎĸĴí
    Lang Ping£¬the head coach of China's national women's volleyball team£¬arrived at my high school in Sep 17£®At about 9 o'clock£¬all the Senior 3 student gathered in the school stadium£¬waiting for the arrival of Lang Ping and her team£®The moment Lang stepped into the stadium£¬nobody could stay seating£®We clapped wild as we saw the schoolmaster take Lang to his seat£®Then Lang shares her life with us in her speech£®She said it was faith and courage had led her to her success£®
    As the Senior 3 student£¬I think it was not only a fortunate experience for me£¬but also a powerful one£¬as Lang's words gave me strength£®I will keep it in mind what she told us£ºTrusting yourself and fight every step of the way to win!

·ÖÎö ±¾ÎÄÖ÷Òª½éÉÜÖйúŮŎÌÁ·ÀÉƽµ½Ñ§Ð£¸ø¸ßÈýѧÉú×÷Ñݽ²£®²¢¹ÄÀøËûÃÇ£ºÏàÐÅ×Ô¼º£¬Õ½¶·»ñʤµÄÿһ²½£®

½â´ð Lang Ping£¬the head coach of China's national women's volleyball team£¬arrived at my high school in Sep 17£®At about 9 o'clock£¬all the Senior 3 student gathered in the school stadium£¬waiting for the arrival of Lang Ping and her team£®The moment Lang stepped into the stadium£¬nobody could stay seating£®We clapped wild as we saw the schoolmaster take Lang to his seat£®Then Lang shares her life with us in her speech£®She said it was faith and courage¡Ähad led her to her success£®
    As the Senior 3 student£¬I think it was not only a fortunate experience for me£¬but also a powerful one£¬as Lang's words gave me strength£®I will keep it in mind what she told us£ºTrusting yourself and fight every step of the way to win!
1£®in¸ÄΪon ¿¼²é½é´Ê£®±íʾ¾ßÌåµÄÒ»ÌìÒªÓýé´Êon£®
2£®student¸ÄΪstudents ¿¼²éÃû´Ê¸´Êý£®studentÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬ÆäÇ°ÓÐallÐÞÊÎʱҪÓø´ÊýÐÎʽ£®
3£®seating¸ÄΪseated seatÊǼ°Îﶯ´Ê£¬ÆäÒâΪ"¸øijÈË×ù룬ÈÃÈË×ø"£¬¾äʽ£ºsb£®be seated »ò seat sb/oneself£®´Ë´¦stay seatedÏ൱ÓÚbe seated£®
4£®wild¸ÄΪwildly ¿¼²é¸±´Ê£®clapÊǶ¯´Ê£¬ÒªÓø±´ÊÐÞÊΣ®     
5£®his¸ÄΪher ¿¼²é´ú´Ê£®herÖ¸´úLang Ping£®  
6£®shares¸ÄΪshared ¿¼²é¶¯´Êʱ̬£®È«ÎĽ²ÊöµÄÊÇÒÑ·¢ÉúµÄÊÂÇ飬ҪÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ̬£®
7£®¼Óthat ¿¼²éÇ¿µ÷¾ä£®Ó¢ÓïÇ¿µ÷¾äÐÍ£ºIt is/was+±»Ç¿µ÷²¿·Ö£¨Í¨³£ÊÇÖ÷Óï¡¢±öÓï»ò×´Ó+that/who£¨µ±Ç¿µ÷Ö÷ÓïÇÒÖ÷ÓïÖ¸ÈË£©+ÆäËû²¿·Ö£®       
8£®the¸ÄΪa ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£®studentÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬ÆäÇ°¼Ó²»¶¨¹Ú´Êa±íʾ·ºÖ¸£®
9£®È¥µôit ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨´îÅ䣮keep in mindÒâΪ"¼Çס"£¬Êǹ̶¨´îÅ䣮
10£®trusting¸ÄΪtrust ¿¼²éÆíʹ¾ä£®andÊDz¢ÁÐÁ¬´Ê£¬ËüÇ°ºóÁ¬½ÓÁ½¸öÏàͬµÄÓï·¨³É·Ö£¬trustºÍfightÊDz¢ÁÐνÓÒòÊÇÆíʹ¾ä£¬ÒªÓö¯´ÊÔ­ÐΣ®

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15£®A kind father lost about 57 kg in just six months after being shamed dieting when he became too fat to play with his young daughter£®Chris Willis£¬47£¬tipped the scales at 172 kg following a lifetime of fatty foods£®But overweight Chris turned to dieting when he realized he was too fat to play with his ten-year-old daughter Sophie£¬who had a passion for running£®
    The determined dad cut out all the fatty foods he had enjoyed£¬and began exercising£®He now weighs 105 kg after losing 10 kg every month since July£®Chris£¬who lives in Shepjeth£®Cambridgeshire with his wife Jackie£¬51£¬a coach driver£¬said£¬"The hardest thing was seeing my little girl in the garden and not being able to join in because 1was so unhealthy£®But now I am making up for lost timeÒ»Ò»we do so much together and it is just great£®"
    Chris used to consume an incredible 5£¬000 calories a day£¬before he switched to healthy lifestyle£®On average he would eat five slices of bread for breakfast as a mid morning meal before a full English breakfast£®He would then eat a sandwich£¬a large pack of crisps and a pasty for lunch before chewing a whole packet of biscuits in the afternoon£®For dinner Chris would demolish a curry £¨¿§à¬£©and£¬ice cream£¬and also drink four pints of beer very quickly£¬before feeding on fatty snacks all evening£®
    Amazingly Chris claims he still eats the same amount--but has simply cut out the unhealthy fatty foods£®Chris said£¬"My family and friends have been so supportive and my wife and daughter are so pleased for me£®In fact it's them that I did it for more than anyone else£®The whole journey has been amazing and I am still shocked myself that I have managed to lose so much weight£®"Chris is now aiming for a new target weight of 96 kg£®

56£®Why did Chris Willis lose weight£¿£¨no more than 10 words£©Because he wanted to play with his daughter£®/Because he was too fat to play with his daughter£®
57£®What does the underlined word"demolish"mean£¿£¨1 word£©
58£®What measures did Chris take to lose weight£¿£¨no more than 10 words£©He cut out all the fatty foods and began exercising£®
59£®What's Chris'next plan for keeping healthy£¿£¨no more than 10 words£©He aims/is aiming for a new target weight of 96 kg£®
60£®How are you inspired by Chris Willis£¿£¨no more than 20 words£©Iaminspired by his determination and strong will and I'll try my best to succeed£®/He inspires me to spare no effort to achieve my goals however difficult it is£®£®
10£®OK£¬I admit it£ºemoticons £¨±íÇé·ûºÅ£© are popular£®Some people even think they are fun£®Many seem unable to send an e-mail or Instant Message chat sentence without using one£®Some feel that they add feeling and character to otherwise cold digital communications£®
Some£¬however£¬such as editor and Hollywood scriptwriter John Blumenthal£¬see the use of emoticons as"childish £¨Ó×Öɵģ© just like the people who use them"£®He believes that words themselves should be enough£®"If you're being funny£¬happy or sad£¬that should be obvious from the words that go before the emoticon£¬"he argues£®In the eyes of Blumenthal£¬the use of emoticons is a gender £¨ÐԱ𣩠issue£®"Men don't use emoticons very much£®Maybe not at all£¬"he said£®"Teenage girls and women seem to use them a lot£®"
It's an interesting opinion£¬but it is not shared by all£®
In an interview with The New York Times£¬Dacher Keltner£¬professor of psychology at the University of California£¬said that emoticons are popular because our brains are programmed"to seek out representations of humanity"£®He believes that they appeal £¨ÎüÒýÈË£© not because they are shortcuts for the lazy£¬but because they tap into £¨ÈÚÈ룩 something beyond language£®They reach to our need to be with and communicate with people£®
All of these arguments may be somehow real£®Each one of us will choose to communicate in our own way£®I do not have much time for emoticons£®I tried to use one once and felt like I was stealing in on a primary school class that I had no place being in£®I'd rather let my words do the talking£®
Friends£¬however£¬send me messages and e-mails full of emoticons£®I have no problem with this£®I don't regard any of my friends as lazy or immature £¨²»³ÉÊìµÄ£©£®It's just a question of individuality£®£º£©
24£®According to the article£¬emoticons are popular becauseC£®
A£®most of them look funny
B£®they are easy for lazy people to use
C£®they add feeling and character to a communication
D£®a reader cannot understand a message without them
25£®Which of the following views would John Blumenthal agree with£¿B
A£®Instant Message chatters are childish£®
B£®It's enough to use language in digital communication£®
C£®Men never use emoticons£®
D£®There is an emoticon gene in everybody£®
26£®From the text£¬we can conclude that the authorB£®
A£®feels he has no difficulty using emoticons  
B£®thinks emoticons don't suit him
C£®encourage his friends to use emoticons  
D£®believes that emoticons are suitable for everyone
27£®What is the main point of the article£¿C
A£®Advice on language used over the Internet£®
B£®The history of emoticons£®
C£®Arguments over the use of emoticons£®
D£®Reasons for the popularity of emoticons£®
14£®It has become a certain belief among the public----drink at least eight glasses of water a day to improve health and wellbeing£®Bottled water companies often repeal it to increase their sales but it is actually a silly idea£®There is no evidence to prove the advantages of drinking eight glasses of water a day£¬scientists say£®
The misunderstanding is caused from the suggestion that adults should drink 2.5 liters of water daily£¬which was stressed by the British Medical Journal in December£®The important part of the suggestion that most of this quantity of water is contained in prepared foods£¬however£¬is usually ignored£®
    US researchers who reviewed the evidence concluded that most people do not need to worry about the amount of water they drink every£®day£®Besides drinking water£¬they will be getting plenty of liquid£¨ÒºÌ壩in other ways£®Caffeinated drinks such as tea£¬coffee and cola and alcohol£¨¾Æ£©can help reach the daily total if they don't drink too much£¬though these drinks help the production of urine £¨Äò£©£®Less well known arc the dangers of drinking too much water£¬causing water poisoning£¬low salt levels and even death£®
    The review of research by Dan Negoianu£¬from the University of Pennsylvania£¬found that not a single study included the suggestion of drinking eight glasses of water a day£®Although one small study suggested that drinking water could result in fewer headaches£¬the results were not very important£®However£¬the benefits of drinking some water to prevent a pain in head after drinking too much alcohol are£¬separately£¬proved to be true£®
    No studies showed any advantages to the color of the skin because of the increased water taken into bodies£®Dehydration£¨ÍÑË®£©can make skin less pleasant£¬but there was no clear evidence to support the idea that water helps people keep a youthful appearance£®The researchers also found no evidence that drinking lots of water does some good to the body's organs£¨Æ÷¹Ù£©£®

28£®From the passage£¬we know that the suggestion about drinking eight glasses of water a dayC£®
A£®causes some serious diseases
B£®has enough scientific evidence to support it
C£®is misunderstood by people in fact
D£®was published by the British Medical Journal
29£®From the passage we learn that many people don't know thatD£®
A£®the production of urine can cause water to lose
B£®health can be improved by drinking plenty of'water
C£®better skin can result from intake of much water
D£®caffeinated drinks can provide the water people need
30£®What can be proved about drinking a lot of water according to the passage£¿A
A£®Reducing the bad influence of drinking alcohol£®
B£®Helping to keep youthful looks£®
C£®Making the body's organs stronger£®
D£®Causing bad headaches£®
31£®The writer's main purpose of writing this passage is toB£®
A£®persuade people to drink different kinds of water
B£®tell people drinking much water is not as healthy as is considered
C£®warn people of the danger of drinking much water
D£®help people realize the importance of drinking enough water every day£®
11£®Directions£ºRead the following passage£®Summarize the main idea and the main point£¨s£© of the passage in no more than 60 words£®Use your own words as far as possible£®

Fun Offices Make Workers Happier£¿
In order to make their employees happier£¬companies around the world have been busy installing play equipment in the workplace£®Table football£¬computer games and action figures have become common in some workplaces£®
Despite all this effort£¬unfortunately£¬work still makes people unhappy£®According to a study by the London School of Economics£¬the place where people feel most miserable is work£®
To proceed with an emphasis on being happy£¬however£¬other emotions are crowded out£®Anger£¬sadness£¬anxiety and uncertainty all become a no-no£®Such a ban on negative emotions can be emotionally bad for employees£®A number of studies have shown that being able to express a range of positive and negative emotions is important£¬particularly when people are dealing with difficult experiences£®
Besides£¬being constantly on the lookout for happiness may actually drive happiness away from us£®Scientists have found that when we talk about how important happiness is£¬we become less likely to find it£¬even when we have experiences that usually make us happy£®
Wanting to be happy at work is fair enough£¬but being forced to be happy at work can be troubling£®If companies were genuinely interested in making their employees happy£¬they would perhaps look at some more"down-to-earth"interventions £¨ÎñʵµÄ¸ÉÔ¤£©£®A simple step would be to stop interrupting workers with all sorts of pointless demands such as long emails and unnecessary forms£®A study by Harvard Business School found workers felt most satisfied on days when they were able to focus on a piece of work and make meaningful progress on it£®
In short£¬if companies really want to make their employees happier£¬they should think long and hard before pointless restructuring£®
A study shows work still upsets people though companies are trying to make workplaces fun£®Forcing employees to be happy is useless because being unable to express negative feelings is harmful and always looking for happiness deliberately will make people less happy£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Rather£¬the effective way to make employees happy is not interrupt emplyees with meaningless tasks£®£®
8£®µÚÒ»½Ú ÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ
At the age of forty-five£¬my usually well-ordered life became full of changes£®After twenty-two years of working in a £¨41£©B£¬a plan to use less staff £¨42£©Cthe unemployment of over one hundred people£¬I being one of them£®
My once secure future became £¨43£©A£®However£¬I was not a single parent£¬£¨44£©Cthe family did not depend only on my income£®My motto has always been£¬"Change is good£» change is progress£¬"but when it£¨45£©Dmy livelihood£¬I had to change it to£¬"£¨46£©Bchange and make the most of it£®"From the beginning£¬I £¨47£©B to look at this matter not as £¨48£©Bluck£¬but as a welcome chance£®I refused to become sorry£»£¨49£©C£¬I actively planned to do something new and different£®
Having a positive attitude made all the £¨50£©Ain the way I pursued the future£®First£¬I decided to£¨51£©Dto college and graduate many years later than I should have£®Doing this at my age took more than a little £¨52£©D£®Not being a graduate had never£¨53£©Cme back in my career in the bank£¬but now it was a personal goal I longed to £¨54£©C£®With a lot of determination£¬I went to evening classes and became an adult £¨55£©A£®In the class£¬I became more and more confident£®During this time£¬I realized that £¨56£©Dlife throws in our way£¬personal growth never stops£®The second thing I did to improve my inner self was to reevaluate my£¨57£©Dlife£®It used to be filled with endless£¬and sometimes meaningless events£®But now£¬my heart and life are completely around people I£¨58£©A£®
The loss of my job led to some £¨59£©Bchanges in my life£®Revisiting the past made room for the £¨60£©C£®I realize that I have accepted the change£¬and am making the most of it£®
42£®A£®set asideB£®made upC£®resulted inD£®took off
58£®A£®care forB£®call forC£®stand forD£®look at
10£®Today£¬roller skating is easy and fun£®But many years ago£¬it wasn't easy at all£®Before 1750£¬people never tried skating on wheels£®That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin£®Merlin's work was making instruments£®In his free time he liked to play the violin£®Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams£®People called him a dreamer£®
One day Merlin received an invitation to go to an important party£®He was very pleased and a little excited£®As the day of the party came near£¬Merlin began to think£®He wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party£®Merlin had an idea£®He thought that he would attract a lot of attention if he could skate into the room£®
Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll£®Finally£¬he decided to put two wheels under each shoe£®These were the first roller skate shoes£®Merlin was very proud of them£®He dreamed of arriving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin£®He was sure that everyone would be very surprised£®
On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room£¬playing his violin£®Everyone was really surprised to see him£®There was just one problem£®Merlin had no way to stop his roller skating£®He rolled on£¬playing the violin£®Then£¬with all eyes on him£¬Merlin hit into a huge mirror on the wall£®The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise£®But nobody forgot Merlin's wonderful entrance after that£®
66£®The story tells us that people began to enjoy roller-skatingC£®
A£®before the year 1750                
B£®before the invitation
C£®because of Joseph Merlin            
D£®because it was dangerous
67£®People called Merlin a dreamer becauseB£®
A£®he slept and dreamed a lot          
B£®he was full of different ideas
C£®he was a talented violinist         
D£®he always made people's dreams come true
68£®Dmade Merlin think of skating on wheels£®
A£®Merlin's work  
B£®Merlin's violin    
C£®A huge mirror       
D£®An important party
69£®What was Merlin's problem after he rolled into the room£¿A
A£®He couldn't stop his roller-skating£®
B£®He couldn't attract a lot of attention£®
C£®Everyone was surprised at him£®
D£®He couldn't play the violin while rolling£®
70£®The text is mainly aboutC£®
A£®a strange man                       
B£®an unusual party        
C£®how roller skating began            
D£®how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
