

第四节 阅读填空(共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

For over one hundred and fifty years, Americans of all social classes have worn blue jeans.  71  Whether they are worn for work or for fashion today.Strauss' invention continues to be popular not only among Americans but also among people around the world.

Levi Strauss was born in Germany in 1829.  72  He grew up in Kentucky before moving to New York in 1847.Before becoming an American citizen and moving to the West in 1853, Strauss worked in his brother's dry goods business.This gave him a chance to produce his famous invention.After the gold rush of 1949, Strauss decided to move to the West to seek his fortune.

Strauss did not want to be a person who searched an area for minerals.Instead, he knew he could make a good living by selling supplies to the miners.At first, he planned to sell sewing supplies and cloth.  73  When he heard miners complaining that their clothes were easily broken or they usually tore their pockets during mining, he decided to use a special fabric to make pants for the miners.These pants proved so popular that he quickly ran out of materials to make more.

In 1873, Strauss received a letter from a Jewish tailor named Jacob Davis who had invented a process of connecting pockets with copper rivets(铆钉).This made the pants last a long time.Because Davis did not have the money to patent his idea, he offered to share it with Strauss if Strauss would agree to pay for the patent.  74  

By the time Strauss died in 1902, he had made a great contribution to American fashion.

75   The business has been growing ever since and Levi Strauss' company is now one of the largest clothing companies in the world.

A.As a young boy, he moved with his family to the United States.

B.Nobody knew what kind of material was suitable.

C.He did and Levi jeans have been made with metal rivets ever since.

D.However, he did not get much business for those products.

E.He also made a great contribution to America's clothing industry.

F.Since they were invented by Levi Strauss, they have become a symbol of American consumer culture.

G.As the business grew, Strauss got much money from it.

71---75   FADCA  


第四节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


     I used to live selfishly, I should admit. But one moment changed me.

     I was on my lunch break and had 26  the office to ger something to eat . On the way, I 27 a

Busker(街头艺人),with a hat in front of him. I had some 28 in my pocker, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would 29 use the money to feed his addiction to drugs or alcohol. He 30 like that type-young and ragged. 31 what was I going to spend the money on ? Only to feed my addiction to Coca-Cola or chocolate! I then 32 I had no right to place myself above 33 just because he was busking.

I  34  and dropped all the coins into his 35, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. As 36 as it sounds, I expected something  more to come from that moment—a feeling of 37 or satifaction, for example. But nothing happened 38 , I walked off. “It proved to be a waste of 39 ,”I thought.

On my way home at the end of the 40, I saw the busker again and he was 41 . I watched him pick up the hat and walk 42 a cafe counter. There he poured the 43 contents into a tin collecting 44 an earthquake fund-raising(募捐) event. He was busking for charity(慈善)!

Now I donate any 45 I have to charity tins and enjoy the feeling of giving.

26.  A. left           B. cleaned            C. prepared           D.searched   

27.  A. led           B. chose              C. saw               D. fooled     

28.  A. chocolates     B. coins               C. tins               D. drugs    

29.  A. almost        B. only               C. rather              D. still      

30.  A. acted         B. looked              C. sounded           D.smelt    

31.  A. Though        B. For               C. Therefor           D. But       

32.  A. declared       B. realized            C. expected           D. guessed    

33.  A. it            B. all                C. him                D. them      

34.  A. waited        B. followed           C. stopped            D. arrived     

35.  A. rag           B. hat                C. pocket             D. counter    

36.  A. selfish        B. awkward         C. innocent              D. special           

37.  A. happeiness     B. sadness          C. love                 D. hate                

38.  A. Disappointedly  B. Unfortunately    C. Coincidentally         D. Comfortably       

39.  A. words         B. effort           C. space                 D. money             

40.  A. moment       B. day              C. break                D. event             

41.  A. walking around  B. passing by        C. packing up           D. running off         

42.  A. around        B. in                C. behind              D. to                

43.A. chief            B. basic             C. actual               D. total             

44.A.by               B. for              C. on                  D. with              

45.A.work             B. time            C. energy               D.change            

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