
3.Are you truly happy?Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?(36)D.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life.
※Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy.Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value.
※Surround yourself with happy people.It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.(37)B.
※When something goes wrong,try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don't allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor.
(38)E.These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness.
(39)G.Whether you treat yourself to lunch,take a long,relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance,you will be subconsciously (下意识地) putting yourself in a better mood.
Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy.
※Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness.(40)C.
A.What makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy.
B.On the contrary,if you are around people who are happy,their emotional state will be infectious.
C.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood.
D.These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.
E.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.
F.There are some tips in life that lead to happiness.
G.It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

分析 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于议论文,你真的快乐吗?你知道什么是快乐,怎样才能获得幸福么?这几个问题对于追求幸福的人来说都很重要.本文以此展开,主要讲述了创造幸福的一些方法.

解答 36.D.考查上下文联系及句意理解.根据前两句Are you truly happy?Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness?,连续提出了几个问题,这几个问题对于追求幸福的人来说都很重要,故D项符合上下文.故选D.
37.B.考查上下文联系及句意理解.根据上文提及It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way可知,如果你的都是一些消极的人,那么你也会变得消极.接下来应该讲的是如果你周围的人是积极的,你也会很积极.故选B.
38.E.考查上下文联系及句意理解.根据下一句These few minutes will give you the opportunity 说明是要我们明天留点时间来思考那些让我们开心的事情.故E项符合上下文.故选E.
39.G.考查上下文联系及句意理解.根据下一句Whether you treat yourself to lunch,take a long,relaxing bath说明这些都是你位自己做的事情,故G项符合上下文.故选G.

点评 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,属于议论文,题目主要考查上下文联系及句意理解.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

14.F.Scott Fitzgerald,born on September 24,1896,an American novelist,was once a student of St.Paul Academy,the Newman School and attended Princeton.University for a short while.In 1917he joined the army and was posted in Alabama,where he met his future wife Zelda Sayre.Then he had to make some money to impress her.
His life with her was full of great happiness,as he wrote in his diary:"My own happiness in the past often approached such joy that I could share it even with the person dearest to me but had to walk it away in quiet streets and take down parts of it in my diary."
This side of paradise,his first novel,was published in 1920.encouraged by its success,Fitzgerald began to devote more time to his writing.Then he continued with the novel the Beautiful and Damned (1922),a collection of short stories Thales of the Jazz Age (1922),and a play The Vegetable (1923).But his greatest success was The Great Gatsby,published in 1925,which quick brought him praise from the literary world.Yet it failed to give him the needed financial security.Then,in 1926,he published another collection lf short stories All the Sad Young Men.
However,Fitzgerald's problems with his wife Zelda affected his writing.During the 1920s he tried to reorder his life,but failed.By 1930,his wife had her first breakdown and went to a Swiss clinic.During this period he completed novels Tender Is the Night in 1934and The love of the last Tycoon in 1940.while his wife was in hospital in the United States,he got totally addicted to alcohol.Sheila Graham,his dear friend,helped him fight his alcoholism.

49.How many novels written by Fitzgerald are mentioned in the passage?A
A.5            B.6            C.7            D.8
50.Which of the following is the correct order to describe Fitzgerald's life according to the passage?D
a.He became addicted to drinking.
b.He studied at St.Paul Academy.
c.He published his first novel This Side of Paradise.
d.d.The Great Gatsby won high praise.
e.He failed to reorder his life.
f.He joined the army and met Zelda.
A.f-c-e-a-b-d       B.b-e-a-f-c-d        C.f-d-e-c-b-a      D.b-f-c-d-e-a
51.We can infer from the passage that FitzgeraldC.
A.had made some money when he met Zelda in Alabama.
B.was well educated and well off before he served in the army
C.would have completed more works if his wife hadn't broken down
D.helped his friend get rid of drinking while his wife was in hospital
52.The passage is probably followed by a concluding paragraph aboutD.
A.Zelda's personal life
B.Zelda's illness and treatment
C.Fitzgerald's friendship with Graham
D.Fitzgerald's contributions to the literary world.
8.They don't quite know how to cope with all the dam trouble they've got down in Hampden,Maine.And according to town manager Leslie Stanley,it doesn't look as if things will improve any in the immediate future."We've got a real annoying problem on our hands,"he says.
The annoyance began in late May.About three miles outside of town a group of beavers (河狸) built a dam near the mouth of a culvert (涵洞) that carries a stream under Canaan Road.Some 50 feet of roadway and several hundred feet of land on each side of the culvert were flooded.Stanley sent a road crew out to level the dam.The beavers rebuilt it.The crew tore it apart again.In fact,they tore it apart for ten mornings-an d for ten straight nights the beavers rebuilt it.
On the eleventh day,the foreman tossed (扔) the problem back to the town manager.He,in turn,tossed it on to the local game warden (狩猎监督官).The warden,absorbed in beaver knowledge,moved quietly and carefully out one night and placed a petrol-soaked bag over the dam.(Any beaver expert will tell you the creatures just can't tolerate petrol smell.)
In the morning the bag was found artistically woven (编织) into the dam.
The warden set out three steel traps that night.In the morning one was empty.The other two had been stolen by the beavers and used to strengthen the dam.The warden,cursing the state law against hunting beavers with firearms,got his traps back and set them out again and again.And every night the beavers stole the m.
Town manager Stanley enlisted additional troops.He telephoned his police chief.Those beavers were breaking a state law against blocking up a natural watercourse."Why aren't you out there to upholdthe law?"Stanley asked."You're the police chief.So remove them.Arrest them.Do something."
Three mornings later,the police chief proudly announced the end of the dam.At 2:00 A.M.,he said,he and a licensed dynamiter (炸药使用者) had blown it to small pieces.Stanley said he'd believe it when he saw it.
They drove out to the culvert and found a new dam already half-built.They also found the highway choked with mud and remains thrown up by the dynamite.
Stanley said maybe they should call in the Army Corps of Engineers.But the police chief's faith in explosives was unshaken.He launched an all-out campaign,but the beavers always managed to have the holes plugged by the time the fire department appeared on the scene for its morning mop-up.
In time,the beavers tired of this nonsense and moved their dam"inside"the culvert-where it couldn't be blown up without destroying the road too.
Stanley and his general staff held a council of war and agreed that fresh strategy was called for.Then they came up with an inspired idea.If we remove every branch of the dam by hand,we'll force the beavers to go in search of new building material to replace what we've taken.Then we can place box traps along their runways and seized them.
The plan was completely approved.Moreover it worked.On July 30,town manager Stanley was able to announce that the beaver group had been trapped and removed to a remote wilderness area.And there was great joy in Hampden-until the middle of October,that is,when a group of young beavers was spotted swimming in the same waters from which its elders had recently been taken away.
But to make a long story short,the strategy that worked with the older beavers worked with the young ones too.

28.What was the annoying problem for the authorities in Hampden,Maine?B
A.They didn't know who to send to deal with the dam trouble.
B.They failed to destroy the dam repeatedly built by the beavers.
C.The beavers were building dams in every corner of the town.
D.The political situation in the town was becoming much worse.
29.Which is the correct order of the following events?C
①The land on both sides of the culvert was flooded.
②The local leaders worked out a strategy.
③The game warden set out steel traps.
④The beavers rebuilt their dam inside the culvert.
⑤The police chief used explosives to destroy the dam.
30.The underline word"uphold"in Paragraph 6 probably meansD.
A.revise        B.resist          C.violate       D.maintain
31.What can we learn about beavers from the passage?A
A.The beavers seem to be stubborn about building dams.
B.The beavers are allowed to be killed when causing trouble.
C.The beavers can't adapt themselves to living in wilderness.
D.The beavers finally returned to the culvert with their young.

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