
Coin confusion

Rachel looked through troubled eyes at his sister and said, “1 wouldn't have thought Eric would be a thief. His sister Sarah replied, “Whoa, that's a    accusation to make against your best friend!”

         Rachel remembered two days ago when he had brought out his coin collection for Eric to    .At the end of that day, Rachel's mother had asked him to do her a favor,so he had asked his friend,“1s it okay if I leave you for a few minutes?" Eric had said, "Go ahead. I'll clean up here,"      at the piles of coins on the floor.

         When Rachel had returned, it never occurred to him to    his coins until two days later that he realized some quarters were     .

         Sarah said, “Why don't you just ask him?”

         “Ask him what? Hey, Best Friend, did you     my coin collection?” Rachel thought for a moment,     if that would be a good idea. The theft of his collection left him with a feeling of    .“How could I have misjudged my friend's    ?"

         The next day Rachel went over to  Eric's house. Eric was acting funny sort of nervous, like he couldn't be    . In fact, Rachel thought Eric acted like someone with a secret. Anger blossomed (产生)as  Rachel watched Eric pretend to be kind,     Eric had obviously stolen from him. Rachel finally could not stand it anymore and stood up. Suddenly, Eric    ,“I can't stand it anymore!” Rachel was astonished at hearing his own      burst forth from his friend! Only, instead of sounding     , Eric sounded excited. He pulled something from underneath the chair.

         "Go to open it! I was going to wait until your birthday, but I can't wait1” Slowly, Rachel lifted the top of the     . Laid out in front of him were all of the quarters from his coin collection. Each quarter was in its own    in a new collection case.  Each quarter shone like it was new.

         Rachel felt     rush over his neck and ears. He    said, “Thank you this means...a great deal to me.” He was grateful that Eric had cut him     before he said something he would      . Eric was exactly the type of person he wanted as a friend !

1.A. repeated   B. false      C. baseless         D. serious

2.A. clean B. store     C. choose D. see

3.A. working      B. gesturing       C. playing  D. glaring

4.A. seek  B. select    C. check    D. collect

5.A. destroyed          B. messed C. missing D. decreasing

6.A. replace      B. steal      C. pick       D. remove

7.A. deciding     B. knowing         C. asking   D. minding

8.A. stupidity  B. abandon        C. failure   D. betrayal

9.A. decision     B. character      C. appearance           D. method

10.A. still  B. confident      C. generous       D. silent

11.A. when        B. so C. after      D. if

12.A. expressed       B. condemned          C. yelled   D. argued

13.A. purpose   B. choices C. desire   D. thoughts

14.A. shocked   B. curious C. guilty     D. cruel

15.A. jar    B. box        C. can        D. bag

16.A. spot B. form      C. condition       D. style

17.A. air    B. heat      C. wind      D. sweat

18.A. absently   B. unwillingly     C. weakly  D. fearfully

19.A. off              B. down    C. in  D. up

20.A. suspect          B. explode         C. tolerate         D. regret


























1.D考查形容词的含义。句意为:Rachel告诉她的姐姐Saral说,我不会想到自己的朋友Eric是一个小偷,她的姐姐回答她说,这是对自己的好朋友很严重的谴责(控诉)repeated adj 反复的,再三的;false adj 瑕疵的,错误的;baseless adj 无根据的;serious adj 严重的,严肃的。故答案应为D。

2.D 考查动词词义。 句意为:Rachel记得两天前她拿出了自己收集的硬币给Eric看的时候。clean

vt 清洗,打扫;store vt 储藏,储存;choose vt选择;see vt 看,观察。这里应该是拿出来给好朋友看。                                                                                                    

3.B 考查动词的词义。句意为:在这一天快要结束的时候,Rachel的妈妈让她帮忙,她就问好朋友自己能否去帮妈妈。她的朋友Eric说,你去吧,我来帮你清理一下这些硬币,他用手指着这些硬币。这一动作也是后来Rachel怀疑她的朋友偷了硬币的原因。 working vi 工作;gesturing vi打手势; playing vi 玩,玩耍;glaring vi 盯着,凝视。故答案应为B。

4.C 考查动词的意思。句意为:当她回来的时候,她从来不会想到,等她两天之后检查这些硬币的时候,她考-----。此处为检查她的硬币。seek vt 寻求,探索;select vt 选择;check vt检查;collect vt 收集搜集。故答案应为C。

5.C 考查动词词义。句意为:当她两天之后,检查她的硬币的时候,她才意识到有一部分不见了。此处表示迷失,失踪的意思,也是开始怀疑他的好朋友的时候。destroyed vt 被毁,毁灭;messed vt 弄脏,脏乱;missing vt 失踪的,缺少的;decreasing vt 渐减的。故答案应为C。

6.B 考查动词的词义。句意为:Rachel的姐姐Saral告诉她,为什么不去问问Eric这件事呢?Rachel说,问他什么呢,作为最好的朋友,问他偷了我的硬币吗?这里是Rachel在反问他的姐姐,说明这件事情也没办法去问。replace vt 取代,代替;steal vt 偷,窃;pick vt 捡,拾起;remove vt 转移,移开。故答案应为B。

7.A 考查动词的词义。句意为:她思考了一会儿,确定不去问她的好朋友是一个很好的想法,这与下文中自己心里在想不能错判朋友是一致的。decide vt 决定,确定;know vt知道,了解;ask vt问,寻问;mind vt介意,在乎。故答案应为A。

8.D 考查名词的意思。句意为:硬币的失窃这件事情给自己一种背叛的感觉,这里是指自己对朋

友的背叛,因为自己在怀疑最好的朋友。stupidity n 愚蠢,糊涂事;abandon n 遗弃,抛弃;failure n 失败;

betrayal n 背叛,辜负。因为自己怀疑了朋友,所以感觉自己背叛了朋友,故答案应为D。

9.B 考查名词的词义。句意为:我怎么能够错判自己的好朋友的人品呢。decision n 决定;character

n 性格,品质;appearance n 外貌,外表;method n 方法,方式。故答案应为D。

10.A 考查形容词的词义。句意为:第二天Rachel去了Eric的家,Eric表现有点儿怪异(紧张)好像是他不能平静下来似的。still adj 静止的,平静的,寂静的;confident adj自信的;generous adj 慷慨的,大方的;silent adj沉默的。故答案应为A

11.A 考查连词的词义。句意为:事实上Rachel认为,Eric很像一个有秘密的人。当Eric很明显的偷了他的东西,他还表现出很仁慈的样子时,Rachel很生气。此处表示当---时候。when 当—时候; so 因此;after 在---之后;if 如果。

12.C 考查动词词义。句意为:Rachel非常生气,最后他忍不下去了,站了起来。这时候,Eric突


vt 表达;condemned vt 定罪,责难;yelled 叫喊,号叫;argued vt 争论,争吵。故答案应为C。

13.D考查名词词义。句意为:Rachel听到他的朋友说的想法非常的吃惊。通过下文可知,Eric说出了硬币的真相,所些应为想法。purpose n 目的,用途;choice n 选择;desire n 欲望;thought n 思想,想法。故答案应为D。

【小题 14】C 考查形容词的词义。句意为:听起来Eric不是负罪内疚感,而是激动。他从椅子下面拿出来些东西。因为下文说明Eric并未偷东西,所以不是负罪感。shocked adj 吃惊的,震惊的;curious adj 好奇的;guilty adj 有罪的,内疚的;cruel adj残酷的,残忍的。

14.B 考查名词的词义。句意为:Eric说,打开他吧,我本来是打算到你生日的时候(才给你的)慢慢地,Rachel举起袋子口。jar n 罐子,坛子;box n 盒子;can n 罐头;bag n 袋子。硬币应放在袋子里,故答案应为B。

15.A 考查名词的意思,句意为:每一枚硬币都摆在自己的位置上在收集箱里,都像新的一样闪闪

发光。spot n 地点,地方;form n形式,形状,形态;condition n 情况,条件;style n 风格。这里指放得


16.B 考查名词词义。句意为:Rachel因为错怪了她的朋友,所以她感觉到内疚,浑身因害羞而感

到发烫。air n 空气,大气;heat n 热,热量;wind n 风;sweat 汗,焦急。前面是感到所以不能是sweat


17.C 考查副词的意思。句意为:Rachel声音很弱地说,此处表示因为他错怪了好朋友,感觉有理

亏的想法,所以没有敢大声,此处为声音弱。absently adv 心不在焉地;unwillingly adv 不情愿地weakly

adv 虚弱地,软弱地;fearfully adv 恐惧地,害怕地。故答案应为C。


是他下真正需要的朋友。cut off 打断,切断;cut down 削减,砍倒;cut in 插嘴;cut up 切碎,抨击。故


19.D 考查动词的词义。他本来是想说,Eric偷了他的硬币,但没说出来,所以如果说出来,他是会后悔的。suspect vt 嫌疑,怀疑; explode vt 探索,探险; tolerate vt 容忍; regret vt 遗憾,后悔。故答案应为D。




About once a month I have to go to Bedford for my work. One day I went into a   21   there to have something to   22   . The waiter took my coat and put it in a small room.

    About an hour later I was   23   to go. The waiter   24   me my coat. Something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a small white box. I took a   25   look at the   26   . “Oh, you’ve brought   27   coat,” I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine,  28   it is quite new, and this isn’t my box, either.”

    “Oh, then I   29   someone has taken your coat and left his,” said the waiter. “This kind of thing   30   sometimes.”

    I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold   31   in it. The waiter and I   32   to go to the police station.

    “Has anyone lost a ring?” I asked at the station.

    “Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring, he lost it in London.”

    He   33   the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.

    “Yes, this is my ring,” he said. “How can I   34   you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and   35   I lost it on the train!”

    After I told him the   36   of the coat, he said, “You haven’t been on the train. I haven’t been in the hotel, so how did my ring   37   in the coat?”

    “Did anyone sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.

    “Yes,” said the young man. “But I don’t remember his face.”

    “You may remember this   38   ,” said the policeman. “Was it like this one?”

    “Yes, it was,” said the young man. “But my friend here isn’t the thief.”

    The policeman laughed. “No,” he said. “The thief on the train stole your ring, and   39   our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didn’t take the   40   coat away with him.”

A. hotel       B. restaurant      C. company     D. shop

A. do         B. buy           C. eat          D. make

A. asked      B. glad           C. invited       D. ready

A. showed     B. returned       C. brought      D. dressed

A. special     B. close          C. usual        D. near

A. waiter      B. box           C. coat         D. pocket

A. no one else’s B. another’s       C. other’s       D. someone else’s

A. but         B. and           C. instead       D. for

A. know       B. wonder        C. suppose      D. find

A. appears     B. happens        C. meets        D. changes

A. ring        B. coin           C. pen          D. sign

A. realized     B. thought        C. wanted       D. decided

A. searched    B. remembered     C. telephoned   D. asked

A. return       B. thank          C. pay         D. help

A. then         B. so            C. yet         D. however

A. thing        B. price          C. story       D. problem

A. come        B. put           C. set         D. get

A. person       B. ring          C. box        D. coat

A. after         B. before        C. like        D. as

A. right         B. good         C. same       D. other



Paris in the springtime was , is and always will be , something rather special . Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days ? This attractive city has something to offer to everyone and with prices at just £129.

Your break begins with comfortable bus transfer (运送) from local pick-up points and travel to Paris is via cross-channel ferry , arriving at your hotel in the evening . The Ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private equipments in all rooms : satellite TV, radio , telephone and alarm clock . It has a bar and restaurant and is situated about two miles south of Notre Dame enabling you to explore Paris with ease .

The following day , after continental breakfast (included), the bus takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city , during which you will see the Eiffel Tower , Champs Elysees , L’Arc de Triomphe , the Louvre ,in fact almost every famous landmark you have ever heard of . You then leave Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles , the home of Louis XIV. The tour ends mid-afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day at your leisure (闲暇). In the evening there is a “ Paris by Night” tour showing you the beautiful buildings with bright lights .

Day three takes you to Montmarter , Perhaps the most attractive quarter of Paris and home of the Sacre Coeur and the Moulin Rouge . In the afternoon you are free to explore this beautiful city as you wish , perhaps a pleasure voyage on the River Seine , wander around the beautiful gardens or look among the antique shops (古董店). In the evening you will have the opportunity to visit the best nightclub in the city , the splendid Paradis Latain . On the final day it’s back to the UK via channel ferry .

Included in the price of £129 per person :

●Return comfortable bus travel to Paris

●Return ferry crossings

●3 nights housing in a twin bedded room in a Central Paris hotel with private facilities

●Continental breakfast during your stay

●Guided sightseeing tour of “Paris by Day” and Paris by Night”

●Visit to the Chateau of Versailles (admission not included )

●Tour around Montmartre

●Services of experienced bi-lingual tour guide at all times

63.What is the purpose of this passage ?         

A.To show the price of traveling to Paris .   B.To tell tourists the routs to Paris .

C.To introduce the city of Paris .                     D.To attract tourists to Paris .

64.During the stay in Paris , the tourists will         .

A.have a “Paris by Night” tour on he first evening

B.live in a hotel two miles away from Paris

C.have free time for half a day

D.have a pleasure voyage on the River Seine together

65.What does the underlined word quarter mean in the passage ?

A.An area of a town .

B.A period of 15 minutes .

C.A coin used in the US and Canada worth 25 cents .

D.One of four equal parts into which something ca be divided .

66.According to the passage , which of the following is true ?

A.The Palace of Versailles is not in the center of Paris .

B.Te tourists can telephone in the Ibis without paying .

C.It will take you a long time to got to Montmartre from Paris.

D.The tourists will spend the night in the antique shops on the third day .



After spending a weekend away with my adult son, I was so impressed by his   36  heart that I sent him this letter.

Dear son,

    I want to thank you for teaching me a very valuable lesson in life by the great example you   37  . When we were eating at that cafe in Boston and a person who had  38  his hamburger didn’t have enough money to pay for it, without  39  , you went over and  40  the extra $2 into his hand.

    When we were leaving, you  41  threw a five-cent coin onto the pavement and said  42 like, “Some kid will really enjoy  43  this.”

    Last week, a young man  44  me in the line at a petrol station didn’t have  45  money to pay for his petrol. I asked the money collector, “How much   46  is he?” She told me he had meant to put $15 of petrol in his car  47  he had been looking at the wrong gauge (计量表) and had put in 15  48  , which came to a little  49  $20. That is an easy mistake  50  both gauges run fast.

    Something made me think of you and  51  you did that night at the cafe in Boston. I handed the man $6. He was so  52  and said, “But why would you do this for me?” I just smiled as I thought of you.

   Thank you, son, for teaching me that “it’s  53  to give than to receive”. Now when I see a five-cent coin on the  54  and want to pick it up, I think of you and leave it there, just in case some kid will get a  55  out of finding it.

                                                        Love always, Mum.

1.A. humorous          B. optimistic               C. cold                D. generous

2. A. followed           B. gave                   C. set               D. took

3. A. ordered            B. booked                  C. offered          D. bought

4. A. hesitation          B. doubt                  C. permission          D. difficulty

5. A. spread             B. threw                 C. put               D. loaded

6.A. again              B. already                  C. only            D. also

7.A. nothing                     B. everything                C. anything          D.something

8.A.finding                   B.accepting             C.looking for      D.pointing at

9. A.behind                   B.beyond                   C.ahead of            D.next to

10. A.much                   B.some             C.any                D.enough

11. A.far                      B.1ong                 C.short                 D.high

12.A.and                      B.but                        C.so                 D.while

13. A.1itres                    B.kilograms            C.pounds                D.kilometers

14. A.up                   B.over                 C.below               D.down

15. A.until                     B.as                    C.although           D.unless

16.A.what                    B.which                C.how             D.that

17. A.excited                 B.surprised              C.interested             D.encouraged

18.A.easier                  B.better                C.faster                D.worse

19. A.comer                  B.mud                          C.ground           D.carpet

20. A.kick                        B.fun                    C.fare              D.pick


Paris in the springtime was, is and always will be, something rather special. Why not experience it for yourself with this excellent break for four days? This attractive city has something to offer to everyone and with prices at just £129.

Your break begins with comfortable bus transfer (运送) from local pick-up points and travel to Paris is via cross-channel ferry, arriving at your hotel in the evening. The Ibis is an excellent quality hotel with private equipments in all rooms: satellite TV, radio, telephone and alarm clock. It has a bar and restaurant and is situated about two miles south of Notre Dame , enabling you to explore Paris with ease.

The following day, after continental breakfast (included), the bus takes you on a comprehensive sightseeing tour of the city, during which you will see the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, L’Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, in fact almost every famous landmark you have ever heard of. You then leave Paris and take a short drive to the magnificent Palace of Versailles, the home of Louis XIV. The tour ends mid-afternoon back in Paris where you will have the remainder of the day at your leisure. In the evening there is a “Paris by Night” tour showing you the beautiful buildings with bright lights.

Day three takes you to Montmarter, perhaps the most attractive quarter. In the afternoon you are free to explore this beautiful city as you wish, perhaps a pleasure voyage on the River Seine, wander around the beautiful gardens or look among the antique shops(古董店). In the evening you will have the opportunity to visit the best nightclub in the city, the splendid Paradis Latain. On the final day it’s back to the UK via channel ferry.

Included in the price of £129 per person :

●Return comfortable bus travel to Paris

●Return ferry crossings

●3 nights housing in a twin bedded room in a Central Paris hotel with private facilities

●Continental breakfast during your stay

●Guided sightseeing tour of “Paris by Day” and “Paris by Night”

●Visit to the Chateau of Versailles (admission not included )

●Tour around Montmartre

1.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To show the price of traveling to Paris .

B. To tell tourists the routes to Paris.

C. To introduce the city of Paris.

D. To attract tourists to Paris.

2.During the stay in Paris, the tourists will _________.

A. have a “Paris by Night” tour on the first evening

B. live in a hotel two miles away from Paris

C. have free time for half a day

D. have a pleasure voyage on the River Seine together

3.What does the underlined word “quarter” mean in the passage?

A. An area.

B. A period of time.

C. A coin worth 25 cents.

D. One of four equal parts.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The Palace of Versailles is not in the center of Paris.

B. The tourists can telephone in the Ibis without paying.

C. It will take you a long time to get to Montmartre from Paris.

D. The tourists will spend the night in the antique shops on the third day.


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