
【题目】The government __________ air quality in urban areas from level one to five : excellent,fairly good, slightly polluted, poor and dangerous.

A. arranges

B. classifies

C. distributes

D. divides




【题目】Many young people want to become pop stars. It is their great ambition(雄心)in life. They think : pop stars make a lot of money ; they lead interesting and exciting lives ; thousands of fans adore them ; they become famous.

Yes, but first they must become stars. Most performers start life with a group. This is the pattern nowadays. But there are many groups and the competition is hard. Groups appear and disappear almost overnight. Only a small number stay. Almost without exception (例外)they have to work very hard before they reach the top.

And very few reach the top and stay there. In England there are perhaps thirty or so groups at the top. Most of these do not earn so much money ; perhaps $ 400 each time they perform. What is more,they have quite a lot of expenses. They have to pay a manager, for example. He is the key person in their lives and he takes about 20% of their earningsperhaps more. Then there are their clothes,their instruments and their van(车)

And don't forget they have to travel a great deal, sometimes 2,000 miles in one week. At times they even sleep in their van instead of a hotel, just to save money.

So now, what do you think? Are pop stars so rich? And do they have such exciting lives?

【1】Which of the following is the reason why many young people want to become pop stars?

A. Living an exciting life.

B. Being loved by thousands of fans.

C. Becoming rich.

D. All of the above.

【2】The right statement in the following about pop stars is that __________.

A. most of them fail to reach the top

B. they lead relaxed lives.

C. they can travel all over the world

D. they spend a lot of money on their clothes

【3】Why is the group's manager well paid?

A. Because he runs this group.

B. Because he looks after them.

C. Because he is important to them.

D. Because he buys them clothes and instruments.

【4】How do pop groups spend the money they earn?

A. They pay the manager 20% of their earnings or more.

B. They have to pay for clothes, instruments and their van.

C. They often make trips.

D. All of the above.

【5】The writer makes us believe __________.

A. it is pleasant to become a pop star

B. that if you work very hard in pop groups, you will reach the top

C. pop stars are neither too rich nor too happy

D. general persons had better not dream of pop stars

【题目】Earlier this month, California police cleared what was said to be the largest homeless encampment in the United States. About 200 homeless people were living at the camp in San Jose, California. Officials said police officers and city workers acted because the area was unclean.

The homeless people were living near Silicon Valley, the country's high technology center. Some people there have made millions, even billions of dollars from high-tech devices and services. But others have no money and no place to live.

Federal officials believe there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people nationwide on any given day. Each one lacks a permanent place to live. Reasons for homelessness can include the high cost of housing, poverty and unemployment. Other reasons are mental health problems and just plain bad luck.

In Los Angeles, a group called PATH searches along flood channels and major roads for homeless camps.. Its workers look for people who have no permanent shelter.

Jorge Guzman was one of the people hoping to help the homeless. He says they make their camps where they are not seen -- behind buildings or in forests or parks.

"They just don't want to be noticed. They're doing their thing out here and, you know, they're just trying to survive."

City workers periodically clear away small trees and plants, uncovering homeless campers. Workers in Whittier try to move people out of homeless camps and into a home of their own. But housing is costly. Still, worker Tomasz says he has been able to help some people.

"It's really good to see the steps when people are leaving their encampments and they're transitioning to either transitional housing, and after when they obtain their own housing."

But there are many other homeless people still living on the streets or in camps, moving when their campsites are taken down.

【1】Why did California police clear the homeless encampment?

A. Because the area was unclean.

B. Because the homeless people often fight.

C. Because the government has built new houses for them.

D. Because they badly affected the image of the city.

【2】Which is NOT the reason causing homelessness?

A. Mental health problems B. Plain bad luck

C. Being abandoned. D. The high cost of housing,

【3】According to the passage ,where may the homeless live?

A. In buildings behind parks.

B. In camps in forests.

C. In apartments near Silicon Valley

D. In permanent shelters.

【4】We can describe Tomasz as ____.

A. generous B. honest

C. grateful D. helpful

【5】Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase take down?

A. Write down. B. Break down.

C. Pull down. D. Set down.

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