
As a new driver with little experience behind the wheel, having to turn into another lane(车道)to avoid a careless driver talking on a cellphone is not something that I am prepared for. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, an accident is four times more likely to happen than normal while you are talking on the phone. Therefore, I hold the view that using a cellphone while driving should be outlawed(宣布……不合法).

Cars are two-ton weapons and should be treated as such. When drivers put a key in the engine, they are taking on the responsibility of being a driver. Answer the phone while driving is like taking the safety off a gun ― at any moment something could go wrong and change a life forever.

A few countries, including Australia, Great Britain, Spain and Israel, have recognized the damage that cellphone use can cause. According to Tom Alex of The Des Moines Register, people who talk on cellphones while driving are just like drunk drivers. They are likely to make a deadly mistake, causing them to hurt themselves or someone else.

Some may think that cellphone are helpful when you need directions or are in an emergency situation. Although I agree, I believe the safest way to use your phone is to pull over to the side of the road first. Some may think that hands-free phones are less dangerous, but studies have shown that the danger remains the same with these.

Using a cellphone while driving should be outlawed. One small mistake could change your whole life. Please don’t let that happen ― stay off your cellphone while driving.

1.It can be inferred that the writer ________.

A. doesn’t know how to drive at all

B. likes to use a cellphone while driving

C. take a great interest in using his car as a weapon

D. prefers to stay off his cellphone while driving

2.The underlined word “recognized” in the third paragraph can be best replaced by “________”.

A. realizedB. allowedC. madeD. taken

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. The author is not quite experienced in driving yet.

B. Using a cellphone while driving is quite dangerous.

C. Drivers behind the wheel should pay full attention.

D. Using hands-free phone is less likely to cause accidents.

4.According to the writer, ________.

A. drivers should slow down while talking on the phone

B. cellphone talking while people are driving is more dangerous than drunken driving

C. drivers should be encouraged to use hands-free phones while driving

D. using a cellphone while driving should be forbidden



Value Now No Longer Missed

John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither(齐特琴)and played it in the crowded subway station. The music emanating from the zither was delicately streaming the whole station. However, during the one-hour play, only six or seven people were truly the charming music. John only got 52 dollars for his work that day.

However, in normal days, when John is about to hold a , one ticket can be sold at more than 100 dollars and it is extremely to buy a ticket even at such a high price. Therefore, later, many passers-by in the station that day felt deeply for not recognizing the famous musician and missing such a valuable but music feast.

I have a very friend who had totally changed after knowing that his wife an acute illness. He cooked by himself for the family and took a walk with his wife every day. Nonetheless, his wife still did not manage to the illness and passed away after three months. After that, he often sighed that due to his past busy life, he had missed a lot of beautiful time with his wife. But now, it is to make up for it.

It is no use crying over spilt milk. We have a lot of precious things in our life without knowing how to them. Actually, I also missed something before. The reason is simple: we had thought that we could still own them tomorrow.

Nevertheless, tomorrow is actually reliable. There was a famous Buddhist monk saying that in many people’s lives, they have only done two things: waiting and . The result is that they were always too late to cherish they had before they lost it. We would often claim to do something when we , or when we have money or when we become old, etc. However, when we reach the , we could no longer realize our , because we have lost it by then.

1.A. beforeB. throughoutC. aboveD. for

2.A. appreciating B. listeningC. creating D. discussing

3.A. meetingB. partyC. debateD. concert

4.A. easyB. convenientC. possibleD. difficult

5.A. excitedB. disappointedC. regretfulD. worried

6.A. specialB. cheapC. deliciousD. wonderful

7.A. lazyB. socialC. busyD. optimistic

8.A. put up withB. came down withC. came up withD. end up with

9.A. cureB. diagnoseC. attackD. conquer

10.A. miserably B. helplessly C. deliberatelyD. slightly

11.A. necessaryB. absoluteC. impossibleD. beneficial

12.A. missedB. madeC. inventedD. contributed

13.A. valueB. applyC. conserveD. convey

14.A. importantB. preciousC. positiveD. negative

15.A. to some degreeB. on the wayC. at all timesD. by no means

16.A. regrettingB. rewardingC. demandingD. expecting

17.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. when

18.A. get upB. set upC. grow upD. make up

19.A. goalB. conditionC. agreementD. destination

20.A. dangerB. mistakeC. purposeD. wish


Few Americans stay in one place for a lifetime. We ________ from the city to the suburbs, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job ________, from the home where we ________ our children to the home where we plan to live in ________. With each move we are ________ making new friends, who become part of our new life.

For many of us the ________ is a special time for forming new friendships. Today, millions of Americans go on vocation ________, and they go not only to see new sights but also — in those places where they do not feel too ________— with the hope of meeting new people. No one really ________ a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible. Surely in every country people ________ friendship.

The word “friend” to American people can be ________ to a wide range of relationships — to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business companion, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a ________ colleague. There are real ________ among these relations for Americans — a friendship may be ________, casual, situational or deep and lasting. But to a European, who sees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.

As Europeans see it, all kinds of “friends” flow ________ of Americans' homes with little ceremony. They may be parents of the children's friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country. ________ as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no ________ differences. The atmosphere is ________. Most people, old and young, are called ________ first names. Americans’ characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes it possible for us to find new friends abroad with whom we feel ________.

1.A. driveB. commuteC. moveD. settle

2.A. abroadB. elsewhereC. somewhereD. nowhere

3.A. deliverB. protectC. educateD. raise

4.A. retirementB. deathC. illnessD. sadness

5.A. mostlyB. mainlyC. rarelyD. forever

6.A. winterB. summerC. springD. autumn

7.A. alongB. freelyC. togetherD. abroad

8.A. aloneB. strangeC. scaredD. remote

9.A. allowsB. desiresC. expectsD. imagines

10.A. formB. developC. ignoreD. value

11.A. usedB. appliedC. stuckD. dedicated

12.A. kindB. generousC. trustedD. helpful

13.A. differencesB. varieties

C. distinctionsD. diversities

14.A. informalB. reliableC. shallowD. fragile

15.A. in and outB. on and onC. by and byD. up and down

16.A. MovingB. FlowingC. GoingD. Coming

17.A. obviousB. heavyC. explicitD. strong

18.A. weirdB. stressedC. relaxedD. strange

19.A. withB. onC. forD. by

20.A. at bestB. at homeC. at heartD. at hand

A young British woman had shortly arrived in Hongkong and had not yet 16 anything about the Chinese 17 . One day she went to the home of a Chinese friend and was 18 given a cup of Chinese tea. She was not 19 and she also found this type of tea rather 20 . However, since she had been given the tea, she felt she should drink it. Hoping to finish it 21 so that she would not feel about having to drink this tea which she did not 22 , she started to drink as much of it as she could. But as soon as her cup became half-full, the host 23 giving her more. Several times she told the host that she had had 24 , but it seemed to have no 25 . Her cup kept being 26 , and she kept on drinking. During the time of her 27 , she drank about twelve cups of tea. Later she found out that she should have just 28 the tea, and that this would have meant that she had had enough. Influenced by her 29 culture, she felt it too 30 to leave the tea and could not understand why the host took no notice of her protests(抗议) that she had had enough!

1.A. learnedB. gotC. rememberedD. taught

2.A. languageB. cultureC. habitD. food

3.A. certainlyB. hardlyC. immediatelyD. carefully

4.A. happyB. tiredC. interestedD. thirsty

5.A. sweetB. bitterC. coldD. nice

6.A. slowlyB. in timeC. quicklyD. gradually

7.A. haveB. takeC. buyD. like

8.A. stoppedB. insisted onC. practicedD. tried

9.A. someB. a littleC. allD. enough

10.A. importanceB. endC. effectD. value

11.A. filledB. changedC. movedD. emptied

12.A. visitB. talk

C. partyD. investigation

13.A. leftB. absorbedC. drunkD. filled

14.A. ancientB. modernC. easternD. western

15.A. impoliteB. politeC. easyD. uneasy

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