对话填空  (满分10分)


--- Math department, Doctor Webster (76) s____.       

--- Hello, Professor Webster, this is Janet Wang calling. I’m living next (77) t ____ your teaching assistant, Ken Williams, Ken asked me to call you (78) b_____ he has lost his voice and can’t talk to you (79) h____.            

--- Lost his (80) v____? Oh, what a sham! Is there anything I can do for you?      

--- Well, Ken has a class this afternoon from two thirty to four and he won’t be able to (81) t____ it, but he doesn’t want to cancel it either.                      

--- Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

--- No, not (82) e_____. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the mid-term exam papers. He’s already marked them and they are on the desk in his office. The whole thing wouldn’t (83) t____ more than ten minutes.

--- His class (84) b____ at two thirty, eh? Well, I’m afraid at that time I’ll be on (85) c____ anyway, so I can do it for him.                

--- Thank you very much, Professor Webster.











He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family’s   cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.

   On the day before the bass season opened, he and his father were fishing early in the evening, catching sunfish and perch (鲈鱼)  with worms. Then he tied on a small silver lure(鱼饵) and practiced casting. The lure struck the water and caused colored ripples in the sunset, then silver ripples as the moon rose over the lake.

  When his peapole doubled over, he knew something huge was on the other end. His father watched with admiration as the boy skillfully worked the fish alongside the dock.

  Finally, he very gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water. It was the largest one he had ever seen, but it was a bass. The boy and his father looked at the handsome fish, gills playing back and forth in the moonlight. The father lit a match and looked at his watch. It was 10 P.M.-- two hours before the season opened. He looked at the fish, then at the boy.

  “You’ll have to put it back, son,” he said.

  “Dad!” cried the boy.

  “There will be other fish,” said his father.

  “Not as big as this one,” cried the boy.

  He looked around the lake. No other fishermen or boats were anywhere around in the moonlight. He looked again at his father. Even though no one had seen them, nor could anyone ever know what time he caught the fish, the boy could tell by the clarity of his father’s voice that the decision was not negotiable(可协商的). He slowly worked the hook out of the lip of the huge bass and lowered it into the black water.

  The creature swished its powerful body and disappeared. The boy suspected that he would never again see such a great fish.

  That was 34 years ago. Today, the boy is a successful architect in New York City. His father’s cabin is still there on the island in the middle of the lake. He takes his own son and daughters fishing from the same dock.

  And he was right. He has never again caught such a magnificent fish as the one he landed that night long ago. But he does see that same fish-again and again-every time he comes up against a question of ethics (道德规范).

1. Why did the father ask his son to put the perch back?

A.Because the father disliked the perch.

B.Because the father was afraid of being fined

C.Because the ethics must be obeyed.

D.Because the son was more experienced in fishing than his father.

2.When does the architect (the father’s son) think of that perch put back?

A.When he takes his own and son and daughters fishing from the same dock.

B.When he builds many famous buildings.

C.When he pays a visit to his old father.

D.When he faces some problems about ethics.

3.Which word can not be used to describe the boy’s father?






Well, Mrs Evans, I’ve done my best to look after David. I’ve tidied his room up every day, got him a meal together whenever he needed one and made sure he’s always had a clean shirt to put on. It’s not been easy, with two of my own to worry about, as well. David had the best of attention, I must say. But now because I asked him to give up bringing that American friend to his home he has got quite and unfriendly. He comes in at all hours and his behaviour—well, it’s quite hard to put up with—and it’s all because of this friend. I’m sure he’s a bad influence. You see, David is a visitor and doesn’t fully understand our ways.

He used to study most evenings. He’s got through quite a bit of work. He did up his room quite nicely, with bookshelves and large posters. He’d ask Mr Smith and me up for a drink and cheer us up with songs from his country. He’s very good at the guitar, you know.

I don’t want to appear as if I’m running after him, but it’s about time we made it up. I’m sure he’s upset because I blame him for that. It might be a good idea to take him out for a meal, perhaps even with his friend. I don’t know whether it will do any good but we can try. I’m glad I’ve had this little chat with you, Mrs Evans, and I’ll let you know how I get on.

1.David is          .

A.Mrs Smith’s pet                    B.Mrs Smith’s son

C.a visiting student                       D.a singer

2.Mrs. Smith wants to make up(化解) the quarrel by _______.

    A. cooking a meal                       B. inviting David and his friend out

    C. running after David                  D. giving them drinks

3.David’s present attitude to Mrs Smith is         .

A.very attentive       B.unfriendly       C.cheerful     D.excited





I recently spent two years in the Arctic filming the series Blue Planet. I love being in an environment that hasn't changed for 20,000 years. Of course it's freezing, but it must be a healthy place because you never catch colds.

When I'm filming, I like to really feel how lonely the environment is. Filming underwater involves cutting through thick ice and diving in tied to a line. The person at the other end has to be ready to pull you out fast if necessary.

Originally I was a research diver for the British Antarctic Survey project, but for me science lacked excitement. I'd always enjoyed photography, and whenever camera teams passed through, they encouraged me to watch and learn. I was then able to move into filming in 1985 and have concentrated on Arctic and Antarctic wildlife ever since.

I prefer to be faced with the animals I'm filming. I haven't got in the water with killer whales yet, but I plan to. Of course, it's dangerous if you choose the wrong moment. They're big animals and can move fast, so I'd be stupid to film them searching for food!

I've never had problems with polar bears, although once I was frightened when one tried to get into my tent. Polar bears are bold, clever and dangerous. But I made this one see I wasn't about to attack it - I'm sure it realised I wouldn't hurt it.

When I come home back from my trips, I work in the mornings and spend the afternoons swimming to keep fit. Now I'm fifty, filming is harder. The challenge for me is to continue to deliver high-quality work.

56. In this text, the writer is describing __________.

A. the challenges of the environment he works in       B. the beautiful scenery of the Arctic

C. the career opportunities in TV camera work.    D. the difficulties of having to work alone

57. What does the writer say about his early career?

A. He was bored by working only in Antarctic.

B. It taught him how to become a skilled diver.

C. He wasted the years he spent as a scientist.

D. It provided him with a chance to learn about filming.

58. When talking about killer whales, the writer says that __________.

A. he has always been careful when diving with them

B. he tries to avoid any danger by facing them

C. he will only film them from a safe distance

D. he believes there are safe opportunities to film them

59. How does the writer describe his experience with a polar bear?

A. The writer realized he was wrong to trust polar bears.

B. The writer felt nervous that the bear might come back.

C. The bear seemed to know the writer wasn’t a danger.

D. The animal was much more afraid than the writer was.


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