
Tech-free tourism refers to traveling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places_____ block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals.

A. which B. where C. when D. who



What to expect at high school

Are you super worried about what to expect at high school? Well, guess what? Everyone is! The following tips will help guide you safely through your first day!

? Understand that you’ll be moving a lot.

Depending on the school you’re at, there could be more subjects and you’ll have more classrooms! 1. Be ready to move around and remember what classrooms they are in.

? Understand the newness of high school.

There are usually more strict teachers and more classrooms! Don’t worry. 2. More friends and more freedom (hopefully)! There will be a lot of differences, so go along with it and don’t feel nervous about the change.

? 3.

Stay away from students who have higher grades than you! They’re older and you will be an easy target (目标), so watch your back! If they do try to threaten (恐吓) you or anything, tell your parents or teachers to help you with it.

? Be prepared for the dining room.

Make sure you have friends to sit with, or you’ll look lonely and feel lonely. Make some new friends to sit with. 4.

? Remember to stay good in school.

5. You don’t need an “A” for everything, but an “F” on everything is not good! Spend enough time on study and take notes during class.

A. One for every subject.

B. Put your books in order.

C. Know who to watch out for.

D. There are some advantages!

E. Try to eat healthily on your first day.

F. Try to make a good impression on the teachers.

G. Do your homework and make sure you study hard!

Today, paper-making is a big business. But it is still possible to make paper by hand, since the steps are the same as using big machines.

You should use paper with small amounts of printing. Old envelopes are good for this reason. Colored paper also can be used, as well as small amounts of newspaper. Small pieces of rags or cloth can be added. These should be cut into pieces about five centimeters by five centimeters.

Everything is placed in a container, covered with water and brought to a boil. It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to cool. Then it is left until most of the water dries up. The substance left, called pulp(纸浆), can be stored until you are ready to make paper.

When you are ready, the pulp is mixed with water again. Then the pulp is poured into a mold. The mold is made of small squares of wire that hold the shape and thickness of the paper. To help dry the paper, the mold lets the water flow through the small wire squares.

After several more drying steps, the paper is carefully lifted back from the mold. It is now strong enough to be touched.

The paper is smoothed and pressed to remove trapped air. You can use a common electric iron used for pressing clothes.

1.It is suggested that we “should choose paper with small amounts of printing” to_____.

A. make paper by ourselves

B. renew the old envelopes

C. make various colored paper

D. create our own newspaper

2.Whether the paper is strong enough to be touched is determined by _____.

A. how long the pulp is stored

B. how thick the paper is

C. how much water remains

D. what type of chemicals are used

3.When the paper is lifted from the mold, it is time to _____.

A. make it smooth B. make it strong

C. decorate it D. use an iron

4.The passage is most probably intended to _____.

A. introduce the history of paper-making

B. describe the process of paper-making

C. compare the ancient with the modern paper-making

D. argue about the possibility of paper-making by hand

One day when I was 12, my mother gave me an order: I was to walk to the public library, and borrow at least one book for the summer. This was one more weapon for her to defeat my strange problem—inability to read.

In the library, I found my way into the “Children’s Room.” I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf at random. The cover of a book caught my eye. It presented a picture of a beagle. I had recently had a beagle, the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child. He was my secret sharer, but one morning, he was gone, given away to someone who had the space and the money to care for him. I never forgot my beagle.

There on the book’s cover was a beagle which looked identical(相同的) to my dog. I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover. My eyes ran across the title, Amos, the Beagle with a Plan. Unknowingly, I had read the title. Without opening the book, I borrowed it from the library for the summer.

Under the shade of a bush, I started to read about Amos. I read very, very slowly with difficulty. Though pages were turned slowly, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who, like mine, had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home. That dog was my dog, and I was the little boy in the book. At the end of the story, my mind continued the final scene of reunion, on and on, until my own lost dog and I were, in my mind, running together.

My mother’s call returned me to the real world. I suddenly realized something: I had read a book, and I had loved reading that book. Everyone knew I could not read. But I had read it. Books could be incredibly wonderful and I was going to read them.

I never told my mother about my “miraculous(奇迹般的) ” experience that summer, but she saw a slow but ramarkable improvement in my classroom performance during the next year. And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, was awarded a PhD in the literature, and authored his own books, articles, poetry and fiction. The power of the words has held.

1.The author’s mother told him to borrow a book in order to ___________.

A. encourage him to do more walking

B. let him spend a meaningful summer

C. help cure him of his reading problem

D. make him learn more about weapons

2.The book caught the author’s eye because________.

A. it contained pretty pictures of animals

B. it reminded him of his own dog

C. he found its title easy to understand

D. he liked children’s stories very much

3.Why could the author manage to read the book through?

A. He was forced by his mother to read it.

B. He identified with the story in the book.

C. The book told the story of his pet dog.

D. The happy ending of the story attracted him.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragrah?

A. The author has become a successful writer.

B. The author’s mother read the same book.

C. The author’s mother rewarded him with books.

D. The author has had happy summer ever since.

5.Which one can be the best title of the passage?

A. The Charm of a Book

B. Mum’s Strict Order

C. Reunion with My Beagle

D. My Passion for Reading

阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

Now many young people are traveling around the world on their own,not because they have no one to travel with,but because they prefer to go alone.

Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life.“It opens up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone.” Wegscheider has visited 46 countries covering all seven continents.

In foreign countries,with no one to help you read a map,look after you if you get ill,or lend you money if your wallet is stolen,it is challenging.This is what drives young people to travel alone.It is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own.

Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year.He set up a website,The Aussie Nomad,to document his adventures.He says he wished he had traveled alone earlier.“The people you meet,the places you visit,or the things you do,everything is up to you and it forces you to grow as a person,” said the 30?year?old man.

Richardson describes traveling alone like “a shot in the arm”,which “makes you a more confident person that is ready to deal with anything”.He said,“The feeling of having conquered something on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when I’m dealing with a difficult task.” “I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossible if you try.”

The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said,“Only by going alone in silence can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.”

1.Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with?

A.Traveling alone is a necessary experience for everyone.

B.It is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries.

C.It is comfortable to travel around without a friend.

D.Traveling abroad helps people to find new things.

2.Traveling alone is challenging because________.

A.you have to make things on your own

B.it is hard for you to prove yourself to others

C.you can only depend on yourself whatever happens

D.it will finally build your character

3.What can we infer about Chris Richardson?

A.He started traveling alone at an early age.

B.He was once shot in the arm.

C.He used to work as a salesman.

D.His website inspires others a lot.

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Travel Abroad B.Travel Unaccompanied

C.Travel Light D.Travel Wide and Far

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