
When people introduce themselves, I always hear them say “I’m just a housewife”. I don’t understand why their introduction is always filled with regret and self-pity. Is it really a crime to be a housewife? Is it really embarrassing (令人尴尬的) when you choose not to work outside and instead choose to work in your home? Is income the only mark of being proud of what you are doing and how you are spending your life?

How could you be “you are just a housewife” when the basic social unit of society depends on you and your service? Isn’t it surprising that even if your day starts before everyone and ends after everyone, you still don’t feel that you have accomplished(实现)anything? A housewife works for the longest hour, shelling out every responsibility of the house, supporting your husband, child studies, caring for elders, managing finances, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking according to individual taste, cleaning, entertaining family and friends, maintaining a pleasant environment at home, remembering things that others have forgotten, looking after each and every requirement of the family members, etc. A housewife could be anyone: daughter, wife, mother, teacher, financial advisor, fashion designer and consultant, nurse, gardener, driver, cook, and so on. Don’t think you are not being paid for it. You get the reward that no money can offer—the love and affection (挚爱) of your family, their trust in you, a happy home and your own satisfaction.

It is you who choose to be in this occupation, willingly or for any other reason. After a busy day, all wait to return to the comfortable home set by you. They know you will be there to absorb all their stress and tiredness and relax them. Would the life have been the same had you been working outside to earn some money? Would you along with your family have been able to buy all the content in life that you are enjoying now with that money?

Respect yourself for what you are. Introduce yourself to the world with the same dignity. The world understands the importance of your job; it’s time to make them accept it. Introduce yourself with pride and with twinkle in your eyes “I am a housewife”. Kick that “just” out.

1.What is the housewives’ feeling when they say “I’m just a housewife” in the author’s opinion?

A. Nervous. B. Comfortable.

C. Regretful. D. Satisfied.

2.According to the author, the true value of the housewives lies in the following EXCEPT _______.

A. the harmony of their family

B. family members’ trust in them

C. the stable income of their family

D. the love and affection of their family

3.What does the author advise housewives to do when they introduce themselves?

A. Take care not to make a mistake.

B. Pick up self-confidence and pride.

C. Try to make others understand their life.

D. Understand the importance of their jobs.

4.How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By following the order of time.

B. By offering some questions.

C. By making comparisons.

D. By giving examples.


Recently, scientists are reported to have grown a living human “brain”. The team at Aston University in UK created tiny bunch of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

They believe it could help find a cure for worse mental conditions like Parkinson’s disease. Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research program. He explained, “We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cell system. Cells have to be alive and operating efficiently to enable us to really understand how the brain works.” The experiment involves changing cells from a cancer tumor (肿瘤)and making them behave like brain cells.

Although far from finished, researchers hope the false brain cells will give them a greater understanding of how real brains work. This, in turn, could significantly further research into conditions which affect the brain. Neil Hunt, chief leader of the research group, said, “It is still very early days, but in the future the research could lead to a useful tool for looking into dementia (痴呆).”

The technique could also provide a way to carry on animal test and is being supported by the Humane Research Trust (HRT). The scientists predict that over the next ten years a million people will develop dementia. Professor Coleman believes their findings could change this. He said, “We hope our research will provide scientists with a new and highly relational human experimental model to help them understand the brain better and develop new drugs to control the related disease. However, the biggest challenge at present is that we are greatly short of fund, which will slow our research.”

1.UK scientists grow a living human “brain” in order to ______.

A. separate cells from a cancer tumor

B. discover how human brain really works

C. make use of living human cell system

D. study the structure of human brain

2.According to Neil Hunt, research into brain cells ______.

A. will help treat some diseases in nerve system

B. will influence the brain growth in many ways

C. will get finished as early as possible

D. will make people discover dementia

3.From the last paragraph, we can know that ______

A. the technique provided by HRT is not fully developed

B. the research program lacks financial support

C. animal tests are no longer allowed by law

D. a million people suffer from brain diseases

4.The text is meant to ______.

A. tell us about an important achievement in medical research

B. introduce the progress of drugs for dementia

C. tell us about health problem in nerve system

D. introduce a research program in human's brain

Does your local town have a nickname? If so, what does it say about the area and the people who live there? Many cities are recognized across the world by their unofficial titles. New York is the Big Apple, London is the Big Smoke, and Los Angles is famously called La La Land.

Now, as part of English Language Day on Wednesday, Britain's national mapping agency, Ordnance Survey, and the British linguistics charity (语言学慈善机构) , the English Project, are launching an interactive project which aims to identify the nicknames people use in their daily lives for local places.

“The name that people create for a place forms an emotional connection,” explains Winchester University's Professor Bill Lucas, a supporter of the English Project. “So Basingstoke becomes Amazingstoke, Swindon is known as Swindump and Padstow, hometown of Chef Rick Stein, is nicknamed Padstein.”

Basingstoke is a town in central England. The local nickname, Amaxingstoke, shows that affection that locals seem to have for the area. Swindon, on the other hand, is sometimes called Swindump, showing that some people think it's a dump (垃圾场). Stanford Le Hope in Essex is called Stanford No Hope by locals. And Padstow in Cornwall is so closely connected with the local famous person Rick Stein that it's become known as Padstein.

Since launching the online survey last week, the creators have already received 3,000 alternative titles for places and landmarks.

There is a practical side to the project. Glen Hart, Ordnance Survey's head of research, says the information could be very helpful to the emergency services. For example, “ By having the most complete set of nicknames we could help the emergency services quickly locate the right place, and maybe even save lives,” he says.

1.What's the passage mainly about ?

A.Some stories about nicknames for places.

B.Organizations collect official place names.

C.People have a great affection for their cities.

D.A survey of the nickname for places.

2.Unlike the town Basingstoke, Swindon is a place that________.

A.seems unpleasant to some people

B.attracts a lot of tourists

C.has few people living there

D.has a long history

3.What does Glen Hart think of the project?

A.It proves that most nicknames are interesting.

B.It is very helpful to the emergency services.

C.It may help increase the number of nicknames.

D.It has helped prevent deaths from happening.

When early colonial settlers went to America, they took many forms of dance to their new home. Square dancing, one of the oldest forms of American folk dancing, developed from several different Old World group dances, mainly English country dances, and the French quadrille(四对方舞).

In the American version of square dancing, four couples form a square and dance to music. An American addition to square dancing is the caller. What do you think a caller does?

The callers---someone who calls out the dance steps in time to the music--- was a completely American invention. At first dancers memorized all the steps for a particular dance, but eventually the dances became so complicated that it was necessary to have someone call out cues (提示) so that dancers didn’t have to remember so many steps. The caller didn’t just call out “do-se-do your partner”; a good caller also came up with colorful sayings or witty lines that he said in between the cues such as “Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid. Swing on the corner in a waltz promenade (步伐).” A caller might also come up with new dance steps and routines.

Although popular for years, square dancing seemed to be going out of style and fading away until the early 1930s, when Henry Ford helped revive(复苏)interest in it. Ford, the automobile manufacturer, used to vacation at the Wayside Inn in Massachusetts, where he enjoyed the dance programme run by a man named Benjamin Lovett. Ford asked Lovett to come to Detroit and teach dances, but Lovett said he couldn’t because he had a contract with the inn. Ford solved that problem by buying the inn and Lovett’s contract. He took Lovett back to Detroit, where together they established a programme for teaching squares and rounds. Square dancing was updated and groups began forming all over the country.

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A. The Different Steps of Square Dancing

B. The Origin and Development of Square Dancing

C. Who Was the Inventor of Square Dancing?

D. Why Did Square Dancing Go Out of Style?

2.What does the underlined part “their new home” refer to?

A. The United Kingdom. B. France.

C. Africa. D. America.

3.Why did the caller call out the steps for the dancers?

A. Because the dance was invented by the caller.

B. Because the dancers didn’t know the names of the steps.

C. Because the steps were very particular.

D. Because it was hard for the dancers to remember all the steps.

4.What can we learn about Henry Ford in the last paragraph?

A. He was the man who made the first car.

B. He was very fond of dancing.

C. He helped make square dancing popular again.

D. He taught people how to dance.


Ad No. 90374

Posted: Mar 12,2016 13:27 by Amanda Expire Date: Apr 12, 2016

Tag: Beijing Language Teaching Part Time

We are looking for teachers, whose native language is English, willing to teach in China. Most schools are in South of China.

The benefit package for foreign teachers includes:

One-year Contract: 1st September 2016 to 31st August 2017

Salary: 4,000RMB to 5,000RMB/Month

Teaching load & schedule: 20 teaching hours per week

A rent-free apartment with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom with full furniture

Kitchen facilities provided, other electric appliances will be supplied, water, heater, microwave, etc.

If you are interested, please read the information above and kindly send your application to attach the following documents (in .doc or JPEG format). The subject to be mentioned, as “teach in China”.

1. CV/Resume (简历)

2. A copy of academic degree/diploma/certificate/or college transcript

3. A photocopy of the data page of valid passport

4. A recent color photo

5. A letter of recommendation or release letter from your previous Chinese school (Only if you worked in China previously)

6. Any other related information that you think might help your application

1.This advertisement is about_______.

A. introducing a school

B. taking on foreign students

C. looking for English teachers

D. seeking a teaching position

2.What is NOT needed to apply for the job if you come to work in China for the first time?

A. Your resume. B. Your personal passport data.

C. Your photo. D. A recommendation letter.

3.If you are employed, you will_______.

A. work full time

B. not have to prepare the furniture

C. pay for apartment rent

D. work four months for two years

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
