
听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.In a travel service.

C.At the airport.

2.What does the man mean about the bowls and plates?

A.He prefers to have them wrapped quickly.

B.He would like the store to send them to him.

C.He will take them with him to save time.

3.Why is the man worried?

A.He doesn't like biology.

B.He can't get the books he needs.

C.He has too much reading to do.

4.When does the woman's class begin on Mondays?




5.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Making a new plan for the computer club.

B.Borrowing more laptops(笔记本电脑).

C.Getting more computers and e-mail addresses.




6.What was the man's problem?

A.He lost his money.

B.He didn't know where the ticket machine was.

C.He didn't know how to get a ticket.

7.Where should the man get off the train?

A.At State Street Station.

B.At Star Palace Station.

C.At Central Park Station.


8.What does Carol have to do on Saturday morning?

A.Do some washing for her mother.

B.Go to the shopping center at 11∶00.

C.Go to the doctor's after doing some shopping.

9.What will Carol do after she has lunch?

A.Help a girl with her studies.

B.Do her history homework.

C.Play soccer with her brother.

10.What can we know about Carol?

A.She is not content with her mother's time planning for her.

B.She has promised to go to see Jim in the evening.

C.She will send her brother to play soccer.


11.On which day has the man decided to leave?

A.The 22nd.

B.The 23rd.

C.The 29th.

12.What flight will the man take from New York to Berlin?

A.Flight BA 2701.

B.Flight BA 7101.

C.Flight PA 2701.

13.How long will the man have to wait at Kennedy Airport?

A.Half an hour.

B.One and a half hours.

C.Two hours.


14.What's the matter with Simon?

A.He has caught a bad cold.

B.He has the flu.

C.He has some trouble with his feet.

15.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.Simon has been ill in bed since Sunday.

B.Eva suggests Simon seeing another doctor.

C.Simon is anxious about the speech he is to give.

16.What has Simon decided to do?

A.Go to the party to dance.

B.Follow Eva's advice

C.See the same doctor again.


17.What will happen if rainforests are not protected?

A.All the rainforests will disappear within 400 years.

B.The world will become colder and colder.

C.More than 130 kinds of life forms will die out every day.

18.What is the percentage of life forms on Earth living in rainforests?

A.15% to 17%.

B.15% to 70%.

C.50% to 70%.

19.If we want to protect rainforests, what should we do?

A.Buy some products made from rainforests.

B.Offer some money or help with the work.

C.Join the organization of the environment.

20.Which of the following doesn't the speaker mention?

A.Learning more about rainforests.

B.Growing more rainforests.

C.Reading the books about saving the rainforests.




  (Text 1)

  W:Which platform is for London Bridge, please?

  M:9∶27 from Platform 1.

  W:Thank you.

  (Text 2)

  W:Be careful if you want to take these bowls and plates with you.It won't take long to wrap them.

  M:Oh, no.There's no rush.Could you please have it delivered to my home this week?

  W:No problem.

  (Text 3)

  M:I think the biology course is interesting, but it's very hard.The teacher has us read a lot of materials.I never get through them.

  W:Don't worry.You'll find it easy somehow.

  M:I hope so.

  (Text 4)

  M:Does your class start at 8∶1 5 every morning?

  W:No.On Mondays it doesn't start until 8∶30 and on Fridays not until 8∶45.

  (Text 5)

  M:Do you think we'll be able to attract more junior students this year?

  W:I hope so.Our new members will get their own new e-mail addresses.

  M:That's very attractive.Are we going to buy new computers too?

  W:Yes, we are.Our members can use these new computers after school.In addition, they can even borrow our laptops.




  (Text 6)

  W:Excuse me, do you need any help?

  M:I…I'm just looking.Well, actually, I want to go to Central Park.But I've been lost for the past few minutes.And I can't make with the ticket machines.

  W:Ah, well.Just press this button and from here it's 1 dollar 50.


  W:Then get on the train at Platform No.4.

  M:All right.Oh, and how often do the trains come around at this time of day?

  W:Usually they come about every 60 minutes.

  M:OK.And where do I get off the train?

  W:Get off at the State Street Station, three stops from here.

  M:OK.I got it.Thanks for your help.

  W:No problem.Good luck!


  (Text 7)

  M:So, Carol, do you have any plan for this Saturday?

  W:Ah, I'm quite busy.Why do you ask, Jim?

  M:Oh, I wonder if you'd like to get together and do something, like seeing a movie or taking a walk down by the lake.

  W:I'd love to, but I'm really going to be busy all day on Saturday.

  M:What do you have to do?

  W:First, my mother asks me to help do some shopping in the morning and then I have to see the doctor at 11.I can't miss that because I have cancelled twice before.

  M:Well, what about after that?

  W:Well, I'm going to be running around all day.After lunch I need to meet Atice at 2 to help her with her science project.

  M:OK, but are you free after that?

  W:Hardly.Then I have to pick up my brother from soccer practice at 4∶30.And my mum asks me to cook dinner for the family at 5∶30.I feel like a slave sometimes.Then I have to clean the dishes and finish doing my history homework.Who knows how long that'll take?

  M:Wow, sounds like you're going to have a full day.Here, listen.Why don't I come over later in the evening?We can make some cakes and watch a movie.

  W:Oh, that'll be great.But our video machine is broken.

  M:Well, let's just play games or something.


  (Text 8)

  W:Holiday Travel!What can I do for you?

  M:Yes, I'd like to book a flight ticket for the 23rd this month.

  W:OK.Where will you go?

  M:Well, I'm flying to Berlin, Germany.

  W:OK.Let me check up the flight.And when will you be returning?

  M:Er, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the 29th.Oh, and I'd like the cheapest flight.

  W:OK, let me see.Hmm.…


  W:Well, the price for the flight is much less if you leave one day earlier.

  M:Hu, let's go on a cheaper flight.By the way, how much is it?

  W:It's only 980 dollars.

  M:All right.Well, I'll take the flight.

  W:OK.That's Flight B A 7101, from Salt Lake City to New York Kennedy Airport.Then take Flight B A 2701 from Kennedy Airport to Berlin.

  M:And what are the departure and arrival times for each of those flights?

  W:It leaves Salt Lake City at 10∶00 a.m., arriving in New York at 16∶15.Then take the 17∶45 flight at Kennedy Airport.You're arriving in Berlin at 8∶30 a.m.the next day.

  M:All right, thanks.


  (Text 9)

  W:So, how are things going, Simon?

  M:Well, to be honest, Eva, I was feeling great on Saturday.But I thought I felt sick on Sunday afternoon.I thought I'd get better, but I feel worse than before.And I'm really worried because I need to give a speech at work on Friday.So I have to be better by then.

  W:What seems to be the problem?

  M:Well, I thought I had a flu.But the doctor said it was just a bad cold.He gave me some cold medicine to take care of my running nose.I'm supposed to take the medicine three times a day after eating.But it doesn't seem to help.He also told me to stay in bed for a few days but I'm so busy these days.

  W:Listen, forget about that medicine.I've just something to get rid of that bad cold.You see, my mother is really interested in Chinese traditional medicine.

  M:Oh, no, thanks.

  W:Oh, come on.Give it a try.You just take some of my mum's special tea and drink it 4 times a day.Believe me, you'll be up and dancing around in no time.

  M:Dancing around in no time, right?Well, I guess, nothing else seems to be doing the job.

  W:Great!I'll meet you at 17∶30.See you then.


  (Text 10)

  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.In a minute, I'm going to speak about the problems faced by our rain forests and what could be done in daily life to save these rain forests.

  I think we all agree that rain forests are very valuable resources.In rain forests there are many large and old trees and rare animals.Rain forests are in fact home to 50-70% all life forms on earth.If rain forests are not protected, over 130 kinds of life forms will disappear every day.Finally the balance of nature will be destroyed.Many people think that our rain forests can be regrown.However, the fact is that once these forests disappear, it takes 400 years for them to regrow.That's 400 years.In addition, rain forests produce a climate, suitable for us to live in.If they're destroyed, the climate will change and we will not be able to live in the world.

  What can be done in daily life to save our rain forests then? Personally, I think the first step is to learn more about the rain forests.Then you need to share our knowledge with others.You also need to educate the public and the next generation about the importance of protecting our rain forests.In addition, remember not to use any product from rain forests.Of course, we need your support.So please support organizations that aim at protecting our environment.You can send us money or help with our work.Besides, there're some other things we can do in our daily life to save the rain forests.I've bought some small books for you to look through and for your reference.Please remember to take one when you leave.

  Thank you.


听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.What are the man and woman talking about?



C.New laboratories.

2.What does the man mean?

A.The son is not doing well.

B.The son is as smart as his father.

C.The son is very poor.

3.What does the man mean?

A.It's too far away to walk to.

B.It's within walking distance.

C.It's not far, but too far to walk to.

4.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.At home.

B.At a restaurant.

C.On a party.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He moved the desk alone.

B.He had some classmates move the desk.

C.His classmates helped him.




6.Whose mother was ill?




7.With whom did the man go traveling?


B.His dog.

C.Jeff and Richard.


8.What kind of food will the man and woman eat?

A.American food.

B.Indian food.

C.Chinese food.

9.Where is the restaurant?

A.On Queen Street.

B.On Main Street.

C.On Rain Street.

10.How does the woman know that the restaurant is good?

A.She has been there several times.

B.She has tried it once.

C.She has been told about it.

11.What time will they most likely meet?





12.How long has the woman been ill?

A.For two weeks.

B.For three weeks.

C.For a few weeks.

13.When did the woman get a pain in stomach?

A.About an hour after she has eaten.

B.About an hour before she has eaten.

C.Just when she begins to eat.

14.What can you conclude about the woman's husband from this conversation?

A.He eats very quickly.

B.He doesn't eat as quickly as his wife.

C.He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife.


15.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She was born in Hawaii.

B.She has never been to Hawaii.

C.She has been working in Hawaii for many years.

16.What will the woman do possibly in order to travel round the island?

A.Rent a car.

B.Take a bus.

C.Travel on foot.


17.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Overland transportation in the nineteenth century.

B.History of mail delivery.

C.The invention of the railroad.

18.Why was it a problem for mail carriers to cross rivers?

A.Boats used on rivers were very crowded.

B.Bridges were too weak to carry the weight.

C.There were too few boat s.

19.What were NOT mentioned by the speaker?




20.What can be found in the exhibition?

A.Historical stamps.

B.models of boats.

C.Models of the first airplanes used for mail delivery.

听力(Listening Comprehension)


1.What does he advise us to do?

A.To build houses on sand.

B.To build houses on rock.

C.To build houses with rock and sand.

2.Where was the man when the earthquake broke out?

A.Outside San Fransisco.

B.In San Fransisco.

C.On the way to San Fransisco.

3.If an earthquake breaks out ,what will happen to these offices and bridges?

A.They can still stand there.

B.They will be badly destroyed.

C.The people around them can feel nothing.

4.When did the accident happen?

A.When the Smiths were at home.

B.When the Smiths were on their way home.

C.On a cold morning.

5.How many people died in the flood ?

A.About 400 thousand.

B.More than 3000.

C.More than 200.



6.What did the man do with Bob this morning?

A.He went skiing.

B.He went skating.

C.He went camping.

7.What did the man do to help Bob when he fell and hurt himself?

A.He supported Bob up.

B.He put a band-aid on Bob's injured leg.

C.He called an ambulance to send Bob to hospital.

8.How long does Bob have to stay in hospital at least?

A.Two weeks.

B.Two month.

C.Three months.


9.Where is the man living?

A.17 Mallett Street.

B.70 Mallett Street.

C.17 Marett street.

10.Which house is on fire?

A.Number 16.

B.Number 18.

C.Number 20.

11.Why is there nobody in the house on fire?

A.They went shopping.

B.They went to work.

C.They went abroad on holiday.


12.Why hasn't the woman seen the man for a long time?

A.Because he has been in hospital.

B.Because he went for a travel.

C.Because he has been ill at home.

13.What happened to the man three weeks ago?

A.He was hurt by a motorbike.

B.He fell off his motorbike.

C.He had his house stolen.

14.Which part of the man's body was hurt?

A.One of his arms.

B.One of his legs.

C.One of his eyes.


15.Where did Sue spend the nights in the country?

A.In a farm house.

B.In the open.

C.At a hotel.

16.What was the weather like in the country?

A.It snowed a lot.

B.It rained nearly every day.

C.There was a lot of sunshine.

17.What did Sue think of the people in the country?

A.They were tall.

B.They were strange.

C.They were friendly.


18.How many people became homeless as a result of the storm?

A.Over two hundred.

B.Over fourteen.

C.About fifteen.

19.Where were Mr Smith's children when the storm started?

A.In the rooms.

B.In the kitchen.

C.In the yard.

20.Why did Mr.Smith go back inside their house?

A.To get his missing child.

B.To get some food.

C.To get his possession.

听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.Who is the woman?

A.Sally Harrison.

B.Sally Harrison's friend.

C.Sally Harrison's cousin.

2.What does the man mean?

A.He didn't enjoy the film at all.

B.He enjoyed the film very much.

C.He left before the movie started.

3.Where is the man going?

A.To the movie.

B.To class.

C.To the library.

4.How old is the woman's bicycle?

A.Five years old.

B.Four years old.

C.Six years old.

5.Who sent the postcards?

A.The woman.

B.The man.





6.Where did the dialogue take place?

A.At the Bank of China.

B.At the post office.

C.In the street.

7.Which tells the right way to the post office?





8.Why is the woman leaving for Hawaii?

A.For a Holiday.

B.On business.

C.To be away from the man.

9.How is she leaving?

A.By bus.

B.By train.

C.By air.


10.Where's Sally?

A.In the garden.

B.In the grass.

C.In the tree.

11.What is Tim doing?

A.Sitting under the tree.

B.Climbing the tree.


12.What is the dog doing?

A.Climbing the tree.

B.Running after Tim.

C.Running after a cat.


13.Where did the conversation take place?

A.At Guangzhou Railway Station.

B.At the airport.

C.At a bus stop.

14.Which bus goes fastest?




15.Which bus did the man suggest the woman taking?




16.Which bus did the woman take at last?





17.Who knocked at the speaker's house yesterday?

A.A beggar.

B.A neighbor.

C.One of the speaker's friends.

18.What did he do?

A.He asked for money.

B.He asked for help.

C.He asked for a meal and a glass of beer.

19.Why is he known by everybody?

A.He lives in the street.

B.He likes to visit others.

C.He often goes to the street and asks for the same thing.

20.How often does he call at every house in the street?

A.Once a week.

B.Once a month.

C.Every day.

听力(Listening Comprehension)



1.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.To buy her a few stamps.

B.To post a few letters for her.

C.To phone her friends.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.They can work together tomorrow.

B.She didn't hear the question.

C.She will go to a concert tomorrow.

3.What are they going to do?

A.Have a cake.

B.Have lunch.

C.Turn on the light.

4.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.John wants to be invited to a card game.

B.John likes to play cards very much.

C.John doesn't really enjoy playing cards.

5.Does the woman like summer?

A.Yes, she does.

B.No, she doesn't.

C.She thinks cold weather is nice.




6.What is Mary going to do that afternoon?

A.Go to the library to borrow a few books.

B.Go swimming.

C.Study in the library.

7.What subject is Mary good at?




8.What is Mary going to do after she comes back from swimming?

A.Help Bob with his maths.

B.Meet Bob at the school-gate.

C.Meet him at Bob's home.


9.Why did Li Ming go to Hainan Island?

A.He went there on business.

B.He went there for a holiday.

C.He went there to see his friends.

10.What did he do there?

A.He went hiking in the mountains or swam in the sea.

B.He sometimes went shopping in the town.

C.He sometimes had a picnic in the mountains.

11.Why is it quite wet on Hainan Island?

A.Because the wind from the sea carries much rain to the Island.

B.Because it is in the southern part of our country.

C.Because the wind usually comes from the land.


12.Who are talking on the phone?

A.Tom and Jim.

B.Jim and Lucy.

C.Tom and Lucy.

13.What is Lucy doing when the telephone rings?

A.Spending her holiday.

B.Having a rest.

C.Working on chemistry.

14.What will Lucy do tomorrow morning?

A.Have a chemistry test.

B.Go to meet Jim.

C.Go to Shanghai for her holiday.


15.How often does Susan go swimming?

A.Every month.

B.Once a week.

C.Every night.

16.What did Henry use to do when he was a high school student?

A.Going swimming and running.

B.Going swimming and skating.

C.Riding a bicycle.

17.What is Henry going to do tonight?

A.Going skating with Susan.

B.Going swimming with Susan.

C.Watching TV.


18.What kind of shop will stay open until 8∶00 p.m.?

A.Newspaper shops.

B.Cigarette shops.

C.Big food shops.

19.What things are not allowed to sell on Sundays?



C.Not told.

20.What do you think the speaker most probably is?

A.A travel guide.

B.A teacher.

C.A foreign visitor.

听力(Listening Comprehension)


1.How is the woman going to the airport?

A.By taxi.

B.By train.

C.By bus.

2.What is the man's favorite free-time activity?

A.Watching TV.

B.Reading a book.

C.Listening to music.

3.What are they talking about?




4.Where will the woman first go after work?

A.The cinema.

B.The market.

C.The restaurant.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Asking for help.

B.Making an apology.

C.Expressing dissatisfaction.



6.How does the woman feel?




7.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a hospital.

B.At an airport.

C.At a station.


8.What did the young man try to do?

A.Get the old man's bag.

B.Help the old man up.

C.Collect his money.

9.Who is the woman speaking to?

A.A manager.

B.A customer.

C.A policeman.


10.Why haven't they seen each other lately?

A.The man has been to the States.

B.The man has been busy.

C.The man has been ill.

11.Why does the man come to the place?

A.To report for duty.

B.To do business.

C.To have dinner.


12.What is the father interested in?

A.Singing and dancing.



13.What is the woman talking about?

A.A piece of sports equipment.

B.A musical instrument.

C.A computer game.

14.What do we learn about the family?

A.The father understands his daughter better.

B.The daughter is not hardworking.

C.The mother is out of work.


15.What happened when the man was mountain climbing?

A.He got trapped in a cave.

B.He got lost in bad weather.

C.He lost his equipment and food.

16.What caused the loss of the man's legs?

A.Low temperature.

B.A bad fall in the mountain.

C.An unsuccessful operation.

17.What did he decide to do after losing his legs?

A.Design new climbing shoes.

B.Set up a club for the disabled.

C.Use technology to fight his disability.


18.Why did the man decide to leave the college in his second term?

A.He didn't like the big lecture classes.

B.He couldn't afford further education.

C.He was not interested in education.

19.What does he think of his work experiences?

A.They were personally rewarding

B.They should be part of school life.

C.They gave him a chance to learn German.

20.Where is the university he decides to go to in the end?

A.In South Carolina.

B.In Florida.

C.In Ohio.

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