
Once a wise man was traveling with some of his disciples(门徒). They  36  to pass a lake and they stopped there for a  37  . The man told one of his disciples,“ I’m

 38  . Do get me some water from that lake.”

Just as the disciple reached it, a cart started  39  the lake. As a result, the water became very  40  and muddy. The disciple thought, “ 41  can I give this water to my teacher to drink!” So he came back and said, “The water is very muddy. I don’t think it is  42  to drink.”

After half an hour, the wise man asked the  43  disciple to get him some water. The disciple obediently(顺从地) went back and found the lake was  44  muddy. He returned and  45  the wise man that the water was unfit to drink.

After another hour, the man again asked the disciple to get him a  46 . The disciple reached the lake to find it calm and still. The mud had  47  and the water was clean and clear. So he  48  some water and brought it to the wise man.

The wise man looked at the water, saying, “See what you  49  to make the water clean. You let it be — The  50  settled down on its own and you got the clear water. Our  51  is also like that! When it is disturbed, just let it be, Give it a little  52 . It will settle down on its own.”

So remember, the next time a(n)  53  has you all frazzled (精疲力竭的), just let it be; don’t  54  immediately. Let the Mud settle and come back to the situation 55 .

1.A. demanded                     B. wanted              C. struggled               D. happened

2.A. discussion                     B. sleep                 C. rest                          D. preparation

3.A. thirsty                          B. sick                  C. tired                     D. worried

4.A. covering                       B. crossing            C. cleaning                   D. filling

5.A. salty                                B. fresh                 C. heavy                    D. dirty

6.A. Where                          B. How                 C. When                       D. Why

7.A. fit                                B. convenient         C. dangerous              D. cheap

8.A. clever                          B. different            C. same                        D. strong

9.A. indeed                          B. even                 C. also                         D. still

10.A. warned                       B. informed           C. showed                    D. promised

11.A. drink                          B. chance                     C. pot                          D. hand

12.A. taken off                        B. settled down      C. broken down            D. gone off

13.A. stored                         B. found                C. collected               D. left

14.A. heard                         B. discovered         C. noticed                     D. did

15.A. leaf                                   B. water                C. mud                         D. dust

16.A. mind                          B. sight                 C. sense                     D. diet

17.A. room                          B. time                  C. money                         D. care

18.A. accident                      B. danger                     C. situation                D. disaster

19.A. act                             B. admit                C. fail                          D. advance

20.A. now                                  B. first                  C. recently                    D. later



























Alonzo Bland is spending the holiday season at a Chinese fat farm.The Green Bay, Wis., resident(居民)will miss his family, but otherwise he’s not complaining.

“It s a little drastic(过激)to come to China,”admits Bland,33,who used to be a couch potato and addict to KFC food.“But drastic is what I needed。at 646 pounds.”That was Bland’s weight when his China adventure began in May, after winning a competition by China Connection,a firm that promotes traditional Chinese medicine.The prize:a year at China’s top weight—loss center, the Aimin(Love the People)Fat Reduction Hospital.

   The private hospital treats an increasing number of Americans and other foreigners.But its real customer base,served by 18 clinics nationwide,is domestic—and growing.The once-slim Chinese nation is flow on the fast track to a U.S.-style obesity crisis(肥胖危机).About 30%of all Chinese adults are overweight or obese,says Chen Chunming,a nutritional expert at China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention,part of the Ministry of Health.“We don’t need to keep doing new surveys.We know the problem is severe and getting worse,” she says.

    China's heavyweights still stay behind the USA, where two out of three people are overweight or obese, but China “is on course to be exactly like the U.S. in 10 or 20 years,” says James Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. “No country has been able to stop things from getting worse. The causes of obesity are the same in China as in the USA.You have an environment where there are many foodstuffs available and no need for physical activity,” he says.

1.Alonzo Bland is mentioned as a ________.

     A.volunteer                              B.doctor

     C.patient                                D.researcher

2.The "Chinese fat farm" where Alonzo Bland stays is called ________

     A.Green Bay, Wis.

     B.China Connection

     C.the Aimin Fat Reduction Hospital

     D.China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention

3.The underlined word "domestic" in the third paragraph possibly means ________

     A.inside the hospital                                B.within the country

     C.outside the country                      D.all over the world

4.Which statement would James Hill disagree with?

     A.Obesity is caused by uncontrolled eating and less exercise.

     B.Americans have remained as fat as they are since long ago.

     C.Chinese will get as fat as the Americans today.

     D.China can possibly slow down its steps towards obesity.

5.The general idea of the article is that ________

     A.China wrestles with growing obesity

     B.Chinese medicine is effective in treating obesity

     C.Chinese seek foreign help to lose weight

     D.China learns from USA to fight obesity

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