

It was December 22. The bitter wind swept the countless snowflakes(雪花) across my front yard. My dad was there sweeping the  36 . His nose was red as a cherry. With every breath he took, a white puff escaped  37  the air.

Inside, my mother was _38_the last of the boxes.  39  I entered the front door, the thought that after today I wouldn’t enter through that  40 ever again burned a hole in my stomach. I picked up my dog and sat Indian style with him in my lap on the  41 , wooden floor. I had no 42  but to sit on the floor, for there was no longer any furniture in my house. I sat there in a daze (恍惚), just 43 . There was no reason for my parents to make me, a once 44 12-year-old kid,  45. I had two best friends right across the street; I did well in school and I always kept my room clean.  46 , this was “my house”. By no means did I want a couple of  47 living here. These recurring (重复) thoughts  48  around in my mind and I couldn’t find an answer.

Out of the front window I could see the orange top of a truck pulling in along the cleaned driveway and I knew it was the other U-Haul. At once their men came  49  in through the back door like World War Ⅲ was starting.

I watched  50  as the men, my mother and my dad loaded the truck. My dog even winced (畏缩) as he stared out of the window. I wondered if he was  51  , too, or if he just wished to play outside in the snow.

My mum came in, looking solemn (凝重). She turned  52  the overhead light, put the  53  in my arms and took me out of the back door. A totally 54  feeling filled my heart. For the first time in my life, I wondered what  55  would be like to me tomorrow.


A. stairs  

B. garden  

C. sidewalk  

D. driveway


A. into

B. down  

C. on  

D. over


A. piling  

B. packing

C. collecting  

D. locking


A. Though  

B. Since  

C. As  

D. While


A. yard  

B. door  

C. box  

D. flat


A. cold  

B. wet  

C. broken  

D. dirty


A. choice

B. way  

C. solution  

D. means


A. dreaming

B. thinking

C. sleeping  

D. laughing


A. intelligent

B. clever  

C. happy  

D. honest


A. remain

B. cry  

C. suffer  

D. move


A. However

B. Besides  

C. Therefore  

D. Yet


A. neighbors


C. visitors  

D. elders


A. came

B. traveled  

C. danced  

D. flowed


A. running

B. flying  

C. driving  

D. riding


A. curiously

B. happily


D. helplessly


A. afraid

B. angry  

C. sad  

D. lonely


A. down

B. off  

C. on  

D. up


A. box  

B. dog  

C. bag  

D. hand


A. excited

B. eager  

C. empty  

D. unknown


A. weather  

B. school  

C. home  

D. world

Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good  36 and always has something  37  to say.

     If an employee was having a bad day, Michael was there telling the  38  how to look on the positive side of the situation.Seeing this style really made me  39  , so one day I went up to Michael and asked him, "I don' t  40  .You can' t be positive all the time.How do you do it?"

     Michael replied, each morning I  41 and say to myself 'Mike, you have two  42 today.You can choose to be in a  43  mood or be in a bad mood.' I  44  to be in a good mood.Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a  45  or choose to learn from it.I choose to learn from it."

     "Yeah, right.It isn't that easy." I protested.

     "Yes it is, " Michael said."Life is all about choices.You choose how you react  46 situations and how people will affect your mood.You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood.The bottom line is: It's your choice  47  you live life."

     Several years later, I heard Michael was involved in a serious 48 , falling off 60 feet from a communications tower.After l8 hours of surgery, and weeks of intensive  49  , Michael recovered.When I asked him what had  50  his mind as the accident took place.

     "The first thing that went through my mind was the well being of my soon-to-born daughter," Michael replied."Then, as I  51  on the ground, remembered I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to  52  .I chose to live."

     Michael lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also  53  his amazing attitude.

     I learned from him  54  every day we have a choice to live fully. 55 is everything.

36.A.mood       B.sense       C.feeling      D.emotion

37.A.active     B.positive    C.reactive    D.negative

38.A.trainee    B.interviewee     C.employee  D.bee

39.A.moved    B.interested        C.precious         D.curious

40.A.take it      B.hold it     C.make it    D.get it

41.A.make up B.take up    C.wake up         D.bring up

42.A.roads       B.choices     C.ways        D.methods

43.A.good B.pretty      C.nice D.smart

44.A.decide     B.choose      C.feel   D.require

45.A.cook        B.receiver    C.victim      D.leader

46.A.by     B.against     C.with        D.to

47.A.what        B.that C.how  D.which

48.A.thing B.incident   C.accident    D.state

49.A.help  B.care        C.rest   D.holiday

50.A.gone through   B.broken through C.looked through D.read through

51.A.sat  B.lay    C.stood       D.lied

52.A.move       B.leave       C.die  D.remove

53.A.so long as       B.in case of        C.instead of       D.because of

54.A.what        B.how C.that   D.which

55.A.Attitude         B.Choice     C.Person     D.World

( C )
Steve is always in a good mood. One day I went up to Steve and asked him, “ How do you do it?”  Steve replied, “Each morning I wake up and say to myself, ‘You have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.’ So I choose to be in a good mood. It’s your choice how you live your life.”
I reflected on what Steve said. Soon thereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. Several years later, I heard that Steve was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communication tower. I saw Steve about six months after the accident. I asked him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place. “The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my daughter,” Steve replied. “Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or I could choose to die. I chose to live.”
“Weren’t you scared? Did you lose consciousness (意识)?” I asked.
Steve continued, “The paramedics (护理人员) were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read ‘he is a dead man’. I knew I needed to take action.”
“What did you do?” I asked.
“A nurse asked if I was allergic (过敏的) to anything,” Steve answered, “ ‘Yes,’ I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working. I yelled,’ Gravity (重力).’Over their laughter, I said, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.’”
Steve lived, thanks to the skills of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude.
I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Every single day has enough trouble of its own.
69. What is Steve’s attitude towards life?       
A. Worrying about life all day long.   B. Choosing to see the positive aspects of life.
C. Being cold to people in life.  D. Being angry at everything in life.
70. What did the writer do after he left the Tower Industry?
A. He furthered his studies in college.  B. He went on a vacation in foreign countries.
C. He stayed at home to enjoy his life.  D. He started his own business.
71. What went through Steve’s mind when the accident happened?
A. How badly he was injured.  B. The reason for the accident.
C. The well-being of his daughter. D. Whether he was going to die or not






















I was eagerly to be a volunteer and I had two interviews                                       

early in this year.Then I waited for the results.By mid—July,                                 

I still hadn’t received an answer.There are only two weeks                                      

left,but I gave up.Then,on August l,they called and said I                                   

had been chosen.I was shocked.“Please give her a few minutes                                 

to think about it” I said.Then I called my mom to help me buy                                  

a plane ticket.I was so exciting.I would be in Beijing the next day !                              

My task was to stand at the gate of a stadium and offered help                                          

to tourist.While working,I couldn’t watch the Games.But it was all                                 

worth it. Besides, I also got free ticket to one of the football matches.                                  


The story I am going to tell you happened about three years ago when I started to learn how to drive. At first, I was very frightened, and I thought I could never learn how to drive a car. Driving a car frightened me because in my home country women never drive, but in the United States every woman has to know how to drive. My husband paid an instructor to teach me how to drive. After that, my husband practiced with me for a long time. My husband always told me that I had to learn. It was important to me and my family.

However, I couldn’t get my license right away. I failed my driving test two times. After practicing for a long time, I decided to go for my third driving test. I had failed my first test because I was very nervous. Everybody encouraged me to continue practicing. Three weeks later, I decided to try it again, but I failed again. After that, I was very embarrassed(困窘的), and I said I couldn’t get it, so I stopped practicing for a while.

Not knowing how to drive was bad because I couldn’t do anything. I had two kids, my husband works, and I have to take care of everything. Driving was so necessary that I decided to try it again. And finally, that time, I passed the test. Now I have my license. I know how to drive, and it has changed my life in some important ways. Now I’m driving to the college, learning English and hoping I will get a good job in the future.

1.Why did the author think that she could never learn how to drive a car?

A.Because she was not an American woman.

B.Because she was afraid of a car or a bus.

C.Because in her own country women never drive.

D.Because her husband didn’t know how to teach her.

2. The underlined word “instructor” in the first paragraph probably means __________.

A.someone who teaches a special skill

B.someone who teaches a sport skill

C.someone who teaches in an American college

D.the information telling you how to drive a car

3. How many persons in the author’s family are mentioned except the author herself?





4.The passage mainly shows us that the author failed for quite a few times but she never gave up and __________.

A.she succeeded in driving her car to send her two children

B.she succeeded in driving to the college to get a good job

C.she succeeded in driving to the college and learned English

D.she succeeded in passing driving test and got her license in the end

5.The best title of this passage should be “__________”.

A.My Driving License

B.My Husband and I

C.Passing the Test

D.Never Give Up


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