
My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up to situations, and is hesitant(犹豫的) to try new things. When with close friends, she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants. But when that comfort zone is not around her, she is shy and nervous.

This has been challenging for me at times. “Shy” is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me. But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence. This year she moved to lap lane (习泳区) in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team. This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels. And this year she completed her first kids’ triathlon (三项全能).

On Saturday, with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son’s birthday party later in the day, we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon. We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her, we got all the equipment she'd need, and we kept talking about the race. But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn, she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me a few too many times. She was nervous but trying to keep it together.

And then it was her turn. From the second she jumped into the water, my heart soared. My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen. She dominated (主宰) that swim, crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.

I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life. It wasn’t because she did a sport or anything like that. It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear with confidence and a fire I hadn't seen before.

All day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling. She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day. I won the chance to see my girl shine. Shine on, sweet baby.

1.Kelly is nervous when .

A. boys are around her B. she changes into a leader

C. she is away from her mom D. situations are new to her

2.We can know from Paragraph 3 .

A. the race began in the early morning

B. the whole family gave Kelly support

C. Kelly was eager for her turn in the race

D. Kelly prepared for her brother’s birthday party

3.Seeing Kelly’s performance in the race, the author felt .

A. excited and proud B. anxious and uneasy

C. worried and hesitant D. curious and concerned

4.In the ending paragraphs the author “felt like I won that day” because Kelly .

A. overcame the fear B. expressed love to her

C. won the gold medal D. took part in the sport


Ever since Donald Trump was elected the next president of the US, the entire Trump family has been put under a microscope(显微镜).

In China, the spotlight has been mainly focused on Trump and his daughter Ivanka. She is described on WeChat as an extremely influential role model with stunning beauty, a successful career, and a happy family.

She leads a dream life that a million girls would kill for. Yes, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she got where she is by herself.

There’s always going to be articles that say people born into wealthy families are better looking and have a better family background than you, but these people do work harder than you.

Are you a loser if you were raised in an ordinary family? Should you feel guilty that you sleep eight hours a day because Ivanka sleeps five? If you just want to keep a stable(稳定的) nine-to-five job, does it mean you are not ambitious? How about if you don’t work out or eat healthy, does that mean you will not find your Mr. or Miss Right?

There is a tendency in media nowadays to encourage elitism(精英主义).They are trying to brainwash young people into thinking that they should invest(投资)a large amount of time and money in bodybuilding and appearance. They encourage lifestyle makeovers: wine tasting classes and expensive trips overseas. They make you believe that if you do as they say, you can improve the quality of your life and join the elites (社会精英).

But what’s the downside of being ordinary? Do you really need to go to the gym five days a week? Do you need to take hundreds of selfies(自拍) and Photoshop the selected ones to post on WeChat? Do you really need to break your neck and sacrifice to earn your first pot of gold only to worry constantly about how to enter high society later?

Don’t let the idea of elitism get to you. Everybody has a right to the life they want. Human beings should not be judged as a success or failure based on whether they are a part of the elite or not. As long as you lead a happy and comfortable life, why bother to chase after other people’s shadows? Choose your own life path and go for it.

1.Why does Ivanka become a hit online in the writer’s opinion?

A. She lives such a dream life that a million girls would like to kill her.

B. She gets what she has through personal efforts despite rich origin.

C. She has a better family background than ordinary people.

D. She is a role model frequently seen among ordinary people.

2.Which of the following are considered as a life belonging to the elites?

①Polish and post carefully- selected selfies on WeChat.

②Break your neck to earn your first pot of gold.

③Spare no effort to improve physical appearance.

④Sign up for wine tasting classes and oversea trips.

A. ③④

B. ②④

C. ②③

D. ①④

3.It can be inferred from the text that ____________.

A. Ivanka sleeping five hours a day makes the majority of people guilty.

B. Keeping a stable nine-to- five job will be thought of as a loser.

C. Improving the quality of life will help you enter high society.

D. Joining the elites is what more and more people dream of nowadays.

4.Which attitude towards life would the writer probably agree with?

A. Life is like a dogsled team. If you aren’t the lead dog, the scenery never changes.

B. Life is not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

C. There is only one success — to be able to spend your life in your own way.

D. The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.

How to change the world

You want to change the world, but you aren’t sure where to start. First, remember that changing the world can mean so many different things.

Understand what's wrong.

1.The world is such a big place, so you won't be able to change much if you don't understand what's going on out there. Try to learn about what is happening both home and abroad.

Know that change doesn't come overnight.

2.Try to live your values each day, even if you don't see much appreciable change on a day-to-day level. Work hard and don't give up.
Start small.

Find ways to make a difference every day. It may feel as though you are just one tiny part of a huge system. At first, you almost certainly will be. Be patient.3.. Try to put your activism into practice and make it a reality.


Write letters to newspapers; post an article, video, or idea on the internet; wear a T-shirt. If you think that it is important and worthy of attention, try to raise awareness(意识) by telling as many people as you can.

Consider a career.

Think about which sort of job might put you in the best position to change the world. 5.There are a lot of ways to get paid for adding value to the world. Start researching to find jobs in fields that feel valuable.

A. Read the news.

B. Spread the word.

C. All things begin small

D. Remember that you don’t need to do it alone

E. You could be a teacher, a reporter, or something else.

F. There are other, less public ways to show your support!

G. Don’t expect to change the world with one big heroic act.

The Johnson family from England believe they are lucky to be alive after surviving an incredible incident off the coast of Australia. The Johnsons had been _______ that they might see some whales when they were_______ a yacht — a large expensive boat for a 10-day sailing _______ around the Whitsunday Islands. _______, they had no idea just how _______ their viewing would be. Two hours into their journey a nine-meter-long humpback whale_______ out of the ocean and crashed into their boat before returning to the water.

Mark Johnson, the eldest son, was sailing the yacht when he heard a loud noise. He_______ thought the yacht had hit a rock. However, when he looked up, he saw the whale _______ down the deck of the boat. He told the reporters, “ We were staring into its right eye. It was a very _______ moment. The eye was about the _______ of a dinner plate. It was huge.”

_______ for the Johnson family, no one was hurt, but the yacht suffered _____damage. The whale had ruined the pole and ropes which hold the _______and so the family was left _______ at sea, 10 miles from the shore. The_______ equipment was also damaged, but fortunately they had a cell phone and were able to call for help.

Why the whale jumped onto the yacht is a _______ ,but the family thinks that maybe the boat had not _______ sailed between the whale and its baby calf. Perhaps the whale was trying to_______ its calf when it jumped, hit the yacht by chance.

Whatever the reason, people are completely _______ that this incident happened. There is over 135 million square miles of ocean, so what are the _______ of a whale jumping onto a 30-foot-long yacht? The chance of something like this happening is small, but it just shows that life is full of surprises.

1.A. explained B. learned C. told D. taught

2.A. hiring B. running C. taking D. driving

3.A. competition B. game C. trail D. trip

4.A. Moreover B. Nevertheless C. Worthwhile D. However

5.A. wide B. close C. vivid D. tense

6.A. swam B. leapt C. slipped D. stretched

7.A. suddenly B. occasionally C. immediately D. accidentally

8.A. shooting B. jumping C. falling D. sliding

9.A. exciting B. surprising C. frightening D. astonishing

10.A. size B. sample C. range D. scale

11.A. Certainly B. Luckily C. Definitely D. Possibly

12.A. severe B. extreme C. actual D. special

13.A. boat B. beach C. sail D. journey

14.A. by all means B. in no time C. from then on D. with no way

15.A. radio B. craft C. edition D. compass

16.A. problem B. mystery C. suspect D. question

17.A. carefully B. surely C. deliberately D. simply

18.A. see B. touch C. tend D. reach

19.A. amazed B. worried C. interested D. touched

20.A. marvels B. chances C. predictions D. results

Spain Environmental Project

Full Description

Greenheart Travel? Casita Verde (Green House) is an incredible eco-center situated in a beautiful valley near the village of San Jose, Ibiza. This great Mediterranean island is renowned for its rich culture and incredible scenery. Casita Verde is considered an experiential eco-education center, and showcases the best practices for sustainable living and alternative energies. The center includes almost 14 acres of working farm land created to demonstrate ecological development powered by wind and sun energy.

How You Will Make a Difference:

—Maintain and improve the farm facilities

—Install an alternative energy system

—Promote environmental awareness among visitors

—Cook delicious, organic meals for visitors

—Learn farming that emphasizes the use of renewable natural resources and the enrichment of local ecosystem

Assist with Sunday community visit/meals

Dates: Flexible dates available

Duration: 1 to 12 weeks

Cost Details: fee includes: housing, fool, medical insurance, in-country staff support, pre-departure orienta-tion, in-country orientation, 24-hour emergency contact

A Great Opportunity for: Teens/Professionals

Skills Needed/Experience

Participants should have an active interest in environmental studies/ecology, and strong desire to contribute to the international effort to protect the environment. Those who are interested in it must have extensive hands-on conservation experience and be willing to live rustically(淳朴地)in an alternative community. Some knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.

1.What do we know about Casita Verde?

A. It covers about 14 acres in size.

B. It is powered by renewable resources.

C. It is the center of a beautiful valley.

D. It develops its unique culture.

2.What can you do in Casita Verde?

A. Teach visitors how to grow organic plants.

B. Help the local promote environmental awareness.

C. Prepare organic meals for visitors on Sunday.

D. Make research into an alternative energy system.

3.Who are the intended readers of the text?

A. Travelers. B. Famers.

C. Workers. D. Volunteers.

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