
完形填空 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
Every year on my birthday, a white gardenia (栀子花) was     1    to my house. But no card or note came with it. Calls to the flower shop were always     2    -- it was a cash purchase. After a while I stopped trying to discover the sender’s identity and just     3    in the beauty and heady perfume of that one magical, perfect white flower lying in soft pink paper.
But I never stopped     4    who the giver might be. My mother     5     to these imaginations. She asked me if there was someone for whom I had done a special kindness who might be showing     6    . I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy I fell in love with or one who had     7    me even though I didn’t know him.
One month before my high-school graduation, my father died. My feelings     8     from sorrow to fear and     9   : my dad was missing some of the most important events in my life. I became completely     10    in my coming graduation, the senior-class play and the ball. But my mother would not hear of my losing any of those things. Mother and I had gone shopping and found an impressive dress, but it was the     11    size. When my father died, I forgot about the dress.
The day before my ball, I found that dress-- in the right size—hanging over the living room sofa. It was     12     to me so lovingly. I didn’t     13    if I had a new dress or not. But my mother did. She wanted her children to feel     14   , filled with a sense that there was a beauty even in the face of     15  .
My mother died ten days after I was married. The following year the gardenia stopped coming.
1. A. given         B. delivered            C. taken            D. brought
2. A. useful            B. helpful          C. in vain      D. hopeful
3. A. delighted     B. pleasant         C. pleasing     D. satisfied
4. A. considering       B. remembering      C. imagining        D. recalling
5. A. referred      B. led              C. preferred        D. contributed
6. A. appreciation  B. honor            C. grateful     D. respect
7. A. observed      B. watched          C. noticed      D. hated
8. A. ranged            B. differed         C. suffered     D. judged
9. A. shock         B. happiness            C. depressing   D. anger
10. A. uninterested B. interested           C. unhappy      D. disappointing
11. A. wrong            B. false                C. proper       D. right
12. A. provided     B. presented            C. introduced   D. awarded
13. A. doubt            B. wonder           C. desire       D. care
14. A. loving           B. loved                C. respected        D. honored
15. A. trouble      B. despair          C. problem      D. sorrow

1B  2C  3A  4C  5D 
6A  7C  8A  9D  10A  
11A  12B  13D  14B  15D

1. B. 栀子花被送到我家。
2. C. 给花店打电话总是无济于事(in vain)。
3. A. delighted意为“高兴的”。自己沉陷于这束发出芳香的花中。
4. C. 本段第二句的imagine对本选项有提示作用。
5. D.  contribute to 有“促成”之意,本句表明妈妈帮助我去想象。
6. A.  appreciation 因为做了善事,受到别人的感激。
7. C.  notice sb. 意为“关注某人”。
8. A.  range from …to …意为“从……到……变化。
9. D. 父亲错过了我人生中最重要的事情,不能分享我的幸福,使我感到有一点儿生气。
10. A. 父亲的去世使我对即将到来的毕业不感兴趣。
11. A. 与后文的“in the right size”对应。
12. B. be presented 意为“被呈现”。
13. D. care意为“在乎”。
14. B. 母亲希望她的女儿能感受到爱。
15. D. 即使面对父亲刚刚去世的悲痛。
There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people 36 to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you  37   is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times  39 outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely  40.. The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are  41  . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision  42   anyway.
You were  43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and   44   the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own  45  .
Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of   46  a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49   to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior   50 knew more than I did, and so I   51   too much significance to their opinions.
You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in   52 . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by   53   and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to   54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55  and to life. 
A.look atB.pick upC.turn toD.learn from
A.on one handB.on your ownC.on the wholeD.on all sides
The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audience could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent camera team out one evening to film the sunset for him.
The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”
“No, Sir,” the men answered.
The director was angry.  “Why not?”  he asked.
“Well,” one of the men answered, “we are on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.”
“But I want a sunset!” the director shouted. “Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.”
But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then play it backwards, Then it’ll look like a sunset.” “That’s a very good idea!” the director said. Then he turned to the camera team and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”
The camera team went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay. Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director. “Here it is, Sir,” they said, and give it to him. He was very pleased.
They all went into the studio. “All right,” the director explained, “now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the sunset behind them.”
The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera team to stop. The birds in the film were flying backwards away from the beach.
小题1:One evening, the director sent his camera team out ______.
A.to watch a beautiful sunset.
B.to find an actor and an actress.
C.to film a scene on the sea.
D.to meet the audience.
小题2:Why did the director want to send his team to the west coast?
A.Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset
B.Because he was angry about his team
C.Because it was his secretary’s suggestion
D.Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The team followed the secretary’s advice.
B.If you want to see a sunrise, the east coast is a place to go to.
C.The camera team wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.
D.The director ordered his team to stop filming the “sunset”
小题4:The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because _____.  
A.it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine
B.when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening
C.it was more moving than a sunrise
D.the ocean looked more than a sunrise
小题5:After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands _____.
A.because he was moved to tears
B.as he saw everything in the film moving backwards
C.as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined
D.because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and the heroine
Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.
Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.
 First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different, if you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients your body needs.
 Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty, cold water is the No.l choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium your body needs to grow strong bones.
Third, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and make you fat.
 Fourth, limit screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.
 Fifth, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.
 Follow these rules and you can be a healthy kid.
小题1: You should eat different foods especially ___.
A.meatB.hamburgersC.sweetsD.fruit and vegetables
小题2: Which kind of drinks can give you more calcium?
A.JuiceB.MilkC.Cold waterD.Tea
小题3: According to the passage, you should follow __rules if you want to be healthy.
小题4: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.When you're eating, you don't have to notice how your body feels.
B.You can eat your favorite food as much as possible.
C.You can watch TV whenever you like to get more information.
D.We should try to live in an active way in our life.
小题5: Which is the best title of the passage?
A.How to make yourself important
B.How to be a healthy kid
C.How to be a popular kid
D.How to make your parents healthy
  The Andrew Romay Immigrant Support Program (ISP) at the International Center provides a welcoming place for immigrants where they can build the skills they need to fully participate in the professional and social life of their new country.
About the Program
The Andrew Romay Immigrant Support Program (ISP) at the International Center provides an integrated (综合的) set of educational, cultural, and professional activities at ICNY to help immigrants:
●improve their English
●develop the networks they need to achieve their goals and fully participate in American life
●find a welcoming "home away from home"
Participants have access to a wide-range of programming, including:  
●more than 40 weekly classes in English language and American culture
●practical and career-skills workshops
●opportunities to explore New York City and the nearby area through trips and tours
ISP is particularly focused on helping newly arrived immigrants at a critical point in their lives.Recent arrivals in financial need receive one-year scholarships and low-cost meals.ISP is funded by Andrew Romay and a sum of money from the Open Society Institute.
If you are interested in applying for ISP, please fill out our online application or contact ISP Program Manager, Elaine Roberts at (212)255-9555 or at eroberts@intlcenter.org.
Resources for Current ISP Members
●Intermediate level:Introduction to Writing & Interviewing Skills on Wednesday, from 11 am-l2:l0pm.
●High Intermediate/Advanced: Tips for Success at Work and Beyond on Tuesday, from 2-3:25pm.
●Advanced: Career Skills Workshop on Wednesday, from 6-8pm. Sign-up required.
●For all levels: Interviewing Skills Workshop on Saturday, from 11 am. - 2 pm. Sign-up required.
To see a list of upcoming events, visit our News & Events page.
If you would like helpful resources on topics such as ESOL, healthcare, housing, or finding a job, please visit our Member Resources page
小题1: The main purpose of ISP is to ____.
A.help new immigrants set up a home away from home
B.equip new immigrants with the skills needed
C.provide support for new immigrants in financial need
D.help old immigrants at a critical point
小题2:You can become a member of ISP by ____.
A.visiting News & Events page
B.surfing Member Resources page
C.contacting Andrew
D.contacting Elaine
小题3: Which class best suits Tracy, who hopes to improve her
interviewing skills but is busy on weekdays?
A.Intermediate level. B.High Intermediate/Advanced.
C.Advanced.D.For all levels.
The Touchstone
When the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes, one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book; and so a poor man, who could read a little, bought it for very little money.
The book wasn’t very interesting, but between its pages there was something very interesting indeed. It was a thin strip of vellum on which was written the secret of the “Touchstone”! The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn any common metal into pure gold.
The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it. But the secret was this: The real stone would feel warm, while ordinary pebbles are cold.
So the man sold his few belongings, bought some simple supplies, camped on the seashore, and began testing pebbles. He knew that if he picked up ordinary pebbles and threw them down again because they were cold, he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of times. So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea. He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. Yet he went on and on this way. Pick up a pebble. Cold - throw it into the sea. Pick up another. Throw it into the sea. Pick up another. Throw it into the sea.
The days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months. One day, however, about mid-afternoon, he picked up a pebble and it was warm. He threw it into the sea before he realized what he had done. He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea that when the one he wanted came along he still threw it away.
So it is with opportunity. Unless we are careful, it’s easy to fail to recognize an opportunity when it is in hand, and it’s just as easy to throw it away.
小题1:The man bought the book because _____________.
A.he wanted to read itB.it was very interesting
C.there was a secret in the book D.he wanted to find the touchstone
小题2:We can learn from the passage that the touchstone is _________.
小题3:Why did the man throw the pebbles into the sea?
A.Because he didn’t want to get the same pebbles.
B.Because he didn’t want others to pick them up.
C.Because he didn’t like their ordinary looks.
D.Because he didn’t like the cold feelings.
小题4:What does the author want to tell us in the passage?
A.We should offer opportunities in our life.
B.We should seek for opportunities in the world.
C.We may seize opportunities when we are watchful.
D.We may discover opportunities when forming habits.
If we observe carefully, we van find that most of the flowers in nature are red, orange and yellow. If we have seen a black flower, it’s a chance in million. People have made a census(普查)to colours of more than four thousand kinds of flowers and discovered that only eight of them are black. Why?
As we know, sunlight is formed by seven different kinds of coloured light. The wave length of each light changes, so the quantity of heat in each light changes, too. Flowers, especially their petals(花瓣), are very delicate(纤弱) and prone(易于) to the harm caused by high temperature. Black flowers can take in all the light waves, which cause the flowers to dry up in a high temperature. So black flowers can rarely survive sunlight. But red flowers, orange flowers and yellow flowers can protect themselves from sunlight by reflecting the red light, orange light and yellow light, each of which has a large quantity of heat.
That is why red, orange and yellow flowers are very common in nature while black flowers are so rare.
小题1:We can hardly find black flowers because  _____.
A.they are so weak that it’s difficult for them to grow up
B.there are no black flowers in the world.
C.the petals of black flowers are very delicate
D.they can take in the light of all wave lengths, which make the flowers dry up
小题2: Sunlight is formed by _____.
A.many different kinds of coloured light
B.three different kinds of coloured light—red, orange and yellow
C.seven different kinds of coloured light
D.four thousand kinds of coloured light
小题3:The red, orange or yellow light contains _____.
A.less heat than the other lightsB.more heat than the other lights
C.a great deal of heatD.a little heat
小题4:“It is a chance in a million” means_____________
A.it is commonB.it is extremely rareC.it’s luckyD.it’s impossible
The holiday's upon us. Finally, after months of study, you have some time to yourself. so, why not read a book? Well, some people will say, "Why bother with books? We have the Internet and other media that offer a lot more colorful entertainment. Books are history!" But don't be fooled. There's still a lot to be said for reading.
One clear reason is that a well-chosen book is a wonderful source of vocabulary, so long as you have a good dictionary, of course. Believe me, it's far easier to get new English words and phrases from a book or article than it is from the TV or the Internet.
But an even more important point is that books give you something that modern media simply can not. The average webpage is picture-heavy and the text is often designed to make it as easy to read as possible. While "easy" may be attractive, unfortunately it's little use for many long-term development of reading skills and the general language level. For that, there's still no substitute (替代品)of a book.
But perhaps the best single reason is that simply choosing what you read and doing it independently means that it's something you do by yourself. You can choose what you want to read. It's hard work, but something down the line, you will find that what once seemed like a duty is now a pleasure. We asked three bookworms -- an English teacher, a book editor and a film critic - to pick some favorite reads for you.
小题1: How many reasons for reading a book does the author mention in the passage?
小题2: According to this passage, we basically need a ______ in reading.
小题3:In the author's opinion, reading on the Internet may ________
A.develop long-term reading skillsB.improve the general language ability
C.not take the place of reading booksD.be an effective way of reading
小题4: The passage is written mainly to ____________.
A.share the pleasure of reading booksB.advise readers to read books
C.stress the importance of reading online.D.help readers to choose good books.
Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be a game of some kind, football, hockey, golf or tennis. It may be mountaineering.
Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure.
Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no manmade rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.
If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no “matches” between teams of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously team work. The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.
A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is not unusual for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.
小题1:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Differences between Golf and Mountaineering.
B.Sports and Games.
D.Why are so many people crazy about mountaineering?
小题2: The biggest difference between golf and mountaineering lies in ____.
A.team game
小题3:The mountaineering can also be called a team sport because ____.
A.mountain climbers usually compete in groups
B.mountaineers depend on each other while climbing
C.mountaineering climbers are free to use their won rules to climb
D.mountaineering is a sport not a game
小题4: In the author’s opinion, one of the most important reason why so many people enjoy
mountaineering is that ____.
A.there are no man-made rules for mountaineers
B.mountaineering is a sport and not a game
C.it is one of the most dangerous sports
D.mountaineering brings us more enjoyment than other sports

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