
 _________reached the classroom when the teacher came.

A. We hardly had   B. Hardly had we

C. Hardly we had   D. Had we hardly





试题分析:句意:当老师进来的时候我们刚刚到教室。hardly几乎不,刚刚;hardly是否定副词放在句首时,主句应该用部分倒装。主句+主语+had done when+主语+did,had done部分倒装,应该把had提前放在主语之前。故选B。




   “BANG”the door caused a reverberation.“Never set foot in this house again!”shouted father.With tears weiling(涌出)up in my eyes,I rushed out of the hofase and ran along the street.

    A young father who held a child in his arlzis walked past rile.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space:happy and harmonious(和谐)

    But now I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because Dad is getting old.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

    1 wandered the street,without a destination in my n'nnd.My heart was frozen oil this hot summer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people m the streets,until I had only streets to keep me company When I finally reached the high rise apartment block in which I livegt,I saw that the light was still on.

     I thought to myself,“Is father waiting for rile.or is he still angry with me?”

    In fact,it was nothing.Perhaps,Dad was throwing some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had th,e courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.

    All the lights were off except father’S

    Dad was always 1ike this.Maybe he didn’t know bow to express himself.After shouting at me,he never showed any mercy or regret After an argument he will creep(蹑手蹑脚)up in my sleep and then tuck rile underneath the covers

    This was how he always was.Fie has been a leader for So long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

    The fight was still oil With the key in hand,1 was as nervous as 1 had ever been.At last,I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that l had imagined between us did not exist at all Love-it is second to none.

The underlined word“reverberation”refers to    .

    A.an earthquake    B.a heavy Mow  .

    C.a shake D.a sound forced back

When seeing a young father with a child in his arras.the writer might have

  the following feelings EXCEPT             

   A.She/He admired them very much

   B.She/He wished that the relation between him/her and his/her father could

    also be so harmonious

  C.She/He felt that happiness had been far away from him/her

   D.She/He felt disappointed with his/her father

Why do you think the father often shouts at his child?

    A.The father is getting older and older.

    B.The child had already grown up.

    C.They never agree with each other.

    D.The father has got used to doing that.

What conclusion can you draw after reading the text?

    A.The father treats his child in an unfair wav.

    B.The father is actually kind to his child

    C.The father is neither kind nor cruel to his child

    D.The father is always finding fault with his child.

     Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski
concert. After they were seated, the mother   1   a friend and walked down the aisle to greet her.
     Seizing the   2   to explore the wonders of the concert hall, th Qe little boy rose and went   3   a door
marked" NO ADMITTANCE". When the house lights dimmed (变暗) and the concert was about to begin,
the mother returned to her   4   and discovered that the child was missing.
     Suddenly, the curtains   5   and spotlights focused on the stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy
sitting at the keyboard,   6   out"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star".
     At that moment, the great piano master   7   his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and   8   in the
boy's ear,"Don't   9  . Keep playing."
     Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began   10   in a bass (低音 ) part.
Soon his right arm reached   11   to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (伴奏). 
  12   ,the old master and the young boy   13   a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative   14   .
     That's the way it is in life.  15   we can accomplish (完成 ) on our own is   16   noteworthy. We try our
best, but the   17   aren't exactly graceful flowing music.   18   when we trust in the hands of a Greater
Power, our life's work truly can be beautiful.
      Next time you set   19   to accomplish great feats, listen carefully. You can hear the   20   of the Master,
whispering in your ear," Don't quit. Keep playing."

(     )1. A. made      
(     )2. A. chance    
(     )3. A. over      
(     )4. A. car       
(     )5. A. parted    
(     )6. A. looking   
(     )7. A. made      
(     )8. A. shouted   
(     )9. A. perform   
(     )10. A. filling  
(     )11. A. forwards 
(     )12. A. However  
(     )13. A. charged  
(     )14. A. experience
(     )15. A. What     
(     )16. A. hard     
(     )17. A. failures 
(     )18. A. So       
(     )19. A. down     
(     )20. A. sound    

B. spotted    
B. performance
B. above      
B. seat       
B. drew       
B. taking     
B. asked      
B. cried      
B. stop       
B. getting    
B. down       
B. Together   
B. became     
B. play       
B. That       
B. hardly     
B. successes  
B. And        
B. about      
B. noise      

C. accompanied 
C. piano       
C. across      
C. room        
C. pulled      
C. picking     
C. forgot      
C. whispered   
C. go          
C. breaking    
C. up          
C. Luckily     
C. transformed 
C. concert     
C. Which       
C. always      
C. causes      
C. But         
C. away        
C. voice       
D. called     
D. lesson     
D. through    
D. table      
D. divided    
D. getting    
D. delayed    
D. looked     
D. give       
D. taking     
D. around     
D. Hurriedly  
D. grew       
D. film       
D. When       
D. usually    
D. results    
D. Though     
D. out        
D. song       
     I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure th at really struck
terror into my heart.
     I   1   it was a cold moon - lit night when I was walking home. It was the first night of my whole life that
I had been outside   2    at such a late time. There were   3    few people on the road at night. Even during the
day, the road was used by only some. On that night, it seemed even   4  . While I was walking, I could hear
some   5   made by creatures that love the night world. I moved really fast towards home. It was   6   because
I was hungry. More importantly, I was eager to get back home for warmth. All of a sudden, I   7   an old lady
in a short distance away. Her   8   was covered with a white cloth. She was   9   to me, I think.
      I was a bit  10  . I wanted to know  11  she was there at that time of the late night. I stopped walking for
a while. As I  12   there, stories about ghosts (鬼) began to come to my mind one after  13 . I was soon   14  
 fear and started to run as fast as I could. When I reached home I could  15 speak. 
     The next day, however, I   16   that place again to make sure that the woman was not a ghost but indeed a
real person. But I could find no footprints there  17   a banana plant. I realized then that it was the banana plant
with its leaves moving in the gentle wind that  18   like a woman waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of
myself; but after the  19  night's experience, this  20  was small relief to me.
(     )1. A. realized        
(     )2. A. alone          
(     )3. A. never          
(     )4. A. busier          
(     )5. A. noises          
(     )6. A. completely      
(     )7. A. made sense of  
(     )8. A. waist          
(     )9. A. smiling        
(     )10. A. mysterious    
(     )11. A. why            
(     )12. A. lay            
(     )13. A. another        
(     )14. A. addicted to    
(     )15. A. clearly        
(     )16. A. traveled      
(     )17. A. over          
(     )18. A. felt          
(     )19. A. previous      
(     )20. A. invention      
B. recognized       
B. asleep           
B. often           
B. noisier         
B. quarrels         
B. mainly           
B. caught sight of  
B. leg             
B. waiting         
B. cautious         
B. when             
B. sat             
B. other           
B. filled with     
B. easily           
B. visited         
B. without         
B. looked          
B. next             
B. achievement   
C. remembered    
C. awake          
C. seldom        
C. quieter        
C. songs          
C. obviously      
C. got ahead of  
C. head          
C. whispering    
C. conscious      
C. what          
C. stood          
C. others        
C. far from      
C. hardly        
C. appreciated    
C. than          
C. smelt          
C. last          
C. contribution 
D. reminded               
D. lonely                 
D. rarely                 
D. wider                  
D. voices                 
D. partly                 
D. took hold of           
D. hand                   
D. waving                 
D. curious                
D. how                    
D. walked                 
D. the other              
D. short of               
D. loudly                 
D. went                   
D. except                 
D. sounded                
D. following              
D. discovery            



       I am not one who is frightened easily, but I must admit that one night I saw a figure th at really struck terror into my heart.

I   36   it was a cold moon - lit night when I was walking home. It was the first night of my whole life that I had been outside   37   at such a late time. There were   38  few people on the road at night. Even during the day, the road was used by only some. On that night, it seemed even   39  . While I was walking, I could hear some   40   made by creatures that love the night world. I moved really fast towards home. It was   41   because I was hungry. More importantly, I was eager to get back home for warmth. All of a sudden, I   42   an old lady in a short distance away. Her   43   was covered with a white cloth. She was   44   to me, I think.

I was a bit   45  . I wanted to know   46   she was there at that time of the late night. I stopped walking for a while. As I   47   there, stories about ghosts (鬼) began to come to my mind one after   48  . I was soon   49   fear and started to run as fast as I could. When I reached home I could   50   speak.

The next day, however, I   51   that place again to make sure that the woman was not a ghost but indeed a real person. But I could find no footprints there   52   a banana plant. I realized then that it was the banana plant with its leaves moving in the gentle wind that   53   like a woman waving her hand. I had indeed made a fool of myself; but after the   54   night’s experience, this   55   was small relief to me.

36.A.realized        B.recognized       C.remembered     D.reminded

37.A.alone         B.asleep           C.awake           D.lonely

38.A.never               B.often         C.seldom         D.rarely

39.A.busier           B.noisier          C.quieter          D.wider

40.A.noises           B.quarrels        C.songs         D.voices

41.A.completely       B.mainly          C.obviously      D.partly

42.A.made sense of  B.caught sight of C.got ahead of     D.took hold of

43.A.waist         B.leg            C.head          D.hand

44.A.smiling         B.waiting         C.whispering       D.waving

45.A.mysterious       B.cautious        C.conscious      D.curious

46.A.why          B.when         C.what          D.how

47.A.lay            B.sat             C.stood         D.walked

48.A.another         B.other         C.others           D.the other

49.A.addicted to       B.filled with     C.far from       D.short of

50.A.clearly          B.easily               C.hardly          D.loudly

51.A.traveled        B.visited          C.appreciated      D.went

52.A.over          B.without         C.than          D.except

53.A.felt           B.looked          C.smelt         D .sounded

54.A.previous       B.next          C.last            D.following

55.A.invention      B.achievement   C.contribution     D.discovery


   1   People traveled in search of food and shelter or in order to flee from their enemies. Sometimes they were looking for gold or silver in order to become rich. On other occasions they were searching for rich farmland.

This is not to say that no one ever traveled just for fun. Even in ancient times, some pleasure travel occurred. During a typical season, 700,000 tourists would crowd into the ancient city of Rome, where animals performed and magicians entertained them.    2  

    3    International tourist arrivals alone reached as many as 546 million in 1994 and are forecast to rise to 937 million in 2010, according to the World Trade Organization.

   4    Probably the most common reason for traveling is related to our physical well – being. Actually, traveling to sports events is one of the fastest growing types of travel. In our fast developing society where stress has become part of people’s life, people can rest and relax by having a change of environment and activities.

   5    No one seems to doubt that travel broadens the mind. In 18 th century Europe, young men would go on a Grand Tour to various countries in order to complete their education. Today the desire to travel to different countries is encouraged by modern mass media. People who travel to other counters can at the same time learn more about their own country and culture.

       A.But why do people like traveling so much?

       B.Throughout history, most travel was not for pleasure.

       C.So they travel to a lake for a swim or to a park for a hike.

       D.The improvement in transportation has also encouraged people to travel

       F.The growth of tourism has become a modern phenomenon experienced by all countries in the world.

       G.Another important reason for traveling is to satisfy our curiosity about different places and cultures.

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