
How to Calm Down at Work

The workplace can be a stressful place. Anxiety, conflict, bad management and overwork can lead to frustration and stress. 1.

Keep something you like to look at within sight. A photo of a loved one or a favorite personal souvenir are the best examples. Keep such an item somewhere you can glance at it whenever you wish to do so. 2.

Take a moment to engage your body. If you’re unable to leave your work area, stand and stretch for a moment. Muscle tension exercises can also help you calm down. 3. For instance, start by squeezing all of your face muscles as tightly as you can for twenty seconds and slowly releasing them.

Write down the reason why you are upset. 4. Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper can help clarify the issue you’re having. Writing down your thoughts can even help you determine the best way to address your frustration or anxiety and move forward.

5. If you and another co-worker are constantly frustrated with one another, set up a time to speak with him or her. Say something like, “Hey, Sarah, let’s sit down sometime soon and chat to make sure we’re on the same page about our upcoming project.”

A. Turn to your workmates for help.

B. Communicate with your workmates.

C. A vase of flowers on your desk is another good example.

D. Focus on one particular muscle or muscle group at a time.

E. Here are the steps you can take to help you calm down at work.

F. Engage your body by rolling your head, shoulder, and ankles while sitting.

G. The best way to figure out exactly what’s bothering you is to write it down.


Winter is coming, and some parts of the world are already covered with deep snow. The best way to warm those cold hands is a cup of hot sweet chocolate. Hot chocolate has been used for many years to treat diseases and fight bad moods. It’s known as a special healthy drink from the 16th to 19th centuries, and sometimes was taken us a medicine. Nowadays people don’t consider hot chocolate as a medicine, but drink even more than ever! There are plenty of tasty and healthy hot chocolate recipes (烹饪法) you can try to enjoy the following health benefits of drinking hot chocolate.

It improves your brain power

The study shows that drinking hot chocolate can help improve your brain power and your brain health. The flavonoids (类黄酮) in hot chocolate increase the blood flow and oxygen to your brain, helping you think better. If you want to improve your memory, try drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day. Not only will you improve your memory, but your mood as well. Just make sure you don’t use too much sugar in your hot chocolate.

It improves your mood

Chocolate, including hot chocolate, is well-known mood booster. This tasty drink helps fight stress, anxiety, and depression. But the problem is, hot chocolate may contain high amounts of sugar. Consider making sugar-free hot chocolate to get all its mood-improving properties (特性).

It can help you lose weight

If you are trying to drop a few pounds, drinking hot chocolate can help you achieve your weight loss goal. When made correctly, hot chocolate is a delicious and low calorie drink that you can enjoy every time you have chocolate desire. Besides, drinking a cup of low calorie hot chocolate helps prevent the intake of high-calorie and sugar foods like cakes.

Now that you’re aware of some of the best health benefits of drinking chocolate, what are you waiting for? Rush into your kitchen and make this fantastic winter drink.

1.Hot chocolate is popular in winter because .

A. it can make your cold hands warm

B. it has been used for many years

C. it was used to treat kinds of illnesses

D. it is regarded as the healthiest drink

2.In the passage the author mainly talks about .

A. different hot chocolate recipes

B. materials used to make hot chocolate

C. side effects from drinking chocolate

D. benefits of drinking hot chocolate

3.It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. hot chocolate is the only way to improve mood

B. most people can be addicted to chocolate

C. remember never to have sugar in drink

D. food in low calorie makes you healthy

When Pat Jones finished college,she decided to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could _____ she was young.Pat wanted to visit Latin America _____,so she got a job _____ an English teacher in a school in Bolivia.Pat spoke a little Spanish,_____ she was able to communicate with her students even when they didn’t _____ much English.

A sentence she had read somewhere stuck in her mind;if you dream _____ a foreign language,you have really mastered(掌握)it.Pat repeated this sentence to her students and _____ that some day she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in _____.

One day,one of her _____ students came up and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework.He had ______ early and had slept ______.

“What does this have to do with your ______?”Pat asked.

“I dreamed all night,Miss Jones.And my dream was in English.”

“In English?”Pat was very ______,since he was such a bad student.She was ______ secretly jealous(嫉妒的).Her ______ was still not in Spanish.But she encouraged(鼓励)her young student.“Well,______me about your dream.”

“All the people in the dream ______ English.”the student said.“And all the signs were in English.All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”

“But that’s ______,”said Pat.“What did all the people say to you?”

“I’m sorry,Miss Jones.That’s ______ I slept so badly.I didn’t ______ a word they said.It was a nightmare(噩梦)!”

1.A. because B. while C. if D. since

2.A. first B. at first C. last D. at last

3.A. for B. of C. as D. like

4.A. and B. but C. so D. yet

5.A. say B. know C. read D. write

6.A. in B. about C. of D. for

7.A. thought B. realized C. hoped D. wanted

8.A. English B. Spanish C. Russian D. German

9.A. bright B. excellent C. best D. worst

10.A. got up B. gone to bed C. fallen asleep D. woken up

11.A. well B. soundly C. badly D. heavily

12.A. English B. language C. dream D. homework

13.A. surprised B. worried C. pleased D. excited

14.A. yet B. seldom C. also D. still

15.A. study B. class C. word D. dream

16.A. answer B. write C. tell D. ask

17.A. read B. liked C. spoke D. learned

18.A. wonderful B. terrible C. funny D. strange

19.A. how B. why C. when D. because

20.A. hear B. understand C. know D. remember

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