
【题目】She married an Australian man and became a (n) citizen of that country.

A.automatic B.permanent C.contemporary D.religious





【题目】Have you seen a historical film recently? Do you think it was accurate? Some say that there is no such thing as a historical film. In many cases, Hollywood film-makers simply change the facts. Just look at these supposedly historical films.

1. The Patriot

The film was released in 2000 and was directed by Ronald Emmerish and starred Mel Gibson. It is set near Charleston, South Carolina, during the American Revolutionary War(1775—1783) and follows the story of Benjamin Martin and his fight for American freedom against the British. The film was criticized for inventing and exaggerating British cruelty. The most criticized scene was one showing the burning of a church containing people of the town, of which there is no historical record. Another historical inaccuracy was the description of American-owned slaves being freed to serve with the American forces. In reality, many slaves ran away from their American owners and fought with the British against the Americans.

2. Brave Heart

The film(1995) starred Mel Gibson was directed by Toby Reisz. It is based on the life of Scottish national hero William Wallace and his fight against English rule in Scotland during the 13th century. The film includes an affair between William Wallace and Princess Isabella (based on Isabella of France). The film implies she is a mother-to-be when William Wallace will be killed. However, historically, the real Isabella was a child of nine still living in France at this time, never having met Wallace. The film also caused controversy because of its anti-English nature. Apparently, when the film was shown in Glasgow, there was a loud noise made by happy American audience.

3. U-571

This 2000 film was directed by Jonathan Mostow and starred Mathew MacConaughey, Havey Keitel and Jon Bon Jovi. It took place during the Second World War(1939—1945). In the film, a German submarine(warship underwater) is boarded in 1942 by American soldiers who made themselves up as Germans. They took away the German submarine’s code-language machine, which, in the film, helps the Americans get many secret messages from Germany. However, the film was heavily criticized because it was actually the British who got the machine in May 1941 when they boarded U-110. The movie was also criticized for showing a scene where the U-boat sailors killed American sailors in the water after their ship sunk, which is, in 99% cases, impossible to happen.

4. The 300 Spartans

The latest controversy surrounds the film The 300 Spartans. The film (directed by Zack Synder) tells the story of the battle between the Greeks and Persians in 480 BC. It is regarded as a key event in the birth of western democracy(民主) by some historians. In the film, 300 Spartans under the king fight against the enemies, 120,000 Persians led by Emperor Xerxes. The tiny Spartan forces repeatedly gain advantage over the invaders. These actions delays the Persians’ attack and gives the Greek armies enough time to prepare for the defense of Athens. But the Iranians (modern-day Persians) aren’t happy with the film. They say the film describes them as savage, killing-loving, and war-loving.

【1】This article mainly _____.

A. praises four “historical” films

B. shares with us four great movies

C. tells the readers about the inaccuracy of four “historical” films

D. expresses the writer’s positive attitude towards the “historical” films

【2】As far as time is concerned, the war in _____ broke out earliest.

A. The 300 SpartansB. U-571

C. The PatriotD. Brave Heart

【3】Mel Gibson, a great American actor, starred in _____.

A. The Brave Heart and U-571

B. The Patriot and Brave Heart

C. The 300 Spartans and Brave Heart

D. The Patriot and The 300 Spartans

【4】The passage probably comes from a(n)_____.

A. film posterB. fashion magazine

C. film reviewD. tour guide


A. Try different new things.

B. Avoid “black and white thinking”.

C. Associate with optimistic people.

D. Make a plan to stop thinking negatively.

E. Understand the benefits of staying positive.

F. Adopt the motto “everything happens for a reason”.

Develop a positive attitude towards life

When you are going through a challenging time, people will just instruct you to think positively. More often than not, thinking positively proves a strategy for interpreting everything that happens to you in a useful, constructive way. If you want to know how to think more positively, just follow these tips.

1_____________. Choosing to think more positively will not only help you take control of your life and make your everyday experiences more pleasant, but it will have countless benefits on your mental and physical health as well as your ability to deal with change. Being aware of these benefits can help you be even more motivated to think positively on a regular basis. One of the most important benefits of positive thinking is that you are more likely to have better coping skills during times of stress.

2_____________. Don’t think everything you are faced with either is or it isn’t. In fact, there is what we call the shades of gray in life. Therefore, if something doesn’t turn out the way you want it to, make a list of all of the outcomes in between to see that things aren’t as serious as they seem. For example, if you get a late start on a paper and think you shouldn’t bother because you won’t finish it in time, consider the other possibilities. You could finish half the paper and still get a better grade than if you don’t turn it in.

3_____________.That means deciding to overcome the negativity that is going on around you –– and there will always be plenty of it. Think of what you can do today that is good for you and others. Decide how you will react in ways that will make a difference to your life. Don't let other people ruin your plan. People will often make things seem more important or worrisome than they really are. Making a plan to be more positive will already be a move in the right direction. This will help you to stay positive because you will feel a greater sense of control over your life and your choices.

4 _____________. Experiencing a wide variety of life will do wonders. Stepping out of your comfort zone can often take you by surprise and knock those negative thoughts or black and white thoughts right back into their cave. Something as simple as trying a new food in a restaurant can lead to the discovery of new tastes and different feelings, along with the release of negative impressions. Visiting a new town, city, or country and see how other people view the world can help put a positive spin on your life.

5_____________. Optimism is infectious. If you want to be infected by optimism, you should spend time with people who can provide something of value. Look for the positives in other people too –– finding what is good in people. Learn to praise people around you. Connect with people who have many passions and want to share them with you. Avoid seeing anyone with a negative outlook, unless you really care about that person and want to change their thoughts. If you tend to think negatively, you’ll be falling into a trap.

【题目】There is an English saying that "Laughter is the best medicine. "Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter can really improve people's health.

Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, makes the heart beat quicker and makes people breathe deeper; it also works on several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.

Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effects of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programs. The group that tolerated (, 忍耐) the pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemical in the brain which diminishes both stress and pain.

As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients' condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.

【1】According to the passage, which of the following statements is WRONG?

A. Laughter is good for health.

B. Laughter can make you become old quickly.

C. Laughter helps to reduce pain.

D. Laughter, just like physical exercise, is good for our body.

【2】The underlined word "diminishes" in the third paragraph means" __________ "

A. delays B. prevents

C. increases D. reduces

【3】 Why do some doctors hold laughter clinics?

A. Because they want to earn more money.

B. Because they think they will help the patients recover from illnesses.

C. Because they want to improve their patients' condition.

D. Because they want their patients to practice how to laugh.

【4】According to the author, we should __________.

A. laugh as much as possible

B. watch more funny films

C. smile all the time

D. spend more time in laughter clinics

【5】What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Both laughter and physical exercise are good for health

B. Laughter clinics help patients improve their condition

C. Laughter can reduce the effects of pain

D. Laughter is the best medicine

【题目】你听说过波兰首都华沙(Warsaw)一词的由来吗? 这里有一个美丽的传说。

Long long ago,there was a young man.His name was Wars.He lived in a little house near the River Vistula.He went there fishing every day for a living.

One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river.The girl's name was Sawa.From then on,the young man and the beautiful girl met every day.They fell in love with each other.When Wars asked Sawa to marry him.Sawa was very sad.She told him that she was mermaid (美人鱼) and she couldn't marry man.But she said she would give him something when they met again.

The next day,Wars went to the river and met Sawa. Sawa was waiting for him with a sword in her

right hand and a shield(盾)in her left hand.She told Wars that they wouldn't meet again.She gave the

sword and the shield to him.She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero.Then she went away.

Wars missed Sawa very much.He always remembered his first love.What the mermaid had told him came true.Wars became a great hero.He got the land by the River Vistula.There he set up a city. He called it Warsaw.

【1Wars was a ___________when he met Sawa for the first time

A. hero B. fisherman C. mermaid D. soldier

【2Sawa couldn't marry Wars because _______________

A. Sawa was a mermaid B. Sawa didn't love Wars

C. Wars was very poor D. Wars didn't love Sawa

【3Sawa told Wars_____________

A. they would marry later

B. they would leave together

C. he would become a hero

D. he would get much money

【4The name of Poland's capital came from _________________

A. the name of a house

B. the name of a river

C. the name of a mountain

D. the names of Wars and Sawa

【5From this passage, we know that _____________

A. Wars lived in a big house near the River Vistula before he met Sawa

B. Sawa was kind but not pretty

C. Sawa gave Wars nothing but a sword

D. Wars named the city Warsaw to remember his first love

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