
Look in the bedroom of teenagers throughout the world and you’ll   1.    (probable) find a pair of blue jeans. Their popularity has spread across nations and cultures. Levi Strauss, the American company that first introduced us to the wonder of blue jeans, celebrated    2.    150th birthday last week. The company

   3.    (found) in 1853 by 24-year-old Levi Strauss. Twenty years later, he made   4.    first pair of blue jeans and, in doing so, created work pants    5.   the cowboys of the wild American West. Men    6.    rushed to California to find gold in the middle of the 19th century started to wear the jeans    7.    (make) by Levi Strauss. American troops    8.    (fight) in World WarⅡ brought Levi’s jeans to Europe and Asia. Now   9.    have been an international symbol of being cool for more than a century. Blue jeans have attracted people’s attention with their   10.    (fashion) designs, naturalness, and changeable styles.






3.was founded










1.probably  此处修饰动词,用副词。

2.its/the    无生命的所有格形式是its或特指the。

3.was founded   此处为被动语态。

4.the  此处为序数词 第一条牛仔裤。

5.for  此处是为牛仔们创造工作服。

6.who  此处是定语从句 先行词指人 所以用who。

7.made  此处是过去分词短语做后置定语。

8.fighting  此处是现在分词短语做后置定语。

9.they  此处是代词代替前面的Levi’s jeans.

10.fashionable  此处是形容词做定语修饰designs.




How old is “old”?  The answer has changed over the years. Two hundred years ago,you were old at 35.At the beginning of the 20 th century,the average life span(平均寿命)was 45. In 1950,70-year-olds were really old.Today,a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.
So,how old is old? The answer is one you’ve heard many times,from all kinds of people.“You are as old(or young)as you feel.”Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived.Your body tells you how well you’ve lived.
“Nobody grows old by living a number of years.” wrote a writer.“People grow old when they don’t have their ideals.”
People shouldn’t have the wrong ideas about aging.Sometimes,older minds can be as bright as young minds.Alice Brophy once said,“It makes me unhappy when people say,‘You look young for your age。’ What does that mean?
You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80. ”
53.The meaning of the underlined word “aging” is “        ”
A.growing old      B. staying young    C. keeping healthy      D. feeling unhappy
54.Which question is NOT answered in the passage?
A. Can older people be as bright as young people?
B. What tells you how well you’ve lived?
C. How old is “old”?                     
D. what is the average life span today?
55.The passage is mainly about __________ .
A. the average life span                     B. aging
C. the 20th century                         D. older people and young people

Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it cheaper by making the words shorter. You can do this by taking out “unimportant” letters in the words and using numbers instead of words (2 =" to," 3 =" free," 4 =" for," 8 =" ate," so h8 =" hate," etc.). You can also keep away from using punctuation (标点).       Here is an example: Do U wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite (Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?)

What do you think these text messages mean?

Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wtng hrs fr a cll.

Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll.

I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy.

Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols (符号) to show how they feel. They are called emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon, you have to look at it sideways. For example, if you say something in a text message that is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face.

1.Why are text messages popular?

A.Because they are expensive.

B.Because they are cheap.

C.Because they are hard to write.

D.Because they are not important.

2.The first paragraph tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in             ways.





3.What does this text message “Do U wnt 2 cm?” mean? It means “                   ?”.

A.Do you want to come

B.Do you wear two caps

C.Do you want two cakes

D.Do you go home early

4.Why do people use emoticons?

A.Because they can show how users feel.

B.Because the symbols are beautiful.

C.Because text messages are short.

D.Because the users can’t make the words shorter.


Father Maurice Chase used a special way to celebrate his 90th birthday. The Catholic priest(神父) took $ 15,000 in cash to Los Angeles’ Skid Row (贫民区) and gave it away. Twenty wheelchair – bound people received $100 bills, while the rest received $1to $ 3 each.

“I come out here to tell them that God loves them and I love them and that some one is concerned about them,” Chase said.

Chase has given away cash and blessings every Sunday at the same corner for 24 years.Several hundred people wait for him every week.

He makes a point of coming on Thanksgiving and Christmas, too, but this is the first year he spent his birthday in the downtown neighborhood where people live mainly in shelters and on dirty sidewalks.

    “ It’s the place that makes me the happiest.I just love it,” said Chase. “I look forward to coming here.”

The money comes from donations he receives from rich and famous people he met during his work as assistant to the president of Loyola Marymount University.

The crowd broke into choruses of “Happy Birthday” several times. Some people presented him birthday cards, to his delight.

Travis Kemp, a 51 – year – old disabled man with long black hair, was one of the lucky 20 to receive $ 100. He said he had no special plans for spending the money. “He has a lot of respect from me,” Kemp said. “I know I couldn’t do it.”

1.On his 90 th birthday, Chase      

    A.handed out cash to the needy

    B.collected money for poor people

    C.visited poor people’s homes with gifts

    D.held a party at Los Angeles’ Skid Row

2.Which of the following makes Chase feel the happiest?

    A.Celebrating his birthday with his neighbours.

    B.Working in Loyola Marymount University.

    C.Celebrating Christmas with the people he has helped.

    D.Going to Los Angeles’ Skid Row to help people there.

3.What’s the source of the money Chase used to help people?

    A.All his savings.

    B.His earnings as a Catholic priest.

    C.Donations from the wealthy and celebrities(名人).

    D.Donations from Loyola Marymount University.

4.Travis Kemp is mentioned in the text to show .

    A.he was the luckiest person on that day

    B.the disabled need to be taken care of

    C.Chase is greatly appreciated by the needy

    D.even old people came to celebrate Chase’s birthday

5.Which statement is CORRECT according to the passage?

    A.Every recipient could get $100 in cash from Father Maurice Chase.

    B.Father Maurice Chase gave the cash away not only on his birthday but also on other occasions.

    C.Although Father Maurice Chase gave the cash away on his birthday, he didn’t receive anything in return.

    D.Father Maurice Chase earned a lot of money as assistant to the president of Loyola Marymount University.


Christmas bird – watching is popular in the U.S.A. When the holiday season comes, some Americans are likely to watch and count birds in the sky with great interest every day. This activity began in the early part of the last century. It has a one-hundred-year history. At that time, there was a so-called “holiday hunting” custom. In order to celebrate the holiday, the hunters went out to kill birds and beasts. By 1900, there were 27 bird lovers who decided to count birds instead of killing birds. Since then, Christmas bird-watching was held every year. It has been continued to the present.

There were 42000 people who took part in the bird-watching last Christmas, from December 16 the year before to January 3 next year. They were in the United States and Canada, central America, south America and the Caribbean, watching and counting birds in the sky. The whole viewing area was divided into 1600 points. Each birdwatcher was responsible for 25 meters, and was required to write down the types and quantities of birds within 24 hours.

A birdwatcher described what he had watched vividly in his diary—“ When I looked up, I saw a beautiful ‘landscape’ in the sky: Red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤) were driving up in cunning wedges that split the air. They were so neatly arranged, coordinating their movements. I was excited and breathtaking. Interestingly, the “human” shape(人字行) always maintains 110° ” .

“Why do red-crowned cranes choose to use ‘human’ shape when flying in formation?” He continued, “In my opinion, there are four reasons: first, the ‘human’ shape can make red-crowned cranes use increasing air which is produced by each other’s wings when they are swinging in the sky. It can increase the glide time and save physical ability. Second, the ‘human’ shape will enhance communication among the birds. The orders and the relevant information issued by the lead bird can be conveyed to each member in this migratory group unimpeded, accurately, rapidly and conveniently. Third, such a formation will help to find the birds left behind because of feeling run down as fast as possible, so that the young, the weak, the sick birds can get everyone’s help and encouragement. Finally, the ‘human’ shape shows not only beauty but also unity. It can give enemies a deterrent.They will be terrified and did not dare to attack the birds.The migration security of the birds will be ensured.”  

Environmental experts admired and evaluated Christmas bird-watching highly. They pointed out that it made perfect sense. On the one hand it could enhance the human awareness of environmental protection. On the other hand it could provide first-hand information on birds.

49.When did Christmas bird – watching begin?

         A.Sometime during Christmas holiday.         B.At the beginning of 20th century.

         C.In the early 19 th century.          D.Since there was Christmas Day

50.What do bird – watchers do when they are bird – watching?

         A.They kill birds and beasts.          B.They watch birds and beasts.

         C.They watch and count birds.     D.They look at the sky and write diaries.

51.The following are all reasons for red – crowned cranes flying in “human” shape except      .

         A.they can help each other and ensure their safety

         B.they can communicate with each other in order to reduce tiredness.

         C.they can make use of the air produced by each other’s wings.

         D.they can look stronger in case they come across enemies

52.This passage consists of five paragraphs. Please arrange the five main ideas of the paragraphs in order of their appearance in the passage.

    a. How the bird – watchers divided their watching task and what was done.

         b. How Christmas bird – watching came into being.

         c. Christmas bird – watching is of great importance environmentally and scientifically.

         d. A Christmas bird – watcher watched and was amazed by red – crowned cranes.

         e. Red – crowned cranes fly in “human” formation for quite good reasons.

         A.a – b – c – d – e         B.b – c – e – d – a         C.b- a – d – e – c D.b – d – e – a – c


Talking on a mobile phone is expensive, so a lot of people send text messages. Text messages are much cheaper than talking on a mobile phone, and you can make it cheaper by making the words shorter. You can do this by taking out “unimportant” letters in the words and using numbers instead of words (2 =" to," 3 =" free," 4 =" for," 8 =" ate," so h8 =" hate," etc.). You can also keep away from using punctuation (标点). Here is an example: Do U wnt 2 g 2 th cnma tnite (Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?)

What do you think these text messages mean?

Whr hv U bn? Iv bn wtng hrs fr a cll.

Im hm nw, why nt gv me a cll.

I gt a txt mssge frm my frnd. Shes hvng a prty on Strdy.

Mobile phone users have developed a group of symbols (符号) to show how they feel. They are called emoticons, and there are some examples below. To read an emoticon, you have to look at it sideways. For example, if you say something in a text message that is a joke, you can follow it with a smiling face. Like this: Why didt u call me? I’m so sad.   (

Here are some others. Can you think of text messages where you could use them?

) laughing     ( sad    < really sad

Ⅴ shouting    |·| asleep   :0 shocked

8·| surprised    \·o bored

1.Why are text messages popular?

A.Because they are expensive.

B.Because they are cheap.

C.Because they are hard to write.

D.Because they are not important.

2.The first paragraph tells us that we can make the text messages shorter in             ways.





3. What does this text message “Do U wnt 2 cm?” mean? It means “                   ?”.

A.Do you want to come

B.Do you wear two caps

C.Do you want two cakes

D.Do you go home early

4.Why do people use emoticons?

A.Because they can show how users feel.

B.Because the symbols are beautiful.

C.Because text messages are short.

D.Because the users can’t make the words shorter.


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