

To be able to motivate oneself, or self-motivate, occurs when a person has the willingness to do something and is internally(内在地) motivated to do it.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to get ourselves moving.The natural tendency is to postpone.Life just seems to get in the way! There is a job to go to, groceries to do, television to watch—whoops! I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise routine or reading a new book.The fact is that we are creatures of routine and habit.So what can we do to motivate ourselves to accomplish our goals? 

Here are some tips on how to get moving:

Decide what you want.It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind.Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it.Then break it down into smaller sections so it’s easier to handle and less overwhelming.(势不可挡)

Keep track of your progress.Keep a log or journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished.Looking at it can also motivate you to keep pushing ahead.

Post motivating pictures or slogans within your sight.It is always inspiring to see pictures of people who have accomplished what you’re going for.It makes it attainable and realistic.Likewise, little slogans like “go for it” or “just do it” can give you the little support you need.    

Sometimes we forget what we set out to do and a little reminder is all we need to be revitalized (激活) and focus on the end result.If you remind yourself to go for the desired promotion, it will re-establish why you are doing what you’re doing.

Make it a habit.Once you have accomplished your objective, e.g.becoming an early riser, keep it up so that it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think about it anymore.

64.According to the author, some people fail to achieve their goals because ________.

       A.they don’t have enough desire

       B.their life is filled with routine work

       C.they benefit from the force of habit

       D.they naturally put off forming new habits

65.It can be inferred from the underlined sentence that ________.

       A.self-motivation needs repeated self-reminding of one’s goal

       B.in modern society people tend to become forgetful

       C.when we forget our goal, our life becomes meaningless

       D.we can achieve our goal only by focusing on the end result

66.To get moving on your goal, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.

       A.keep a diary to clearly judge your distance to your goal

       B.make self-improvement your second nature

       C.forget your aim and revitalize yourself with slogans

       D.support yourself by hanging inspiring pictures in your house

67.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

     A.Set Goals in Your Life    B.Get Yourself Motivated

     C.Get into Good Habits      D.Do Not Postpone







Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degree Celsius. That is the point where water turns to ice.    , it is important to lower the temperature to between minus fifteen and minus twenty degrees Celsius as quickly as possible. The faster the freezing process is, the fresher the taste of the food.

Fruits and vegetables can be spread out inside the freezer. Once the food is frozen,     . Fruits are usually not cooked before they are frozen. This allows them to keep their fresh taste. The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freeze before putting it in the container. This will keep it from sticking to the container. This is called the “dry pack” method.

    , The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can ad some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juices.

    . Blanching means placing the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly placing them into very cold water. Blanching slows down the natural chemical aging process. All extra water should be removed before placing the vegetables into containers and freezing.     .

A. it should be placed in containers and then stored at a temperature of about minus twenty degrees Celsius

B. Vegetables are either cooked or blanched before freezing

C. To start the freezing process

D. To keep them fresh for a long time

E. The second way is the “wet pack” method

F. Most foods can be stored frozen for up to one year

Neighbours play an important role in our lives. Their lifestyles, friends, and social habits can have a strong influence on our lives. It is a good idea to get to know the people next door or across the street to develop a community (社区) of support and safety. You never know when a neighbour will find a stranger walking around your house, or you may want to leave an extra key at their house in case someone in your family gets locked out.
How do you get along with your neighbours? Here are some tips for building a better relationship with your neighbours.
Point ①…Proper greetings can make your neighbours remember your name and pave (铺) the way for more meaningful future meetings. Don’t stay too long, though, or you’ll wear out your welcome!
Point②…If your neighbour is building a pool, offer a few hours of help. Besides, you never know when the favor might be returned.
Point③…If you hear that someone who live close to you has had an accident, take over a hot meal or some fruit. Your action will add a special touch during a difficult time.
Point④…Invite your neighbours over for a cup of coffee in December or an Easter egg hunt in spring. A backyard barbecue (烧烤) can be a great way to share food and fun.
Your neighbours may annoy you at times, but they are like family in many ways. Appreciate their strengths and overlook their weaknesses, and everyone will get along just fine.
【小题1】What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

A.The possibility of a good community.
B.How to get to know your neighbours.
C.How to influence your neighbours.
D.The importance of neighbours.
【小题2】According to the passage, which of the following may NOT be something nice to do?
A.Offering to help your neighbours if they need help.
B.Having a very long conversation with a new neighbour.
C.Inviting your neighbours over for a backyard barbecue.
D.Preparing a hot meal for a neighbour who is going through a difficult time.
【小题3】Match the following titles with each point.
a. Invite your neighbours over.          b. Lend a helping hand.
c. Go over and introduce yourself.       d. Offer support.
【小题4】We infer(推断出) that the writer wrote this passage to        .
A.explain why it is good to get along well with others
B.give us some tips on how to support our neighbours
C.tell us how to get along with our neighours
D.advise us to be nice to our neighbours

请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。 【温馨提示】如果该题选E,请填涂AB;如果选F,请填涂CD。
A. Culture fan: Karen, 17, American. She’s simply fascinated with other cultures. Her best friends come from four different countries. She enjoys foreign music and movies. She likes reading books, especially about culture and history. Send her a message at rickyroberts1000@yahoo.com.
B. Open-minded girl: Sarah, 17, Chinese. She spends most of her time knitting, dancing and seeing movies. She likes swimming, listening to music, learning foreign languages, collecting stamps and playing games. She’s willing to make friends with anyone between 17 —19 years of age. Her email: Sarah@hotmail.com.
C. Language Talents: Takumi is 18. This Japanese boy has mastered several languages such as Japanese, English and Russian. He likes learning about different cultures and listening to music. Do you want to learn languages? His email: ff8_angel19xx@hotmail.com.
D. Traveling around the world: Mary, 18, American. She enjoys art, pop music, and travel. She has been to several countries such as Italy, the UK, Ireland, China, and France, and she is always curious about different cultures. Her email address is bandana4real@hotmail.com.
E. Sports lover: Rodrigo, 22, Australian. He’s a teacher of physical education and a personal trainer. He likes sports very much. He also likes to write books. Contact him at lby4real@yahoo.com.
F. Music-loving girl: Ada, 19, English. She’s a college student. She plays some instruments: the piano, the guitar, and the violin. She plays the piano quite well. She can dance and sing really well in French, Japanese, Romanian, Italian, etc. Her email: si_a91@hotmail.com.
请阅读以下希望找到理想笔友者的自我介绍,然后根据他们的要求,匹配他 / 她拟要找的笔友俱乐部成员:
【小题1】I’m Andy, a second-year university student from the U.S. My major is elementary education, so I will become a teacher. In March 2008 I’m going to Japan to study at the Nagasaki College of Foreign Language. I’d like to make friends with someone who can help me with Japanese.
【小题2】My name is Eliza. I’m a very outgoing girl. I love playing the piano. I hope to become a pianist. I also play the guitar. I can sing in several languages. I’m looking for someone who has a lot in common with me.
【小题3】 I’m Anna, and I live in Canada. I speak English, French and Spanish. A lot of things interest me, especially other countries’ cultures, because I would like to see what other people’s lives are like. If you are interested in the same things, let’s become friends.
【小题4】 I’m Emilio Ukabi. I’m a boy of 18 years old, from Nigeria. I want to become an engineer in computer science and my favorite hobby is playing basketball. Really, I love this game. I’d like to be your friend, as long as you are sporty.
【小题5】I am Emiri, a 17-year-old girl from Tokyo, Japan. I want to make friends all over the world! I seek girls or boys around my age who have similar hobbies― listening to American pop music and traveling abroad. 

根据短文内容,从下框A-F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。(E="AB; " F=AC)

    A.Why exercise?

B.Healthy eating

C.A picture of being healthy

D.Exercise tips

E.The importance of being healthy

F.A healthy combination



You use energy for everything you do.That energy comes from the food you eat.Too much food or too little exercise causes your body to store the extra energy in fat cells.Lighten up on the food or increase your exercise and you might drop a few pounds.But if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you'll feel more healthy and strong as well as look great.


You probably have an image in your mind of what the "perfect" or "ideal" body looks like.Try not to press yourself to look that way.Each person is born with genes that control the shape of his /her body.Everyone is different.It is important to be comfortable with the body you have."Healthy" and "ideal" are not always the same.Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the best ways to look and feel your personal best.


Exercise does more than just burn calories.For instance, regular exercise makes your muscles strong and flexible, and increases the amount of muscle you have; makes your heart stronger and lowers your blood pressure; makes you feels more energetic, even when you're not exercising and improves your mood and makes you feel better about yourself.


Always warm up and stretch for 5--10 minutes before you do strength or endurance exercises.Afterward, take 10 minutes to cool down slowly.Your heart should beat  normally when you stop.Do strength and endurance exercises on alternate days, so you will not overwork your body.Exercising as part of a group may help you to exercise regularly.


Your body runs best on foods high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat and sugar.You also need a certain amount of protein and plenty of vitamins and minerals.Eating a healthy diet wil1 provide your body with everything it needs to run smoothly.Your body breaks down proteins into amino acids(氨基酸), so you don’t need to buy the amino acids separately.


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