
   This new computer is obviously superior ______ the old one because it has many new functions.

         A. with                        B. on                                     C. at                                      D. to



It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get education.  1     , it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The  2       between schooling and education suggested by this is important.

Education is  3     , compared with schooling. Education knows no edges. It can take place  4       , whether in the school or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the   5      learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class.  6      the experience of schooling can be known in advance, education quite often produces surprises. A chance talk with a   7      may lead to a person to discover how    8       he knows of another country. People obtain education from   9      on. Education, then, is a very  10       and unlimited term. It is lifelong experience that starts long    11       the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life.

       Schooling, on the other hand, is a  12      experience, whose style changes  13    from one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time, take    14    seats, use similar textbooks, do homework, and    15    , and so on. Schooling has usually been limited by the edges of the subjects being taught. 

A. Then                     B. However           C. Thus                    D. Therefore

A. difference              B. importance        C. use                        D. problem

A. unexpected            B. endless              C. countless                D. simple

A. anywhere             B. anywhere else    C. somewhere          D. somewhere else

A. part-time              B. public              C. standard               D. strict

A. If                      B. Because             C. So                         D. Though

A. neighbour             B. friend               C. foreigner                     D. teacher

A. wonderful            B. well                  C. greatly                  D. little

A. babies                  B. grown-ups                C. women                  D. men

A. long                   B. broad               C. narrow                  D. short

A. that                 B. when                C. after                    D. before

A. basic                  B. strict                C. final                    D. irregular

A. unusually             B. differently         C. little                    D .frequently

A. large               B. new                  C. fixed                  D. small

A take exams           B. hold exams        C. mark papers            D. read papers

Today many people say that women have the same chance as men in society. But this was not always so. In the past, women all over the world had to fight to get the same chance as men in education and jobs. Many people said that women should not receive much education because they would not do as well as men when they went to work.

One woman who showed that women should have the same chance was Marie, a scientist. In the 1800s scientists knew that a metal, uranium, gave off radiation. They also knew how much radiation came from his element. But they didn’t know what this radiation was like; they wondered why and how uranium gave off radiation. Marie Curie set out to answer these questions. In one of her experiments she was studying a certain material which, she knew, contained uranium, But it gave off 4 times as much radiation as usually does. What could explain this fact? Marie Curie thought that there must be another source of radiation in this material.

In 1898 Marie Curie set out to find out this new source of radiation, which she named “radium”. Her husband, who was also a scientist, helped her. They set up a laboratory in an old building behind a school. For four years Curies searched, doing many experiments, And one morning in 1902 Marie found the source of the radiation.

Marie Curie proved to the world that there was element that gave off radiation. And she also proved to the world that, if women are given truly equal chance, they can really help society.

1.The scientists of Marie Curie’s day knew .

A.that uranium gave off radiation

B.that radium gave off radiation

C.that there was some radium in uranium

D.that uranium and radium both gave off radiation

2.The Curies found the element radium .

A.with other scientists’ help

B.by asking some famous scientists

C.by doing many experiments

D.with their teachers’ help

3.In the past many people thought .

A.that women must get the same chance as men in education and jobs

B.that women should receive much education

C.that women should get good jobs

D.that women could not do the work well

4.Marie Curie proved to people .

A.that there was a new element uranium

B.that there was a new element radium

C.that women could do their work as well as men if they were really given the same conditions

D.both B and C


完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Travel in most of Europe is easy. An agreement between the 15 European Union countries in 1995 means that citizens from most European countries can travel across borders without needing a visa.

Each of the 12 countries that has   36   its own currency (货币) to accept the euro has its own   37  . So how have these countries been able to   38  ? And how has each country prepared for the birth of this new currency? Firstly, many people in Europe,  39  in west Europe, speak English. The European Convention on Human Rights says that all people have a  40  to learn and use their traditional language.

But at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, the official language for all business is   41  . And every European country requires students to study English for many years at   42  . Other languages may be offered, too. But English is a   43   .

"If I meet someone, I try Spanish. Then I try   44  . And if it's not   45   , I say "Hello". That' s the signal, and we communicate no matter what country we come from." Said Maria Ortega, a ski instructor in the Pyrenees,   46   French and Spanish are mainly used.

Each country has its own   47   culture. Though the French may be famous for their 1,000 types of cheese and the Greeks are known to  48   olive oil on everything, most people in Europe like  49  strong coffee on their breakfast table. Another drink is held  50  throughout the continent. Europe's vineyards(葡萄园) may be famous, but the real drink of Europe is   51  . Europeans consume tons of it.

Football, of course, also helps to    52    all of Europe. Many fans are obsessed (着迷) with   53   and with international stars. David Beckham, of England' s Manchester United, is a hero to Europeans in the same   54   that Michael Jordan is to   55   .

36. A. given up                    B. ended up          C. agreed with                   D. started with

37. A. money                B. right                             C. border                          D. culture

38. A. meet                          B. unite                            C. travel                            D. accept

39. A. specially         B. generally             C. particularly                  D. normally

40. A. chance                 B. right                             C. wish                              D. place

41. A. French                  B. German                 C. English                     D. Spanish

42. A. school                  B. work                             C. home                            D. table

43. A. subject                 B. tool                         C. need                          D. must

44. A. English                 B. French                    C. German                  D. Greek

45. A. listening                    B. spoken                   C. working                   D. heard

46. A. as                          B. where                     C. since                             D. whose

47. A. food                           B. art                          C. drink                              D. life

48. A. add                             B. spread                    C. spend                            D. put

49. A. a kind of          B. a lot of                  C. a cup of                D. a taste of

50. A. in common       B. in general                C. in need                     D. in special

51. A. beer                           B. wine                             C. coffee                           D. soup

52. A. attract            B. tie                                C. play                          D. watch

53. A. opera                         B. bread                           C. music                            D. football

54. A. direction                   B. level                             C. way                          D. game

55. A. basketballers           B. British              C. athletes   D. Americans


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