One day£¬little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent£®It was very crowded£®Tony saw a toy on a shop window£®He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop£®After looks at the toy for some time£¬he turned around and found where his parents were missing£®Tony was scared and begin to cry£®A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop£®Five minutes later£¬Tony saw parents£®Mom said£¬"How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried£®"Tony promised her that this would never happen again£®
·ÖÎö ±¾ÎĽ²ÊöÁËTony¸ú¸¸Ä¸Ò»Æð¹äÉ̵êʱÒâÍâºÍ¸¸Ä¸×ßÉ¢ÁË£¬ËûºÜº¦Å£¬´ó¿ÞÆðÀ´£®ÔÚһλºÃÐÄŮʿµÄÌáÐÑÏ£¬TonyÈ¥É̵êÃſڵȸ¸Ä¸£¬Îå·ÖÖÓºóTonyÖÕÓڵȵ½Á˸¸Ä¸£®
½â´ð One day£¬little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent£®It was very crowded£®Tony saw a toy on a shop window£®He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop£®After looks at the toy for some time£¬he turned around and found where his parents were missing£®Tony was scared and begin to cry£®A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside a shop£®Five minutes later£¬Tony saw¡Äparents£®Mom said£¬"How nice to see you again!Dad and I were terrible worried£®"Tony promised her that this would never happen again£®
1£®parent¸ÄΪparents£»¿¼²éÃû´Ê£¬½áºÏÏÂÎĵÄ"his parents were missing"¿ÉÖªÍÐÄáÊǺͰְÖÂèÂèÒ»ÆðÈ¥¹ºÎïµÄ£¬Òò´ËÓ¦Óø´ÊýÐÎʽparents£®
3£®È¥µôvery£»¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨½á¹¹£¬ÕâÀï so¡that¡Òýµ¼½á¹û×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬±íʾ"Èç´Ë¡ÒÔÖÁÓÚ¡"£¬Òò´ËveryӦȥµô£®
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-Yes£¬______ news came as ______ great shock to me£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | the£»a | B£® | the£»the | C£® | a£»a | D£® | a£»the |
A£® | in terms of | B£® | in view of | C£® | in spite of | D£® | regardless of |
Finally£¬my teacher took me aside£®She explained that she had created a narrator's£¨Å԰׵ģ©£¨40£©A to the play£¬and asked me to£¨41£©Croles£®When I got home for lunch that day£¬I started to cry as I told my mother what had happened£®She listened and smiled encouragingly£®Instead of having lunch£¬she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard£®
It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine£¨ÌÙ£© was turning green£®Under the trees£¬we could see yellow dandelions£¨Æѹ«Ó¢£©£¨42£©B out of the grass in bunches£¬£¨43£©D a painter had touched our landscape with drops of gold£®I watched my mother£¨44£©C bend down by one of the flowers£®"I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds£¬"she said£¬£¨45£©B a dandelion hard by its roots£®"From now on£¬we'll have only roses in this garden£®"
"But I like dandelions£¬"I £¨46£©D£®"All flowers are beautiful---even dandelions£®"My mother looked at me seriously£®"Yes£¬every flower gives£¨47£©B in its own way£¬doesn't it£¿"She asked thoughtfully£®I nodded£¬£¨48£©C that I had won her over£®"And that is£¨49£©A of people too£¬"she £¨50£©D£®"Not everyone can be a princess£¬but there is no£¨51£©B in that£®"
"But you will be a beautiful narrator£¬"she said£¬£¨52£©A me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her as a child"The narrator's part is£¨53£©C as important as the part of a princess£®"
£¨54£©A the next few weeks£¬with her constant £¨55£©D£¬I learned to take pride in the role£®
36£®A£®allowed | B£®picked | C£®found | D£®considered |
37£®A£®lines | B£®roles | C£®scenes | D£®parts |
38£®A£®spoke | B£®managed | C£®forgot | D£®delivered |
39£®A£®rose | B£®escaped | C£®disappeared | D£®resulted |
40£®A£®part | B£®paper | C£®section | D£®chapter |
41£®A£®play | B£®sell | C£®switch | D£®challenge |
42£®A£®growing | B£®coming | C£®leaking | D£®turning |
43£®A£®even if | B£®now that | C£®only if | D£®as if |
44£®A£®formally | B£®seriously | C£®casually | D£®incidentally |
45£®A£®cutting | B£®removing | C£®harvesting | D£®searching |
46£®A£®agreed | B£®answered | C£®claimed | D£®objected |
47£®A£®convenience | B£®pleasure | C£®help | D£®trouble |
48£®A£®disappointed | B£®confused | C£®pleased | D£®worried |
49£®A£®true | B£®same | C£®real | D£®similar |
50£®A£®replied | B£®whispered | C£®explained | D£®added |
51£®A£®choice | B£®shame | C£®loss | D£®influence |
52£®A£®reminding | B£®convincing | C£®informing | D£®telling |
53£®A£®almost | B£®hardly | C£®completely | D£®always |
54£®A£®Over | B£®Against | C£®Through | D£®Within |
55£®A£®assistance | B£®promotion | C£®invitation | D£®encouragement£® |
A£® | where | B£® | when | C£® | there | D£® | which |