
15.Free Fun Guides
Free Admission to Hundreds of Museums Sept.25
What a weekend!This Saturday,Sept.25,hundreds of U.S.museums are admission free for the Smithsonian's annual Museum Day.
Unlike previous Museum Day celebrations,you must sign up for a free ticket that admits two people to any of the participating museums.That means filling out a form and having the ticket emailed to you.Not bad for a free offer that will give you admission to museums such as the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and the Air & Space Museum in San Diego.
Free Books for Kids@Barnes & Noble!
If your kids love to read-and we hope they do!-be sure to sign them up for Barnes & Noble's summer reading programs so they can earn a free book!
It's easy for kids ages 12and under to participate.For Barnes & Noble's Passport to Summer Reading program,just download and print out your passport.Read any eight books,make a list of them on the back of the passport and bring it to any Barnes & Noble by September 7.Choose your free book from the list.
FREE Night of Theater Across the U.S.in October
It's the annual run of the Free Night of Theater,when hundreds of theaters in 120U.S.cities give away thousands of tickets to local productions.
While the kickoff date is October 15,many of the theaters start releasing their free tickets by Oct.1or in waves during the month of October for performance dates throughout the month.Ticket seekers are limited to two tickets for one performance.
Find your city on the Free Night of Theater Website and check the listings for performances,their dates and their ticket giveaway times and locations.
58.What is new about this year's Museum Day?A
A.People will get free tickets online.
B.Two museums offer free admission.
C.People must buy tickets for visiting a museum.
D.People can visit museums online and get a small gift.
59.The main purpose of the passage is toD.
A.introduce ways to save money
B.help people who are very poor
C.give guidance on how to have some fun
D.provide information about free things to do
60.How can kids get a free book?C
A.By reading eighty books at any Barnes & Noble.
B.By downloading and printing out a passport before October.
C.By signing up for a summer reading program and choosing one of the books they have read.
D.By signing up for a winter reading program and make a list of the books.
61.Which of the following shows the similarity between Museum Day and Free Night of Theater?D
A.They last for the same length of time.
B.The same number of free tickets is given away.
C.The tickets can be used in any U.S.city.
D.They take place once a year.

分析 本文为广告应用文,介绍了几则博物馆的免费活动信息.

解答 58-61 ADCD
58.答案A.细节理解题.根据Unlike previous Museum Day celebrations,you must sign up for a free ticket that admits two people to any of the participating museums.That means filling out a form and having the ticket emailed to you.及上下文描述可知,人们将在线得到免费的入场券.故选A.
59.答案D.写作目的题.根据标题"Free Admission to Hundreds of Museums Sept.25"可知,这篇短文主要是提供了几则与免费活动有关的信息.故选D.
60.答案C.细节理解题.根据be sure to sign them up for Barnes & Noble's summer reading programs so they can earn a free book!描述可知,孩子们参加夏季读书活动后选一本自己读过的书,即可获得免费书籍.故选C.
61.答案D.细节理解题.根据the Smithsonian's annual Museum Day.及It's the annual run of the Free Night of Theater,annual可知,两者都是每年举办一次,故选D.

点评 新闻广告类材料是热门考题.其文句简练,信息量大,句式使用简单,表达方式多样,但阅读这类题目也是有规律可循的.

6.Here are the tips from Sonja Lyubomirsky,author of The How of Happiness,to help you deal with a bad economy,and increase your happiness throughout the day.
(1)Avoid Overthinking
In order to remove pessimism when things are difficult,it's best to think positively(积极地)."What can I learn from this?Times are hard,I've been out of work over a period of time,but I can spend more time with the kids,take up a new hobby,or learn a new set of skills."
(2)Practice Acts of Kindness
Now more than ever we need each other to stay alive.Lyubomirsky found that doing good things for friends,family,or strangers can make you happier.Think of practical,everyday offers that make someone's life a little bit easier.
(3)Focus on Your Relationships
You don't need an expert to tell you that relationships are important to happiness.Not being the bread-winner anymore or not being able to meet your kids'needs can make your family life hard.But the solution is to stop feeling bad and focus on nurturing(培育)your loved ones.
"What parents don't realize is that kids don't care about toys but their attitudes towards them"says Lyubomirsky.
(4)Pick a Goal
Devote yourself to a project-whether it is a business you want to start or a dance you want to learn.But it's also important to remember to be flexible (灵活)in these times.Don't feel down if conditions are stopping you from meeting your goals.Stick to it and change it if necessary!
(5)Take Care of Your Body
Spend a small part of your day giving your body some TLC (tender loving care).It will go a long way in adding to your happiness."Even if you can't afford to go to the gym,"Lyubomirsky says,"take time out to exercise at home."

46.Which of the following is opposite (反义词) to the underlined word"pessimism"?A
A.happiness      B.criticism    C.devotionD.pressure
47.Which act is a practical one to help people in a bad economy in our daily life?B
A.Offering someone a plane trip.B.Offering someone a ride.
C.Offering someone your income.D.Offering someone a car.
48.Which of the following is true according to the tips?C
A.It is important for children to be given new toys.
B.There is no time to take up something new as a hobby.
C.Stick to a goal and make necessary changes.
D.It's unnecessary to take some exercise in a bad economy.
49.What does the passage mainly talk about?D
A.How to overcome difficulties in times of trouble.
B.How to start businesses in hard times.
C.How to reach a goal in times of trouble.
D.How to find happiness in hard times.
10.Welcome to the Story County Family.It is a community service center that helps parents and other people in our community.There are different kinds of services.The following is a list of them.If you need any of the services,please call us.Our phone number is 800-89976543.
Children with Special Needs   Information on the families with children under the age of 18with special needs
Education   Information on local elementary schools,middle schools and high schools.
Housing    Information on buying or renting houses
Out-of-school Activities     Information on activities and services for children aged
between 5-18.
Summer Activities         Different activities for families in the summer months.
Health      Information on local health services,like hospitals and first aid.
Safety      Information on safety programs such as car safety,fire safety and more.
Nutrition    Information on local supermarkets,farmers'markets and farms.
Entertainment   Information on local places for fun,like KTVs and skate parks.
Before and After School Childcare   Information on school-age childcare programs.
41.What's the purpose of the Story County Family?B
A.To keep order.
B.To provide service.
C.To help children.
D.To hold activities.
42.Which of the following services are ONLY for children?C
①Children with Special Needs  ②Education      ③Out-of-school Activities
④Summer Activities             ⑤Before and After School Children
43.The center providesD kinds of services.
A.five          B.seven         C.nine        D.ten
44.This is probable aA.
A.poster         B.message     C.guidebook     D.note.
20.Many online marketers will start their journey to making money online with one web page.Have you  thought about having your own own web page or possessing your own online small businness?Luckily,for you,there are hundreds of sites on line that give pages for free!THe catch for free is that although they are set up and cquipped to get going pcrsons searching on line might have a hard time discovering them.
    Wllen you decide to use a single page website to start makiiig money,you ought to follow some tips to make sure you can profit,such as spending money to make money,choosing the desirable domain name,and design how you want page to look.
    If you don't have the money required to advertise yOur page free traffic to your page is one way to go,because you will have the opportunity for people to click on your page.lf you would like to maximize the amount of the traffc,be sure to plan at the opening of your online marketing by paying for advertising.A pay for every click advertisillg network is a standard opportunity and you can position codes immediately to your page with HTML.The profitability  of PPC(点击费广告 ) advertising depends on  the  traffic  levels that come  to your web  page.
     Another direction for making money online with one web page is to choose the suitable domain name with key words that are connected with the topic of your page.The name you choose for the domain tells customers something about what they expect when coming to your website.Develop them to agree with what you have on your page.Once you have chosen your name,be sure that you put in for your web page online as quickly as possible to prevent the risk that someone may also use the domain.
     Then lastly,you ought to design how you would like the page to appear by determining subject matters and details.You can make the greatest money online with one web page by getting lo concentrate on either what you are selling or what people want to read.56.What will many online marketers start to do with their own web pages?

(No more than 3 words)
57.What does the underlined word"catch"mean in English?(No more than 3 words)Disadvantage
58.According to the third paragraph,one way to advertise your web page isMaking your page free.(No more than 5 words)
59.Which kind of domain name is proper for someone who wants to make money on line?(No more than 15 words)A name with key words connected to the topic of his page.
60.What does the passage mainly talk about?(:No rnore than l0 words)Ways to making money online with one web page.
7.What is teaching?It's a difficult question to answer.In fact,as long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning,they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves.Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them.It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading.Douglas insists that"reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible".
Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.They differ in kind and function.The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read.Teaching is also a public activity.It can be seen and observed.
Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language.Almost all of it is private,for learning is an occupation of the mind,and that process is not open to public  scrutiny.
If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable,what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the quest(探索) for knowledge?Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions."Make learning to read easy,which means making reading a meaningful,enjoyable and frequent experience for children".
When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are,and when both teacher fulfil them appropriately,then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated.Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading.

44.According to the passage,learning to read will no longer be a difficult task whenD.
A.reading enriches children's experience
B.teacher and learner roles are interchangeable
C.teaching helps children in the search for knowledge
D.children become highly motivated
45.The instruction of reading will be successful ifA.
A.teachers can enable students to develop their own way of reading
B.teachers can improve conditions at school for the students
C.teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading
D.teachers can make their teaching activities observable
46.The underlined word"scrutiny"most probably means"D".
A.inquiry    B.suspicion     C.control  D.observation
47.The main idea of the passage is thatD.
A.teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to read
B.teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possible
C.reading is more complicated than generally believed
D.reading ability is something acquired rather than taught.
4.I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at a high school in New York,when one of my students,15-year-old Mikey,gave me a note from his mother.It explained his absence from class the day before.
I had seen Mikey himself writing the note at his desk.Most parental-excuse notes I received were penned by my students.If I were to deal with them,I'd be busy 24hours a day.
The  forged  excuse notes made a large pile,with writing that ranged from imaginative to crazy.The writers of those notes didn't realize that honest excuse notes were usually dull:"Peter was late because the alarm clock didn't go off."
Isn't it remarkable,I thought,how the students complained and said it was hard putting 200words together on any subject?But when they produced excuse notes,they were brilliant.
So one day I typed out a dozen excuse notes and gave them to my classes.I said,"They're supposed to be written by parents,but actually they are not.True,Mikey?"The students looked at me nervously.
"Now,this will be the first class to study the art of the excuse note---the first class,ever,to practice writing them.You're so lucky to have a teacher like me who has taken your best writing and turned it into a subject worthy of study."
Everyone smiled as I went on,"You used your imaginations.So try more now.Today I'd like you to write‘An Excuse Note from Adam to God'or‘An Excuse Note from Eve to God'."Heads went down.Pens raced across paper.For the first time ever I saw students so careful in their writing that they had to be asked to go to lunch by their friends.
The next day everyone had excuse notes.Heated discussions followed.The headmaster entered the classroom and walked up and down,looking at papers,and then said,"I'd like you to see me in my office."
When I stepped into his office,he came to shake my hand and said,"I just want to tell you that that lesson,that task,whatever the hell you were doing,was great.Those kids were writing on the college level.Thank you."

61.What did the author do with the students found dishonest?D
A.He reported them to the headmaster.
B.He lectured them hard on honesty.
C.He had them take notes before lunch.
D.He helped improve their writing skills.
62.The author found that compared with the true excuse notes,the produced ones by the students were usuallyB.
A.less impressive        B.more imaginative
C.worse written          D.less convincing
63.The author had the students practice writing excuse notes so that the students could learnD.
A.the importance of being honest       B.how to write excuse notes skillfully
C.the pleasure of creative writing     D.how to be creative in writing
64.The underlined word"forged"in the second paragraph means"C".
A.former       B.copied     C.false     D.honest
65.What did the headmaster think of the author's way of teaching?A
A.Effective.  B.Difficult    C.Misleading.  D.Reasonable.
5.Have you ever remembered something with your nose?Maybe the smell of hot dogs makes you think of being at a baseball game.Or the smell of barbequed meat reminds you of a night around a fire.Scientists know that smells can make people think of powerful memories.Wouldn't it be great to somehow save those memories?
That is exactly what Mark Crames,a businessman making perfumes (香水),is trying to do.His company,Demeter Fragrance,makes more than 200 kinds of perfumes."Imagine every smell in the world as a musical note,"Crames said."We try to join those notes to make a piece of beautiful music."He has made many perfumes and he got the idea from plays,storms and even animals.
Everyday smells mean different things to different people."A perfume called Poison Ivy might make you think of sadness or surprise,"Crames says."But it could make another person think of a great time at summer camp."
Crames produces perfumes using a high-tech method called headspace technology.This month,Crames is making scent for Tootsie Roll and Junior Mints.Not every smell can be easily copied."One of our most needed perfumes is a little dog's breath,"he says."But it is so chemically complicated that it's very hard to get."
What scent would you like to bottle?A zoo?Or grandma's old house?Crames may be able to help you bring back your memories,so all you have to do is have a smell when you want to remember.
71.The passage mainly tells usD
A.how to remember things
B.how to make perfumes
C.a businessman with good smell
D.smells can help us remember
72.What does the underlined word"That"mean in the second paragraph?A
A.To save powerful memories.
B.To think of powerful memories.
C.To make beautiful pieces of music.
D.To make more than 200 kinds of perfumes.
73.What can we know about Mark Crames?A
A.He uses high technology to make perfumes.
B.He likes plays,storms and animals.
C.He is a businessman who makes memories.
D.He is a musician interested in smells and memories.
74.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.A smell can't have different results with different people.
B.It is not difficult to copy the scent of Poison Ivy.
C.People want to smell specific things to bring back memories.
D.If you want to remember something,just take a deep breath.
75.Which part of a website can this passage come from?B

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