
15.If you took the strengths of others and compared them to your weaknesses,would this make you feel good?The funny thing is that this is what most of us do at one time or another-and some of us do it pretty often.It's a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness.So how can we stop comparing ourselves with others?Here are some tips I've found useful.
Most often we do these social comparisons without realizing we're doing it.It's a natural act,I suppose.So the solution is to become aware.If you focus on these thoughts for a few days,it will become much easier with practice,and soon it'll be hard not to notice.
Stop yourself.
Once you realize you're making these comparisons,stop yourself.Don't feel bad-just admit the thought,and gently change the focus.
Count your blessings.
Focus on what you do have,and on what you are already blessed with.Count what you have,not what you don't have.Think about how lucky you are to have what you have,to have the people in your life who care about you.If you always want what others have,you will never have enough.You will always want more.That's an endless cycle,and it will never lead to happiness.Instead,learn to realize that what you have is already enough.
Focus on your strengths.
Instead of looking at your weaknesses,ask yourself what your strengths are.Be proud of them.Work on using them to your best advantage.
No one is perfect-we all know that.But we seem to feel bad when we don't reach perfection.You aren't perfect and you never will be.Keep trying to improve,but don't think you'll ever be the"perfect person".If you realize that imperfection is what makes you who you are,you are already perfect.
Title:(71)Tips/suggestion/advice on real perfection and happiness
(72)IntroductionIt is (73)unwiseto compare others'advantages with your disadvantages,for it may(74)resultin a decrease in confidence and happiness.
Awareness.Be (75)awareof the comparisons you are doing.
Stop yourself.Admit the thought and gently change the focus.
Count your blessings.Focus on your (76)achievements/accomplishmentsand your born advantages(77)ratherthan what others have.
Focus on your strengths.Take (78)pridein your strengths and make full (79)useof them.
ConclusionIt is (80)imperfectionthat makes you who you are and keep trying to improve.

分析 本文是一篇任务型阅读,属于科教类文章,如果你把自己的缺点和别人的优点作比较,你会感觉好么,有趣的是我们经常这么作比较,这毫无疑问使我们的自信心下降,使我们不开心.所以我们怎样能够停止和他人比较呢?本文以此展开谈论,讲述了一些方法避免拿自己和别人作比较.

解答 71.答案:Tips/Suggestion/Advice. 考查名词.本文讲述关于真正的完美与幸福的建议,故应填Tips/Suggestion/advice.故答案为Tips/Suggestion/Advice.
72.答案:Introduction.考查名词.It is unwise to compare others'______ with your weaknesses,for it may ______ in a decrease in self-confidence and happiness.这些用来介绍一些现状.故应填Introduction.故答案为Introduction.
73.答案:unwise.考查形容词.根据第一句话提到If you took the strengths of others and compared them to your weaknesses,would this make you feel good如果把别人的优点与自己弱点相比,你会感觉好吗?可知,这样做是不明智的.故答案为unwise.
74.答案:result.考查名词.根据第一段提到It's a sure-fire recipe for a drop in self-confidence and for unhappiness.这会造成自信不足和不快乐,result in 导致.故答案为result.
75.答案:aware.考查形容词.根据第二段提到So the solution is to become aware这种解决方案要意识到,be aware 意识到.故答案为aware.
76.答案:achievements/accomplishment.考查名词.根据第四段提到Focus on what you do have,and on what you are already blessed with集中在你所做的事情,也就是你的成就上,故填写achievements/accomplishment.
77.答案:rather.考查短语.根据第四段提到Think about how lucky you are to have what you have,to have the people in your life who care about you.想你所拥有的,不去关注跟你没有关系的人,rather than 而不是.故答案为rather.
78.答案:pride.考查短语.根据Instead of looking at your weaknesses,ask yourself what your strengths are.Be proud of them.Work on using them to your best advantage.可知,我们应该看到自己的长处,为自己而自豪.take pride in以…为骄傲.故答案为pride.
79.答案:use.考查短语.根据第五段提到Be proud of them.Work on using them to your best advantages.以他们为豪,努力利用他们,make full use of 充分利用.故答案为use.
80.答案:imperfection.考查名词.根据If you realize that imperfection is what makes you who you are,you are already perfect.可知,如果认识到是缺陷使你成为独一无二的自己,并使你不断进步.

点评 本文是一篇任务型阅读,属于科教类文章,题目主要考查学生的文章内容理解能力以及信息提取能力.学生在做题时应仔细阅读原文内容,把握文章大意,联系文章上下文内容及所给选项含义,从而得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

5.Jane Warner's husband,Jack,was sent to prison for two years for stealing.While he was in prison,Jane had a very difficult time.because She had two children,but no job.And her husband,of course,couldn't make any money either.The only small amount she had was from the government.
"I don't know how we will manage,"she wrote to her husband in prison."I get only enough money to pay the rent.There isn't enough money for food.I think I'll have to plant vegetables in the garden.They'll grow quickly.We can live on vegetables."
The garden was quite large,and much of it was covered with grass.
When Jack Warner received his wife's letter,he replied to her immediately."Don't dig up the garden,"he wrote."That's where the money I stole is hidden."
All letters written by the prisoners were read by one of the guards before they were mailed.When the guard read Jack's letter,he took it to the head guard.When the head guard read it,he called the police.He told them what Jack had written to his wife.And the police immediately went to Jack's house.They took forks and shovels with them.They dug up the garden,looking for the money,but they found nothing.
When they had gone,Mrs.Warner wrote to her husband."The police came today,"she wrote."and they dug up all the grass.What should I do?"Her husband wrote back very soon,"Plant the vegetables."
21.Jane got a little money fromB.
A.her husband    B.the government    C.the police     D.the prison
22.Jane had a very difficult time becauseD.
A.she had two children       
B.the couple had no jobs  
C.she had to pay the rent       
D.she hadn't enough money
23.Where did Jack hide the money?D
A.In the garden   B.In the prison  C.In the letter   D.Somewhere unknown
24.The passage shows that Jack was veryA.
A.smart         B.lazy         C.stupid      D.careless.
10.Driving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and distance.It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected,When alcohol is consumed,it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant (抑制药),damaging eyesight,judgment and co-ordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents.Even below the drink driving limt,driving will be affected.
Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain.Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice.To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee.
The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is:
●50milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood;or
●22micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath;or
●67milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine(尿液)
Drivers who cause traffic accidents,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.
Any drive found drinking beyond the limit will be charged.The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK﹩25,000and be sentenced to up to 3years in prison and punished for 10driving-offence points; or temporarily banned from driving.
The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens(样本) for breath,blood or urine tests without good excuse.
Drink driving is a criminal offence.Be a responsible,driver,think before you drink.For the safety of yourself and other road users,never drive after consuming alcohol.

59.The first paragraph is mainly aboutC.
A.the introduction of driving skills     B.the danger of drinking to your body
C.the effect of drinking on driving      D.the process of alcohol being absorbed
60.The underlined word"it"in the second paragraph refers to"D".
A.alcohol       B.absorption     C.blood        D.process
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving.
B.Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice.
C.Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body.
D.50milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink limit
62.A driver suspected of drink drivingA.
A.should provide specimens for testing.
B.will be forbidden to drive for 3years
C.will be punished for 10driving-offence points
D.should pay a maximum fine of HK 25,000.
5.When I stayed in another country I met a group of friends.I loved their company and we hung out on weekends.Life went quite(41)Cuntil something unexpected happened!
One of my friends was(42)Bwith kidney(肾) stones which had to be(43)A as soon as possible.But the friend could not(44)D the operation.He tried to get help from others but they all (45)A him just when he needed them most.My heart cried for him!
Though I hardly made ends(46)C,I tried to help him.I told him not to(47)D because everything would be all(48)A.But he needed more than my comfort.It was I who(49)Bthe doctor to do the surgery by saying that I would pay the(50)Cthe next day.How was I going to get that much money?
I tried to borrow money from other friends but I failed.I tried(51)Cmy things but no one wanted them.Then I took great(52)Ato ask my boss to pay me my next two months'(53)B in advance,without thinking of how I would(54)Cfor two months with no money.(55)B,after my (56)Ahe didn't hesitate to give me the money!Immediately I ran to the(57)Dand paid all the bills.My friend hugged me in(58)C.I just said,"Come on!This is just the way a friend is."
True friends usually appear in the(59)Ctime in your life.Are you wondering how I survived for the next two months?I simply tell you that if anyone is in(60)Bthere will always be someone who will help.
41.A.wrongB.bad    C.well    D.out

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