Read the following advertisements and then choose the correct answers.

(China Daily, March 3, 1996) the biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Every body with today's China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.

Telephone: 38990688; address: No. 6 Xidan Road ……

(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER, March 19) English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He (She ) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100,000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of  advertisement will not be useful.

Telephone: 3890666; addreses: No. 6 Xinling Road …

(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3, 1996)

Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo'an Team

TIME: February 8. Sunday (3:00)   PLACE: Hongkou Stadium

TICKET PRICE; RMB 25 yuan (for adults ) RMB 15 yuan (for students)

NAME: China Cup Football Contest

COACHES: Xu Genbao, Jin Zhiyang …

If an Englishman who has worked in China for 3 years comes to English Newspaper office to ask for the job in April, he will _____.

A. get the job     B. not get the job     C. be a good editor   D. not be useful

If three adults and six students went to watch the match, the tickets would cost them _____ yuan.

A. 165           B. 135                 C. 196                  D. 255

Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The shopping center is at NO. 6 Xidan road.

B. The telephone number of English  Newspaper is 3890666.

C. The match was between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team.

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.

Read the following advertisements and then choose the correct answers.

(China Daily, March 3, 1996) the biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Every body with today's China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.

Telephone: 38990688; address: No. 6 Xidan Road ……

(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER, March 19) English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He (She ) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100,000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of  advertisement will not be useful.

Telephone: 3890666; addreses: No. 6 Xinling Road …

(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3, 1996)

Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo'an Team

TIME: February 8. Sunday (3:00)   PLACE: Hongkou Stadium

TICKET PRICE; RMB 25 yuan (for adults ) RMB 15 yuan (for students)

NAME: China Cup Football Contest

COACHES: Xu Genbao, Jin Zhiyang …

If an Englishman who has worked in China for 3 years comes to English Newspaper office to ask for the job in April, he will _____.

A. get the job     B. not get the job     C. be a good editor   D. not be useful

If three adults and six students went to watch the match, the tickets would cost them _____ yuan.

A. 165           B. 135                 C. 196                  D. 255

Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. The shopping center is at NO. 6 Xidan road.

B. The telephone number of English  Newspaper is 3890666.

C. The match was between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team.

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.

Even a child knows that nodding(点头) the head means “Yes”. But some people will probably be puzzled when they first come to India. When they talk to an Indian, he often shakes his head. They might think that the Indian does not like what he said, but on the contrary he is expressing agreement.
The Indians have a habit of shaking their heads slightly when they talk to somebody. It doesn’t mean “No”, but “Yes”.If a person doesn’t know this, it might cause misunderstanding.
At one time a foreigner in India told his driver who was an Indian to take him to his office. The driver shook his head. The foreigner repeated his request and the driver shook his head again. At last, the foreigner shouted angrily, “Drive me to my office at once!” The driver said in a low voice, “Yes, sir,” smiling and shaking his head again at the same time.
68. Generally speaking, nodding the head means _______, and shaking the head means _______.
A. Yes, No                  B. No, Yes                  C. Yes, Yes                 D. No, No
69. According to the habit of India, if someone agrees with you, he will _______.
A. nod his head
B. shake his head
C. neither nods his head nor shakes his head
D. either nod his head or shake his head
70. Why did the Indian driver shake his head when the foreigner asked him to drive him to his office? Because _______.
A. the Indian driver has something important to do
B. the foreigner promised to give him only a little money
C. The driver felt uncomfortable at that time
D. In India shaking the head means agreement
71. Why did the foreigner become angry? Because _______.
A. the Indian driver didn’t want to send him to his office
B. the Indian driver asked him for a lot of money
C. He misunderstood the meaning of shaking the head in India
D. he asked the driver to send him to his office, but the driver didn’t say any words

Recently, tests have proved that Beethoven died from lead poisoning. Bill Walsh directed the Beethoven Research Project. Mr. Walsh and his team examined pieces of bone belonging to Beethoven. They found a large amount of lead in the bone pieces. They said the lead levels were equal to those found in pieces of his hair in earlier studies of other scientists.
Genetic tests proved the bone pieces and his hair came from Beethoven. The research also examined bone fragments from someone else who lived during the same period. Both were from the top of the skull. The fragments from Beethoven had more lead than those from other person. Their study didn’t find measurable levels of cadmium(镉) or mercury(汞), which scientists used to consider were the causes of his health problems.
Beethoven was sick for much of his life. He experienced strong stomach pains, a sign of lead poisoning, and a change of personality when he was around 20. he also got angry easily, and suffered from depression and hearing loss. His health problems became worse as he grew older.
Walsh said the lead levels found in his skull suggested that the metal might have been present in his body for many years. He said although there had been recognized cases of deafness caused by lead poisoning, there was no strong evidence to suggest that lead poisoning was the cause of his deafness.
Beethoven visited many doctors to find a cure for his health problems, in a letter he wrote to a friend, he urged researchers to examine his body after he died so that other people would not have to suffer as he did.
61. If too much lead is in a person’s body, he will______.
A. suffer hearing loss             B. get angry easily 
C. suffer serious stomach pains     D. lose most of his hair
62. From the passage we can learn that_______.
A. this is the first research into the cause of Beethoven’s death
B. any amount of lead will do great harm to people’s health
C. more lead was found in Beethoven’s bones than in his hair
D. scientists used to think that his death was caused by other metals instead of lead
63. In which section of the newspaper might you read this report?
A. Health.   B. Technology.   C. Entertainment.   D. Culture.
64. What is the best title of the passage?
A. A surprising discovery about Beethoven   B. Beethoven died from lead poisoning
C. Lead--- a killer metal for human beings    D. New examination of Beethoven’ body  

Kids who receive special education are, without doubt, the hardest working children in any school. When they are having difficulty learning basic literacy and number concepts, when they break rules, when they need more services, support and adult attention than their peers, then they are struggling the hardest. In psychology, we are trained to think that if we are feeling angry or confused when sitting with a patient, then we are probably feeling just what our patient is feeling. The same is true for students with disabilities. Whatever we feel when we work with them, they are probably feeling as they work with us.

    If you have a disability that affects your education, then you have a brain disorder. Because education, even in mathematics, is largely verbal(用言辞), most brain disorders responsible for educational disabilities affect language, and how you process words and ideas in written and oral form. To imagine how much effort a child with a language disability spends each school day, imagine yourself attending a school today taught in a language you had a basic understanding of. Imagine though, that while you seem fluent to others, you have trouble when people talk too fast, use idioms or expressions.

   When adults and classmates blame, or criticize kids who receive special education, they are struggling with their own confusion. It is difficult to imagine the world as it is lived by someone with an educational disability. It is difficult to understand how someone who can be so "normal" can have so many problems. It is so easy to imagine that if they just tried harder... without understanding that just to do the ordinary, kids with disabilities are making an extraordinary effort.

1.What is the purpose of the author by writing the passage?

A. to introduce how hard to be a special education teacher.

B. to think highly of the children with disabilities.

C. to show the disabled have much trouble in understanding.

D. to call on the society to care for the disabled.

2. If a disabled kid learns number concepts, he __________.

A. won’t work as hard as a normal.

B. will work double as hard as a normal.

C. will be as patient as the normal.

D. will think of his disability first.

3.If a kid has a disability affecting his education, he will ________.

A. have a hard time using the language.

B. be too foolish to learn maths .

C. not understand what others are saying.

D. have a lot of trouble in remembering words.

4.Before you intend to blame a kid receiving special education, __________.

A. you should try to understand what he is saying.

B. you should imagine the world he lives in.

C. you should imagine yourself in his shoes.

D. you should think of the education he has received.


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