
第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

66.Li Qiang looks down. Let’s go over and _____(使振作) him up.     

67.Suddenly they heard a loud cry for help in the _____(远处).         

68.The __________(理论) he stuck to for many years turned out to be incorrect.

69.A healthy diet should be a ______ (平衡的)diet which contains energy-giving food, body-building food and protective food.                     

70.Do _____(提醒)me of the time for the meeting in case I forget it.         

71.It is the education _____(制度) rather than teachers that should answer for students’ heavy load of homework..                                              

72.He got seriously injured and was immediately sent to a ___ (附近的)hospital.

73.Even though you don’t _____(钦佩)these elderly people, I think you

should at least respect them.                                                            

74.When I turned round, I found he was _____(怒视) at me.                       

75.Haven’t you found mine is _____ (稍微)different from yours?                      

66. cheer  67. distance  68. theory  69. balanced  70. remind  71. system  72. nearby

73. admire  74. glaring  75. slightly



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