
Alice Walker makes her living by writing, and her poems, short stories, and novels have won many awards and fellowships for her. She was born in Eatonton, Georgia. She went to public schools there, and then to Spelman college in Atlanta before coming to New York to attend Sarah Lawrence college, from which she graduated in 1966. For a time she lived in Jackson, Mississippi, with her lawyer husband and a small daughter. About Langston Hughes, American Poet, here first book for children, she says, “After my first meeting with Langston Hughes I vowed I would write a book about him for children someday. Why? Because I, at 22, knew next to nothing of his work , and he didn’t scold me; he just gave me a stack of his books. And he was kind to me; I will always be grateful that in his absolute warmth and generosity he fulfilled my deepest dream ( and need) of what a poet should be.?”
“To me he is not dead at all. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t think of him or speak of him. Once, just before he died, when he was sick with the flu, I took him a sack full of oranges. The joy I felt in giving that simple gift is undiminished by time. He said he liked oranges, too.”
【小题1】What is the main topic of the passage?

A.Alice Walker’s reflection on Langston Hughes.
B.The influence of Alice Walker on the writing of Langston Hughes.
C.Langston Hughes’ book about Alice Walker.
D.A comparison of the childhoods of Alice Walker and Langston Hughes.
【小题2】In the passage, Alice Walker is described as _____.
A.a research fellow at Spelman College
B.a professor at Sarah Lawrence College
C.a prize-winning writer of prose and poetry
D.an author of plays for children
【小题3】Before attending college, Alice Walker went to school in _____.
A.Atlanta, GeorgiaB.Eatonton, Georgia
C.Jackson, MississippiD.Lawrence, Massachusetts
【小题4】The word “vowed” the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
【小题5】It can be inferred from the passage that Alice Walker was 22 years old when _____.
A.she moved to Jackson, Mississippi
B.she moved to New York
C.she first met Langston Hughes
D.Langston Hughes died


【小题1】A 主旨大意题。文章介绍了Alice Walker对美国诗人兰斯顿·休斯的印象和看法,故A正确。
【小题2】C 细节题。根据文章第一段1,2行Alice Walker makes her living by writing, and her poems, short stories, and novels have won many awards and fellowships for her.说明她的作品帮她赢得了很多的荣誉,故C正确。
【小题3】B 细节题。根据第一段2,3行说明正确。
【小题4】D 推理题。根据本句After my first meeting with Langston Hughes I vowed I would write a book about him for children someday. Why? Because I, at 22, knew next to nothing of his work ,说明她想为孩子们写一本关于Langston Hughes的书,让孩子去了解Langston Hughes,故该词指的是发誓的意思,故D正确。
【小题5】C 推理题。根据第一段5,6行After my first meeting with Langston Hughes I vowed I would write a book about him for children someday. Why? Because I, at 22, knew next to nothing of his work说明她第一次看见Langston Hughes的时候是22岁,故C正确。
点评:文章介绍了Alice Walker对美国诗人兰斯顿·休斯的印象和看法。集中考查了细节题和推理题。要求考生抓住文章的细节,合理的推测,精准定位,准确判断。


   Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do; once or twice she had looked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of the book,” thought Alice, “without pictures and conversations?”
So she was considering in her own mind whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain(雏菊花环) would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.
There was nothing so very remarkable in that; but when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit- hole under the bush.
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? “I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?” she said aloud. “I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think—but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. ‘Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand or Australia?’ And what an ignorant little girl she’ll think me for asking! No, it’ll never do to ask.”
Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, when suddenly, thump! thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.
【小题1】What kind of books do you think will interest Alice most?

A.Books that her sister was reading.
B.Books without pictures or conversations.
C.Books about white rabbits.
D.Books with pictures and conversations.
【小题2】Which of the following is true?
A.Alice suddenly saw a white rabbit with a strange umbrella.
B.Alice managed to fall right through the earth.
C.Alice ran after the white rabbit across the field out of curiosity.
D.The people on the opposite side of the earth walk with their heads downward.
【小题3】Which is the right order of the story?
a. Alice jumped into a large hole.
b. A white rabbit ran close by her.
c. Alice sat by her sister, doing nothing.
d. She fell upon some sticks and dry leaves.
A.c-b-a-dB.d-a-c-bC.a-b -c-dD.d-c-a -b
【小题4】 From the passage, we can see Alice is a(n)________girl.
A.helpful and friendlyB.curious and imaginative
C.brave and curiousD.ignorant and pretty
【小题5】 The following paragraph “In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.” can be put between_________.
A.Paragraphs 1 and 2B.Paragraphs 2 and 3
C.Paragraphs 3 and 4D.Paragraph 4 and 5

When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark.36, it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so 37. As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly 38 cold — very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride. With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move 39 that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also 40. Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something 41. Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear,” said the old lady. “I need 42. I’m afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.”  “Airport? You 43 are lost,” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers 44 you reach the T-junction. Turn left and 45 for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the 46 to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no 47 you’ll get there in five minutes!” “Thank you very much, dear,” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry — I’ll 48 in time.” The 49 moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it 50 and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something 51 happened. The car began changing. First, its color 52 from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward, 53 just above the ground. As the car 54 into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling 55, the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…

1.                A.However        B.Besides         C.Therefore     D.Otherwise


2.                A.brave          B.excited         C.curious   D.stubborn


3.                A.fell            B.seemed         C.proved   D.grew


4.                A.aside           B.around         C.forward  D.backward


5.                A.arrived         B.stopped        C.stayed    D.started


6.                A.gathered       B.existed         C.dropped  D.moved


7.                A.help           B.gas            C.rest  D.water


8.                A.necessarily      B.normally        C.basically D.certainly


9.                A.if              B.until           C.unless    D.as


10.               A.drive          B.walk           C.follow D.march


11.               A.address        B.signs           C.notices    D.guidance


12.               A.doubt          B.room          C.time  D.way


13.               A.have it         B.get it           C.make it    D.finish it


14.               A.door           B.window         C.headlight  D.wheel


15.               A.passed         B.rushed         C.turned    D.continued


16.               A.strange         B.sensitive        C.imaginable     D.horrible


17.               A.developed      B.appeared       C.spread    D.faded


18.               A.rolling         B.floating         C.drawing   D.flashing


19.               A.pointed        B.returned        C.broke D.rose


20.               A.tune           B.voice          C.sound D.ton



When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark.  31 , it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so   32 .

As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly   33  cold-very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move   34  that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also   35 . Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something   36 . Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear,” said the old lady. “I need   37 . I’m afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes. ”

“Airport? You   38  are lost,” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers   39  you reach the T-junction. Turn left and  40 for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the 41 to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no  42 you’ll get there in five minutes!”

“Thank you very much, dear.” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry—I’ll  43 in  time. ”

The  44 moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it  45 and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something  46 happened. The car began changing. First, its color  47 from black to silvery- grey.  And then the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward,  48 just above the ground. As the car  49 into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling  50 , the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…










































































A.have it

B.get it

C.make it

D.finish it












































   Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do; once or twice she had looked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of the book,” thought Alice, “without pictures and conversations?”

So she was considering in her own mind whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain(雏菊花环) would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so very remarkable in that; but when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit- hole under the bush.

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? “I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?” she said aloud. “I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think—but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. ‘Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand or Australia?’ And what an ignorant little girl she’ll think me for asking! No, it’ll never do to ask.”

Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, when suddenly, thump! thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.

1.What kind of books do you think will interest Alice most?

A.Books that her sister was reading.

B.Books without pictures or conversations.

C.Books about white rabbits.

D.Books with pictures and conversations.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Alice suddenly saw a white rabbit with a strange umbrella.

B.Alice managed to fall right through the earth.

C.Alice ran after the white rabbit across the field out of curiosity.

D.The people on the opposite side of the earth walk with their heads downward.

3.Which is the right order of the story?

a. Alice jumped into a large hole.

b. A white rabbit ran close by her.

c. Alice sat by her sister, doing nothing.

d. She fell upon some sticks and dry leaves.



C.a-b -c-d

D.d-c-a -b

4. From the passage, we can see Alice is a(n)________girl.

A.helpful and friendly

B.curious and imaginative

C.brave and curious

D.ignorant and pretty

5. The following paragraph “In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.” can be put between_________.

A.Paragraphs 1 and 2

B.Paragraphs 2 and 3

C.Paragraphs 3 and 4

D.Paragraph 4 and 5


When Alice started to cycle home from Jenny’s house, she wasn’t nervous. She was certainly not afraid of the dark.   31  , it was only a 15-minute ride home. But halfway there, she began to wish that she hadn’t been so   32  .

       As she rounded a sharp bend, it suddenly   33   cold — very cold. Alice’s breath became puffs of white cloud and her legs were so cold that it became hard to ride.

      With her heart beating fast, she struggled so hard to move   34   that she didn’t hear the car which suddenly appeared beside her. She stopped by the road. The big black car also   35  . Slowly, the passenger-window began to slide down. Alice held her breath. In the soft light inside the car, something   36  . Then, the light brightened and Alice was staring at a sweet, grey-haired old lady. “Hello, dear,” said the old lady. “I need   37  . I’m afraid I’m lost. I need to find the nearest airport. I must be there in the next five minutes.”

       “Airport? You   38   are lost,” Alice said. “You need to go back five kilometers   39   you reach the T-junction. Turn left and   40   for about another 10 kilometers to the main highway. From there, just follow the   41   to the airport. But I’m afraid there’s no   42   you’ll get there in five minutes!”

       “Thank you very much, dear,” replied the old lady. “Don’t worry — I’ll   43   in time.”

       The   44   moved up and the car started off. A little way ahead, it   45   and with headlights flashing, it drove past Alice. But then, something   46   happened. The car began changing. First, its color   47   from black to silvery-grey. Then, the wheels began disappearing, but the car continued to move forward,   48   just above the ground. As the car   49   into the dark sky, the big red tail-lights grew larger and larger and glowed more and more brightly. With a faint whistling   50  , the car was gone in seconds, leaving Alice shaking her head in disbelief…

1. A. Therefore   B. Besides       C. However   D. Otherwise

2. A. curious     B. excited       C. brave      D. stubborn

3. A. proved       B. seemed       C. fell         D. grew

4. A. forward        B. around           C. aside       D. backward

5. A. stayed        B. stopped      C. arrived           D. started

6. A. gathered     B. moved           C. dropped     D. existed

7. A. help         B. water            C. rest        D. gas

8. A. necessarily  B. certainly     C. basically     D. normally

9. A. if            B. as          C. unless        D. until

10.A. drive         B. march       C. follow     D. walk

11.A. guidance    B. signs       C. notices           D. address

12.A. way          B. room      C. time        D. doubt

13.A. finish it       B. get it       C. make it      D. have it

14.A. wheel       B. window      C. headlight    D. door

15.A. continued   B. rushed     C. turned     D. passed

16.A. sensitive      B. strange       C. imaginable D. horrible

17.A. appeared    B. developed  C. spread     D. faded

18.A. floating       B. rolling           C. drawing     D. flashing

19.A. returned       B. pointed      C. broke      D. rose

20.A. voice        B. tune        C. sound      D. tone


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