
So Mr.Brown’s experienced eyes, in one glance, ________ his daughter up.

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这个题目主要考查对插入语的正确认识。in one glance是插入语,对主句的结构没有影响,也就是说,我们可以将它忽略,认为它不存在,那么剩下的部分就很清楚了:So Mr.Brown’s experienced eyes ________ his daughter up.显然,这里需要一个过去时态的谓语动词。


"Well, we’re in our new house. Let’s get a new pet to get along with," Mrs. Brown said to her husband.

"That sounds like a pretty good idea." he answered. "Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?"

"Let's go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go." she said.

Next morning the Browns met Mr. Snow at the animal shelter. "We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes." Mr. Snow said. "So I need to ask you some questions."

After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldn't need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠) and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr. Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one named Shadow and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadn't checked her yet. So Mr. Snow told them to return on Sunday.

On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, "Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy. "The Browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.

56. The word "shelter" in the third paragraph means________.

A. a place to sell small dogs              B. a place to keep homeless animals

C. a place to study animals               D. a place to sell books on pet care

57. Mr. Snow asked the Browns some questions to__________.

A. see if they had moved to a new house     

B. find out how rich the Browns were

C. know where they would keep their new pet  

D. make sure they would take care of pets

58. The Browns think that a small dog________.

A. doesn’t need a house to keep             B. can help them watch their house

C. eats less food than a bigger one            D. usually has a beautiful name

59. It's clear that________.

A. Shadow will not be easy to gel ill 

B. the Browns were not pleased with Shadow

C. the doctor didn't check Shadow at all         

D. Shadow likes barking a lot


Mr. Brown had a nice shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewelry, watches and the like. All went well some years, and then his shop was broken into twice in one month at night, and a lot of jewelry was stolen each time. Three weeks had passed, yet the police had not done much to catch the thief. So Mr. Brown decided to try to do something about it himself. He bought a good camera and fixed it up in his shop and put some cheap jewelry in front of it for the thief so that it could take a photo of anyone who stole the jewelry. A few nights later the thief did come again. But he did not touch any of the cheap jewelry that Mr. Brown had put out for him. He took the camera, which was worth 15,000 pounds.

1. The jewelry the thief had stolen was ________

A. very valuable.    B. worth little money.

C. quite cheap.      D. of no use to the thief.

2. How did the thief know about jewelry?

A. He knew a little about jewelry.

B. He knew a lot about it.

C. The poor one knew nothing about jewelry.

D. He knew little about it.

3. Why did Mr. Brown buy a camera and put it in the shop?

A. Because the camera was not so expensive as the jewelry or the watches in the shop.

B. Because he knew that the thief was interested in a cheap camera.

C. Because he thought that a good camera could help him find out who the thief was.

D. Because the policemen told him to do so.

4. What did Mr. Brown lose during the two months?

A. 15,000 pound notes.

B. A camera and 15,000 pounds.

C. Lots of jewelry and a good camera.

D. A lot of jewelry, a camera and 15,000 pound notes.


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