
Part B: 仔细阅读下面短文并按照语境完成填空(每空只能填一个单词),注意语法,词性、词形变化等。将答案填写在答题纸上。请考生务必注意对应答题纸上相应的题号。

Below are several excerpts(节选)from the travel diary kept by Ann,one of the students from Canada.

 I am representing Canada. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.Tomorrow we are visiting Pompeii. Next week we are flying to Loulan,in China. 48  Pompeii and Loulan became lost civilizations. The city of Pompeii was founded in the 8th century. Near the city  49  a volcano called Vesuvius.Unfortunately ,all the people were buried  50  by the volcano , and  51  was the city. When I walked around the city, I saw streets just they had been.It’s hard to imagine how this quiet volcano destroyed the city. In July, after several days of travelling we arrived in Loulan, a small,wealty commercial city which  52  between the East and the West almost 2,000 years ago.100years ago the Swedish exporer Sven Hedin discovered the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom gradually covered by sandstorms.When we went to the city, we found the ruins most interesting. There was an ancient water system  53  ran through the middle of the city. The desert was once a green land  54  enormous trees, but even that didn’t prevent the city from  55  buried by sand---what a pity!

48. both          49. was          50. alive       51. so 

52.existed/lay/was  53. which/that     54. with       55. being



  Like soccer, modern rugby began in Great Britain in the 19th century.It was played by many people in the countries of the Britain Empire, and was quite popular.(1)________ It is not part of Olympics.The countries that have professional rugby teams have a competition now and then, to decide the better team.But they do not have regular World Cup competition such as there is for soccer.

  (2)________ The shape of the ball is oval(椭圆的)rather than round as it is in soccer.Rugby is also different from soccer in that it is played by a larger number of players.An amateur(业余)rugby team has 15 players, while a professional team has 13.

  A rugby game usually lasts for 80 minutes.(3)________ Rugby teams also have substitutes(替补队员)just as soccer team do.This helps all the players by giving them a chance to rest during the games.Rugby is somewhat more complex(复杂)than soccer.It may be easy to follow when you are watching it, but it is hard to explain.

  The scoring of a rugby game, for example, is complicated(复杂).(4)________ The first way to score points in rugby is through “tries”.A “try” happens when a member of the team touches the ball down over the opponents’(对方)goal line.A try is worth three points.After a try has been scored, a goal may be attempted.(5)________ The goal is worth two points.A third way of scoring points in rugby is by scoring a field goal.A team can get three points by kicking the ball through the goal from anywhere on the field.Each team in rugby game tries to score more points than the other team.Each team tries to keep the other team from scoring.The team with more points at the end of the game wins.

A.The playing time is divided equally into two halves.

B.Now it is not so popular.

C.Football is a sport that more people watch than play.

D.There are three ways to score points in rugby.

E.This goal is scored by kicking the ball over the goal line from a particular place on the field.

F.The major difference between rugby and soccer is that rugby players may use their hands to move the ball.

While I was having dinner with a well-known author and lecturer, our conversation drifted to money. “I have enough money,” he told me casually. “I don’t need any more money.”

       “Of course you can say that,” I thought to myself. “You get fifteen thousand dollars for a lecture.”

       Then I caught my thought process, and pondered(仔细考虑)more deeply on his statement. Is he satisfied because he has a lot of money, or does he have a lot of money because he chooses to be satisfied?

       I know people with more money than this man, and they still don’t have enough. And I know people with very little money, and they always have enough. So is enoughness something that happens to us when we reach a certain level, or is it an experience we can choose and celebrate at any time?

       My friends Adrian and Carey live in a humble cottage in the rainforest. They have quite a modest income, no telephone, and they walk around naked most of the time. I think they are the happiest people I know. They wake up with the sun, love each other very much, and welcome guests with a full and open heart. They appreciate every moment of their lives, have no distraction games going, and are not waiting for the big break around the corner. When I am with them, the predominant(主要的)feeling I have is, “It’s all right here—why would anyone want anything more?”

       Ram Dass used to say, “There are three kinds of people in the world: those who say, ‘Too much!’; those who say, ‘Not enough!’; and those who say, “Ah, just right!’”; Since “too much” of one thing implies “not enough” of another, there are really only two approaches to life: lack or contentment.

From the first paragraph, we can infer that the lecturer ___________.

       A. was living a happy life                          B. was careless about his money

       C. was satisfied with his life                       D. was rich enough to live a happy life

We learn from the underlined part that ____________.

       A. it’s money that is of importance                     B. it’s not money but the attitude that matters

       C. we don’t have to have much money        D. we won’t have enough money in life

What does the author think of Adrian and Carey’s life?

       A. They have no guests.                            B. They have all they want.

       C. They live a very hard life.                      D. They live a very happy life.

According to the last paragraph, people have two different attitudes towards life: ____________.

       A. not enough or too much                         B. lack or too much      

       C. lack or contentment                               D. just right or enough

Which of the following best suits the passage?

       A. Nothing is better than a contented mind.

       B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

       C. Practice makes perfect.

       D. Better late than never.

While I was having dinner with a well-known author and lecturer, our conversation drifted to money. “I have enough money,” he told me casually. “I don’t need any more money.”
“Of course you can say that,” I thought to myself. “You get fifteen thousand dollars for a lecture.”
Then I caught my thought process, and pondered(仔细考虑)more deeply on his statement. Is he satisfied because he has a lot of money, or does he have a lot of money because he chooses to be satisfied?
I know people with more money than this man, and they still don’t have enough. And I know people with very little money, and they always have enough. So is enoughness something that happens to us when we reach a certain level, or is it an experience we can choose and celebrate at any time?
My friends Adrian and Carey live in a humble cottage in the rainforest. They have quite a modest income, no telephone, and they walk around naked most of the time. I think they are the happiest people I know. They wake up with the sun, love each other very much, and welcome guests with a full and open heart. They appreciate every moment of their lives, have no distraction games going, and are not waiting for the big break around the corner. When I am with them, the predominant(主要的)feeling I have is, “It’s all right here—why would anyone want anything more?”
Ram Dass used to say, “There are three kinds of people in the world: those who say, ‘Too much!’; those who say, ‘Not enough!’; and those who say, “Ah, just right!’”; Since “too much” of one thing implies “not enough” of another, there are really only two approaches to life: lack or contentment.
【小题1】From the first paragraph, we can infer that the lecturer ___________.

A.was living a happy lifeB.was careless about his money
C.was satisfied with his lifeD.was rich enough to live a happy life
【小题2】We learn from the underlined part that ____________.
A.it’s money that is of importanceB.it’s not money but the attitude that matters
C.we don’t have to have much moneyD.we won’t have enough money in life
【小题3】What does the author think of Adrian and Carey’s life?
A.They have no guests. B.They have all they want.
C.They live a very hard life.D.They live a very happy life.
【小题4】According to the last paragraph, people have two different attitudes towards life: ____________.
A.not enough or too muchB.lack or too much
C.lack or contentmentD.just right or enough
【小题5】Which of the following best suits the passage?
A.Nothing is better than a contented mind.
B.Where there is a will, there is a way.
C.Practice makes perfect.
D.Better late than never.

While I was having dinner with a well-known author and lecturer, our conversation drifted to money. “I have enough money,” he told me casually. “I don’t need any more money.”

         “Of course you can say that,” I thought to myself. “You get fifteen thousand dollars for a lecture.”

         Then I caught my thought process, and pondered(仔细考虑)more deeply on his statement. Is he satisfied because he has a lot of money, or does he have a lot of money because he chooses to be satisfied?

         I know people with more money than this man, and they still don’t have enough. And I know people with very little money, and they always have enough. So is enoughness something that happens to us when we reach a certain level, or is it an experience we can choose and celebrate at any time?

         My friends Adrian and Carey live in a humble cottage in the rainforest. They have quite a modest income, no telephone, and they walk around naked most of the time. I think they are the happiest people I know. They wake up with the sun, love each other very much, and welcome guests with a full and open heart. They appreciate every moment of their lives, have no distraction games going, and are not waiting for the big break around the corner. When I am with them, the predominant(主要的)feeling I have is, “It’s all right here—why would anyone want anything more?”

        Ram Dass used to say, “There are three kinds of people in the world: those who say, ‘Too much!’; those who say, ‘Not enough!’; and those who say, “Ah, just right!’”; Since “too much” of one thing implies “not enough” of another, there are really only two approaches to life: lack or contentment.

1.From the first paragraph, we can infer that the lecturer ___________.

         A. was living a happy life                             B. was careless about his money

         C. was satisfied with his life                                D. was rich enough to live a happy life

2.We learn from the underlined part that ____________.

         A. it’s money that is of importance                   B. it’s not money but the attitude that matters

         C. we don’t have to have much money            D. we won’t have enough money in life

3.What does the author think of Adrian and Carey’s life?

         A. They have no guests.                                      B. They have all they want.

         C. They live a very hard life.                                 D. They live a very happy life.

4.According to the last paragraph, people have two different attitudes towards life: ____________.

         A. not enough or too much                                  B. lack or too much

         C. lack or contentment                                         D. just right or enough

5.Which of the following best suits the passage?

         A. Nothing is better than a contented mind.

         B. Where there is a will, there is a way.

         C. Practice makes perfect.

         D. Better late than never.


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