

My father, at the death of his father, was six years old, and he grew up without education. He moved from Kentucky to Indiana when I was seven. We reached our new home about the time the state came into the Union. It was a wild area, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods, but what was required (要求) of a teacher never went beyond(超过) “reading, writing and adding”. If a stranger suppose to understand Latin happened to live for a time in the area, he was looked on as a wizard(奇才) . There was simple nothing to excite a desire (欲望) for education. Of course , when I grew up , I did not know much. Still, somehow I could read, write and add, but that was all. The advance I have now made is upon this store of education. I have gained it under the pressure (压力) of necessity.

1.When the writer was a child ______.

[  ]

A.his grandfather died in the state of Kentucky

B.his family settled down in the country of Indiana

C.Kentucky joined the Union as a member state

D.his family had to move from place to place

2. When the writer was seven, his family moved to an area where ______.

[  ]

A.educated people were greatly respected

B. only a few had a knowledge of Latin

C. people were often attacked(攻击) by wild animals

D. the land hadn't been farmed yet

3.The school in the area ______.

[  ]

A.was of poor quality(质量)

B.offered various subjects

C.respected those who knew Latin

D.hired the teachers who were good at reading, writing and adding

4.How did the writer look at his early education?

A. He believed he met the school requirements.

B. He thought he was well - educated

C. He thought it was not satisfactory

D. He believed he was poorly - educated .

5. At the time he wrote this passage, the writer ______.

[  ]

A.had to learn to read, write and add

B.found it necessary to receive advanced education

C.was probably fairly well - educated

D. was dissatisfied with his level of education



     A primary school teacher who left a class of 25 pupils in tears after she told them Santa Claus did not
exist has been fired. When excited youngsters became rowdy as they talked a- bout Santa, the supply
teacher said out suddenly, "It's your parents who leave out presents on Christmas Day."
     The class of seven-year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School, Royton, Greater Manchester burst in
to tears and told their parents when they arrived home. Mothers and fa- thers then complained about the
incident and were sent a letter by the school saying the teacher, who only worked at the school for one day
last week, has been punished.
     The school has now said it will not hire her again.
     One father said, "My son came home and said that his teacher had told the class that Santa doesn't
exist and it's their mum and dad that put out presents for them. Obviously, they were all talking about
Christmas and being a bit rowdy. She just came straight out with it. "
     "My son was in tears and so was everyone else in the class -- especially as it was so close to
Christmas. I thought it was wrong. He was crazy about it. He's only seven-year-old and it's part of the
magic of Christmas to him. "
     "We told him that she did not believe in Father Christmas because of her religion and he's fine now. "
     "The father described the incident as ' shocking' and believed it was done with malicious intent (恶意地). A lot of parents were angry and complained to the school. The teacher, who was supplied by
Rochdale and Oldham Supply Agency, is still listed and will work with other schools," the agency said.
     However, the head teacher in Angela McCormick refused to comment on the incident.

1. Who felt the angriest about the incident?
A. The teacher who was fired.            
B. The parents whose children cried.
C. The pupils who were in tears.          
D. Santa Claus the teacher talked about.
2. The seven-year-old children cried because of        .
A. something about Santa Claus          
B. the letters by the school
C. their teacher's leaving              
D. the presents left out by the parents
3. We can infer from the passage that       .
A. the teacher was fired and couldn't continue her career in teaching
B. the parents complained about the discipline of the school
C. the little pupils felt disappointed after hearing the news told by the teacher
D. in reality, Santa Claus exists and gives out presents once a year
4. What's the meaning of the underlined word "rowdy"?
A. surprised.      
B. noisy.        
C. discouraged.  
D. annoyed

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