
【题目】 In 2011, during his freshman year at the University of Maryland, Simon was struck by how much food was thrown away in the college cafeteria. " I was shocked to see someone buy a full sandwich, eat half of it, and throw the other half out," said Simon. "It was not the values I grew up with. " To him, discarded food was a "natural goldmine” he could source to do good.

Four years later, Simon cofounded Imperfect Produce, a subscription-based home-delivery service for discounted “ugly" fruits and vegetables that are perfectly good on the inside, but otherwise rejected from the food supply chain for their looks.

“Up to 20% of the fruits and vegetables grown on farms in America are thrown away because the produce doesn't meet grocery stores" standards," said Simon. "It's often for discoloration, scarring on the surface caused by the fruit rubbing against a tree limb or an atypical shape,” he said. "Sometimes it's the size. " Simon, 29, and Chesler, 27, decided to source this "ugly" produce directly from farms and deliver it to customers for about 30% less than conventional grocery store prices.

"The reason why we created Imperfect Produce as a direct-to-consumer business is because grocery stores didn't want to partner with us,” said Simon. “So we became our own store. " The San Francisco-based service launched in August 2015. Today, Imperfect Produce has more than 200,000 subscribers in 22 cities. The company sources its produce from 250 growers nationwide, and slightly more than half of it is organic. To date, Simon said the service has helped recover 40 million pounds of food from going to waste.

Simon declined to disclose income but said this year's sales are expected to double last year's. The business is not yet profitable, but he hopes to expand the service to 40 cities by the end of 2019 and eventually take the company public at some point.

1What does the underlined word “discarded” in Paragraph 1 refer to?



2Why are many fruits and vegetables wasted?

A.They are not tasty.B.They are not nutritious.

C.They are poorly looking.D.They are not good inside.

3What made Simon create Imperfect Produce as a direct-to-consumer business?

A.High price offered by him.

B.The wish to set up his own business.

C.His desire to offer service to others.

D.Grocery stores" unwillingness to cooperate with him.

4What can be inferred about Simon?

A.He wants to help the poor.

B.He thinks a lot about the wasted food.

C.He has expanded his service to 40 cities.

D.He expects to make profits from his business.







本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Simon创建Imperfect Produce的过程及意义。

1词句猜测题。A .wasted被浪费的;B. rejected被拒绝的;C. disliked 不喜欢的;D. eaten 被吃掉的。根据第一段的“Simon was struck by how much food was thrown away in the college cafeteria. I was shocked to see someone buy a full sandwich, eat half of it, and throw the other half out.(Simon被大学食堂扔掉的食物感到惊讶。当我看到有人买了一个完整的三明治,吃了一半,把另一半扔掉时,我很震惊。)”可知,Simon是反对浪费食物的。根据选项的意思可推知,应选择wasted修饰food表示“浪费的食物”,在他看来浪费的食物是“宝物”,他可以利用它们做些善事。故选A

2细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Up to 20% of the fruits and vegetables grown on farms in America are thrown away because the produce doesn’t meet grocery stores ‘ standards’. It's often for discoloration, scarring on the surface caused by the fruit rubbing against a tree limb or an atypical shape.( 美国农场种植的水果和蔬菜中有20%被丢弃,因为这些水果和蔬菜不符合食品杂货店的标准。通常是因为水果变色、水果摩擦树枝而引起的表面结疤或不正常的形状。)”可知,很多水果和蔬菜由于外表不够美观而被浪费。故选C。

3细节理解题。根据第四段中的“The reason why we created Imperfect Produce as a direct-to-consumer business is because grocery stores didn’t want to partner with us. (我们之所以创造出Imperfect Produce直接面向消费者服务,是因为杂货店不想与我们合作。)”可知,Simon直接面向消费者进行销售是因为杂货店的商家们都不愿与Simon的团队合作。故选D。

4推理判断题。通读全文可知,文中没有提到任何关于穷人的内容,A不正确;根据倒数第二段最后一句 The business is not yet profitable, but he hopes to expand the service to 40 cities by the end of 2019”可知, 这项业务目前还没有盈利,但他希望在2019年底将这项服务扩展到40个城市,故CD不正确。根据第一段的分析,Simon看到很多人浪费食物,使他后来通过创建Imperfect Produce对有可能被浪费掉的水果和蔬菜进行售卖。由此可推知,他对于被浪费的食物思考了很多。故选B



A set of textbooks designed to help high school students learn about traditional Chinese culture is to be published soon Beijing Times reported on Monday.

The books are the first national-level works of their kind and have been developed by a working group that promotes traditional culture. They will be used by students from autumn this year the report said.

The set contains four classics from ancient times. Two of the works Confucian Analects and Mencius are for 10 th -grade students while the other two Great Learning and Dao De Jing will be used by 11 th graders.

The initiative follows a series of steps the authorities have taken in recent years to spread and promote traditional Chinese culture on campus.

Last April the Ministry of Education released a series of guidelines requiring the inclusion of more information about traditional culture in primary and middle school textbooks especially those used for subjects such as Chinese language history art and physical education.

The guidelines said students’ knowledge of traditional culture will be tested in the senior high school entrance examination and the gaokao --- the college entrance exam.


1. 用约 30 个单词写出上文概要;

2. 用约 120 个单词就高中生学国学这一主题发表你的观点,内容包括:




1. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。



【题目】 It happens from time to time that after a whole morning of studying, you are tired in the afternoon. It’s then that you might want to eat something sweet, perhaps a Coke or a chocolate bar, to lift your mood. After all it’s popularly believed that a “sugar rush” gives us energy.

But a study published in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews in April suggests that sugar can make us feel worse rather than boost our moods.

The German and UK researchers collected data from 31 studies involving nearly 1,300 adults. They studied the effect of sugar on various aspects of mood, including anger, alertness, depression and tiredness.

They found that people who have too much sugar become more tired and less alert within an hour and that these feelings become more intense over time.

According to the researchers, when people take in sugar their blood sugar levels rise rapidly, leading to a burst of energy and a short “feel good” period. However, as they begin to digest the sugar, their blood sugar levels decrease quickly leading to a bad feeling.

To remain on a “high” people are likely to eat more and more sugar until they become addicted to it. As with caffeine, this prevents the body from relaxing, leaving people feeling tired and less alert.

But the study findings needn’t make us think we must give up sweet food altogether. According to the World Health Organization, it is healthy to have the sugars found naturally in fruit, vegetables and milk so long as these make up less than 5 percent of daily total energy intake.

So the next time you feel tired and can’t concentrate, perhaps you should think twice before you bite into a chocolate bar. Maybe a spot of exercise at midday would be a better idea!

Tips for beating afternoon fatigue.

* Head outside and sit in the daylight for 10 minutes.

* Get into the routine of a mid-afternoon cup of tea.

* Plan group activities for midday.

* Add variety to your routine.

1What does the underlined word “boost” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?


2How did the people feel after they had sugar in the study?

A.They felt more tired.B.They felt relaxed.

C.They were more alert.D.They felt energetic.

3What do we learn from Paragraphs 5-6?

A.Our mood is connected to our blood sugar levels.

B.Taking in more sugar benefits mental health.

C.Getting caffeine is another way to relax.

D.Sugar and caffeine are all the same.

4What would the author suggest people do when they are tired?

A.Give up sweet food.B.Have a bar of chocolate.

C.Do an hour of exercise.D.Eat foods with natural sugars.

【题目】 You probably spend a lot of time preparing for job interviews. But it's not just about being ready with answers to the interviewer's questions. 1 You should come prepared with insightful questions to learn more about the role and to make sure the company is a good fit.


Companies are looking woo (争取) candidates in this job market and want to put their best foot forward—but it's important that you go into the conversation knowing what you are looking for from an employer. Asking what a typical day looks like can give you a helpful sense of the workplace balance and responsibilities.

Ask about career growth and development

3. But be careful with how you ask this question. You don't want to come off as if you are expecting a promotion before even starting the job. Asking about employee support and development programs can also show how much an employer invests (投资) in employee development.

Ask how to be successful

4, so be sure to ask about it. To help get a sense of what employers will be looking for, try asking something like: "What does success look like for someone in this role?" or "How will my performance be evaluated

Ask autonomous questions

While most interviewers will finish the meeting asking if you have any questions, you don't have to wait for that moment. 5, ask a question to get more details. That not only shows you are listening, but also engaged and want to learn more.

A. Ask what it's like to work there

B. The process is a two-way street

C. If you have some important questions

D. We all want to make a living by working hard

E. If the interviewer says something interesting or vague

F. Knowing how your performance is going to be measured is important

G. We all want to work at a place where we have the opportunity to grow professionally

【题目】 You may say that rain comes from clouds, but you can also say that rain is clouds.1, you should know the mechanism through which water moves from the Earth to the atmosphere and back again.

Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense (凝结) and becomes water droplets that can fall as rain. Dew point can vary anywhere from the 30s (Fahrenheit) to, on rare occasions, the 80s.

2. Once the air has cooled past the “dew point", it condenses around a nucleus, which are usually tiny particles of dust, smoke or even salt that are floating in the air. Then tiny water droplets are formed.3. If you pay close attention to clouds in the sky, you'll see char they’re constantly shrinking and growing,

Water vapor that has formed clouds is on its way to becoming rain, bur it's not there yet. For now, the water droplets are 80 tiny that the air currents keep them in the air, just as swirling particles of dust can stay in the air.4.

When water droplets combine with one another, they become heavier than the uplift of the air around them. Eventually they fall down through the cloud as rain.5They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow.

A.Rain cloud is formed when there is enough water in the air

B.As warm air rises with the water vapor it contains, it cools

C.If you are curious about what kind of cloud will become rain

D.Sometimes the droplets rise high enough to freeze into ice crystals.

E.The tiny water droplets that initially form are what you see as clouds

F.If you want a better understanding of why rain comes down from clouds

G.As those droplets continue to rise, they have two ways to come back to Earth

【题目】请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。

Britain Supports E-Cigarettes, US Considers Ban

The United States and Britain have very different views on e-cigarettes.

American public health officials are warning of the dangers of vaping(吸电子烟)among young people. But, British officials consider electronic cigarettes to be a powerful tool for people trying to quit smoking.

Britain’s Royal College of Physicians tells doctors to promote e-cigarettes “as widely as possible” for patients trying to give up cigarettes. And Public Health England says vaping is much less dangerous than smoking.

In the United States, hundreds of people who vape have been sickened by a mysterious lung illness. Many of them are teenagers.

In answer, the federal government and some states have recently taken steps to ban the flavored e-cigarettes that appeal to young people.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends that people consider not using e-cigarettes.

Dr. John Britton is director of the U.K. Center for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies at the University of Nottingham. He said the U.S. reaction is “complete madness.” Dr. Britton added, “The reality with smoking is, if you tell people to stop vaping, they will go back to tobacco and tobacco kills.”

Around the world, countries have different views on vaping. More than 30 nations ban e-cigarettes completely. Many European countries, including Austria, Belgium, Germany and Italy, consider e-cigarettes the same as tobacco products and control the sales of them.

However, France, just like Britain, hardly sets limits on the sales of e-cigarettes. In those countries, e-cigarettes are sold as usual consumer products.

E-cigarettes arrived in the United States in 2007 and have been mostly unregulated. Three years ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) got the power to oversee their use. Black market, illegal sales of e-cigarettes have grown quickly.

The FDA’s acting commissioner, Dr. Ned Sharpless, recently testified(作证)before Congress.

Several lawmakers suggested complete removal of e-cigarettes from the market.

“We do not consider these products safe, we think they have harm,” Dr. Sharpless said. “We do not think really anyone should be using them other than people using them in place of smoking regular tobacco cigarettes. “

How do e-cigarettes work? The vaping devices usually heat a solution(溶液)containing nicotine into a vapor, which is inhaled. The amount of nicotine differs widely. Some countries restrict the amount. There is no limit in the United States. But the widespread use of vaping devices among young people brought warnings from health officials. They said nicotine harms a teenager’s still-developing brain.

“What’s right for England might not be right for the U.S.,” said Ryan Kennedy. He is with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The CDC said that the mysterious lung illness appears to be in connection with THC vaping products. THC is a chemical compound that gives marijuana its high.

The agency said many of the 800 people who got sick reported vaping THC. It said it still needed more information to know whether a single product, substance or brand is responsible. Some researchers have blamed an ingredient used in vaping oils, especially in black market products.

Britain Supports E-Cigarettes, US Considers Ban

Different 1.

Towards e-cigarettes


★Warnings are given out that vaping damages health.

★A ban on flavored e-cigarettes is 2.way.

★People are advised by CDC to 3 vaping.


★E-cigarettes are considered as helpful for smokers to quit.

★Vaping puts people at less 4 than smoking.

★The medical administration promotes the prescription of vaping for patients trying to quit smoking.


★Over 30 nations ban e-cigarettes completely.

★Many European countries try to keep e-cigarettes in 5.

★The sales of e-cigarettes face 6 rules in Britain as well as in France.

Reasons for the differences

★In the USA, a mysterious lung illness, suspected to be 7 to THC vaping products, has spread among vapers including a lot of teenagers.

It is believed in Britain, which thinks the USA overreacts, that people will 8 to deadly tobacco if vaping is banned.

Other facts about e-cigarettes

Black market has expanded quickly due to lack of proper regulations.

FDA recently testified( )before Congress, of which several lawmakers suggested that e-cigarettes should be 9 removed from the market.

The amount of nicotine 10 in the solution( )of vaping devices differs widely. Anyway, it harms a teenager’s still-developing brain.

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