
All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

1.They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.

2.Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China. Egypt or Italy!3.Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or games go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet.4.Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends.5.One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

A. And think of people in cold countries

B. Sports help to train a person's character

C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves

D. Many people like to watch others play games

E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games

F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them

G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time


A home computer not only helps children master the old ways of learning, but also opens up possibilities that simply aren’t available in traditional education. Some software, for example, allows kids to make decisions and see the results in different situations. The World Wide Web encourages young minds to move easily from link to link, topic to topic. The best software draws children into learning by making them curious — what if I click on this picture, drag this over here, visit that website?

Knowing how to use a computer also encourages a child’s confidence. Kids figure out quickly that computers are powerful, and mastering the machine makes them feel grown-up. In turn, feeling confident on a computer often translates to academic (学术的) confidence. Researchers have found that attitudes toward writing, for example, improve when students write on a computer.

Perhaps most importantly, computers can enrich family life. Forget the idea that computer kids are separated. Children like to use the computer with adults and other kids, asking questions and comparing results. “The Internet is a unique opportunity to bring resources home,” notes Susan Haugland, PhD, Cape Girardeau, Mo., author of Computers and Young Children: A World of Discovery.

Although the benefits of computers are real, they have disadvantages, too. Kids can lose their way, wasting hours on mindless software or violent games. Just as parents have always helped children make good choices about everything from friends to food, books to TV, now we must make sure they get the best out of computers.

1.The passage is mainly talking about _____.

A. the disadvantages of children’s using computers

B. the advantages of children’s using computers

C. the development of computers

D. the fact using computers makes children lose their way

2.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a home computer?

A. It provides new ways of learning.

B. It encourages children’s confidence.

C. It can enrich family life.

D. Kids can play violent games on it.

3.What effects do computers have on family life?

A. They reduce the connection between family members.

B. They destroy the relationship between parents and kids.

C. They provide more opportunities of communication.

D. They make all the family members study together.

4.According to the last paragraph, we can learn that we should _____.

A. let children use computers freely

B. forbid children to use computers in their spare time

C. permit children to use any software they like

D. help children make good use of the computers

1.What some teenagers don’t realize is _________difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs.

2.It suddenly_________(occur) to him that he had left his keys in the office.

3._________is clear is that taking part in some voluntary work is helpful to students.

4.There is a great deal of evidence _________(indicate) that music activities lift our spirits.

5.From the date _________(mark) out on the calendar, I know he will be busy next week.

6._________last leaves the classroom should turn off the lights .

7.-----Where did you meet him for the first time?

-----It was in the factory _________we once worked ten years ago.

8.He is opposed to sending the child to kindergarten, and that is _________I disagree.

9.________(strike) by serious flood, the city has to be restored as soon as possible.

10.My mother is grateful to the surgeon, without ________ help she would have died from her heart attack.

11.I would like to buy five ________(loaf) of bread.

12.________(short) after he graduated from college, he set up his own business.

13.He has failed the job interview, which will have a great impact ________his future.

14.A great many immigrants __________(forbid) to live on in that country because of war.

15.Follow your doctor’s advice, ________you will get better soon.

16.When the ice is heated above ________(freeze) point, it changes into liquid.

17.The government must set out ________(find) solutions to solve the problems.

18.I can’t bear young people _________(cast) away their youth.

19.Our school invited five foreign teachers, three of_________ are from America.

20.These questions are so difficult ________no one can answer.








Dear Peter,

I’m Li Hua. I’d like to join your “Reading Club” on the Internet. ……

















Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

A new study of 8,000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily, it is a bad thing for young people.Puppy love(早恋)may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression (沮丧,抑郁). The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys, and younger girls are the worst of all.

The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is “loss of self”.According to the study,even though boys would say “lose themselves in a romantic relationship”,this “loss of self” is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls. Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions.They won’t tell that to their parents.

Dr Marianm Kaufman,an expert on young people problems,says 15% to 20% young people will have depression during their growing. Trying romance often causes the depression.She advises kids not to jump into romance too early. During growing up,it is important for young people to build strong friendships and a strong sense of self.She also suggests the parents should encourage their kids to keep close to their friends, attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family.

Parents should watch for signs of depression—eating or mood changes—and if they see signs from their daughters or sons, they need to give help. The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age.Love will always make us feel young,but only maturity (成熟) gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Romance is a double-edged sword for adults.

B. Parents should forbid their children’s love.

C. Puppy love may bring young people depression.

D. Romance is good for young people.

2.Which of the following is more likely to have depression?

A. Careless parents whose children are deep in love.

B. Young people who have a strong sense of selfishness.

C. Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior.

D. Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions.

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.

B. The older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.

C. Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.

D. Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?

A. disapproving B. confused

C. neutral D. scared

Crossing your legs is an extremely common habit; most people don't even notice that they're doing it when they sit down. While you may find it comfortable to sit with one knee crossed over the other, it might be causing health problems that you are not aware of.

A study published in Blood Pressure Monitoring stated that sitting with your legs crossed can increase your blood pressure. The reason for this is that the blood in your legs has to work against gravity to be pumped back to your heart and that crossing one leg over the other increases resistance, making it even harder for the blood to circulate. This causes your body to increase your blood pressure to push the blood back to the heart. You won't feel any immediate effects, but repeated, drawn-out increases in blood pressure can cause long-term health issues. So, planning to sit for a long period of time? Don't keep your legs crossed.

Crossing your legs at the knee can also cause pressure on the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg, explains Richard Graves, a medical expert. This pressure can cause numbness and temporary paralysis (麻痹) of some of the muscles in your foot and leg, preventing you from being able to raise your ankle—what we know as that “pins and needles” sensation. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage.

So next time you sit down, try to get yourself in the habit of sitting with both of your feet on the floor. Not only will it help your posture and stability, but it will also save your health in the long run.

1.What can we learn about crossing one's legs?

A. It is a very bad social habit.

B. It is usually practiced deliberately.

C. It can make others feel uncomfortable.

D. It can do harm to people's health.

2.According to the study, sitting with your legs crossed can______.

A. resist gravity effectively B. affect your blood pressure

C. lead to heart attacks easily D. improve the function of legs

3.In the third paragraph "pins and needles" probably means______.

A. serious muscle injuries B. being a little nervous

C. slight sharp pains D. being highly flexible

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A. To give readers some advice. B. To compare common habits.

C. To evaluate effects of an experiment. D. To introduce research methods.

【题目】When Johnson called again, the manager received him very politely. “That is a most remarkable oil you brought us, Mr Johnson,” he said. Johnson nodded his smooth, dark head. That was something he knew very well. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” the manager admitted. Johnson nodded again. “No?” he said politely. Then he added, “But I think you will, sir. A very great deal of it.” He appeared to think for a moment. “I think you will find it will be on sale seven, perhaps, eight years from now.” He smiled.

The manager thought that was uncertain. He said, “It is better than our fish oils. I admit that.” “So I am told, sir,” agreed Johnson.

“Have you any plans to produce it yourself, Mr Johnson?”

Johnson smiled again. “Would I be showing it to you if I had?”

“We might add some chemicals to one of our own fish oils,” said the manager.

“It would be expensive to do that, even if you could.” Johnson said gently. “Besides,” he added, “I am told that this oil will be much cheaper than your best fish oils. Cheaper than any vegetable oil, in fact.”

“Perhaps,” said the manager. “Well, I suppose you want to make an arrangement, Mr Johnson, Shall we discuss it?”

“Of course,” said Johnson. “There are two ways of dealing with a situation of this sort. The usual one is to prevent it altogether or at least to delay it as long as possible. That is, of course, the best way,” The manager nodded. He knew plenty about all that.

“But I am so sorry for you, because, you see, that is not possible this time.” The manager had his doubts, but all he said was an inquiring(asking), “Oh?”

“The other way,” continued Johnson, “is to produce yourself before the trouble starts.”

【1】The manager thought of adding chemicals to the fish oil to make it ________.

A. cheaper than the new oil B. more quickly

C. more expensive D. as good as the new oil

【2】Johnson’s new oil would be ________.

A. more expensive than fish oil, but better

B. less expensive, and better

C. less expensive, but not good

D. more expensive, and not so good

【3】Johnson showed his new oil to the manager because he wanted ________.

A. to produce it himself

B. to prevent it being produced

C. to be paid not to produce it

D. the manager to produce it

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