When I was growing up, 16 was always a magical age, a symbol of maturity, responsibility and of course more independence and freedom.  I sat through the hours of Driver’s Ed classes eager to get out on the road. I couldn’t wait to get my driver’s license.
But it’s a different story for today’s teens. In January, the U.S. Department Transportation released 2012 data that showed only 30.7 percent of U.S. teens got their license at age 16, Twenty years before, that number was almost 45 percent.
There are numbers of reasons for the fall – off. The growing responsibilities like paying for insurance and high gas prices discourage teens from getting behind the wheel. Plus, many teens today are so busy with homework, endless hours of activities and part-time jobs, that finding the time for Driver’s Ed classes may be more difficult that ever.
In addition, many states have raised the driving age, or restricted when teens can drive and who they can have in the car. Parents may also be making their own personal restrictions until they feel their teens are responsible enough to drive safely.
Driving is part of the American culture, but it’s not the central focus like it was 25 years ago. They have so many other things to do now. One of the more interesting factors delaying teens driving might be the change of their social life. Today, teens need to look no further than Face book or other social networking sites to connect with their friends. There is simply less need, maybe less desire, to be able to grab the keys and go.
Michelle Wei got her license as a senior in high school because her digital social life made it easy no to drive. “If I couldn’t get a ride to see my friend who lives a town over,” the 19-year-old said, “I could talk on IM or Skype.”
Research has shown that these online relationships can lead to higher quality friendships, so it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, it’s important to find a balance. If old face-to-face friendships are good, why not drive to find them?
【小题1】We can infer from the first paragraph that         .

A.Driver’s Ed classes allowed teens to know what maturity was
B.getting a driving license at 16 was a must for American teens
C.16 was considered an age when one could get his driver’s license
D.teens could drive on the road without taking Driver’s Ed classes
【小题2】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Desire to drive on the road declines among American teens.
B.Getting a license costs much more than ever before.
C.Social networking sites are changing the life of American teens.
D.American teens are becoming more responsible than ever.
【小题3】Michelle’s Wei’s example is used to explain ________.
A.why American teens are crazy about digital social life
B.what social networking websites are bringing to American teens
C.to what degree the Internet is affecting the American car culture
D.what the Internet does to help teens to get a driving license
【小题4】The last paragraph is reminding the readers that        .
A.the Internet h as a bad effect on the teen’s social life
B.teens should keep a balance in choosing their lifestyle
C.actual contacts can be replaced by talking on line
D.face-to-face friendship is always the best choice




This week in our Foreign Student Series,we talk about getting an American education online.A student named Hendra has written to us from Indonesia asking about a good online university.Finding the right online program requires research.Talking to advisers and recruiters(招募者)can help.Keep in mind,though,that they might have a financial interest to direct you to certain programs.

The Council on Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA)recognizes a group in Washington,D.C.,to accredit(授权)schools that offer distance learning.One hundred and ten programs in the United States and six other countries are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.

We asked the executive director,Michael Lambert,for advice on choosing a distance learning program.He says the first thing is to go on the CHEA Web site to find if a school is accredited.The address is c-h-e-a dot o-r-g.Next,make sure the school offers what you need.Do you need a degree,or will a certificate or license be enough?

Another consideration is cost.Often the published price does not include all the costs --like books.Technology requirements can also add to the costs.Will you need to get new software or a high-speed Internet connection or even a new computer to take the classes you want?

Also,consider the level of interaction that an online program offers.You might never meet the teacher or other students in person.

Finally,and this is our own advice,find out what others say on the Internet for comments or news stories about schools that interest you.Just remember that what people say is not always fair or true.

56.This passage is probably from ________.

A.a magazine          B.a newspaper    

C.a text book       D.a radio program

57.This passage is mainly about ________.

A.how to get an American education online

B.what to learn in an American university

C.the introductions to schools offering distance learning

D.the advantages of online education

58.What else should be taken into consideration about cost besides the published price?

A.The cost for books and technology requirements.

B.The cost for books and a new computer.

C.The cost for new software and a high-speed Internet connection.

D.The cost for technology requirements and even a classroom.

59.How can you find the information about schools accredited to offer distance learning easily?

A.Ask the members of CHEA.        B.Go on the website of chea.org.

C.Ask Michael Lambert for help.      D.Talk to advisers and recruiters.

60 According to Michael Lambert,________.

A.to get a certificate or a license is much easier than to get a degree

B.it’s not fair for the schools to charge extra money beside the published price

C.the level of interaction that an online program offers is quite considerable

D.people’s comments about schools are always unbelievable


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