作弊的手段 | 1 互相抄袭 2 抄书和小纸条 3 用通讯工具 |
作弊的危害 | 1 引起不公平的竞争 2 影响学生的自信心 |
采取的措施 | 1 严厉惩罚 2 说明教育 |
Dear editor,
I am a senior 3 student in a high school in Shandong. These days
Li Ming
Dear editor,
I am a senior 3 student in a high school in Shandong. These days I have found that there are always some students cheating in exams. They cheat in different ways. Some of them look at each other’s papers. Some look at their textbooks or reference books and some prepare pieces of paper on which some answers are written. Other students use things with advanced technology such as mobile phones to get answers.
As a result, it leads to unfair competition and makes students less confident of the future.
I think that something must be done to stop it. Firstly, a severe punishment should be used to prevent students from cheating. Secondly, something must be done to let students know the harm of the cheating and the importance of being honest.
Finally, I hope the newspaper can do something to help students to stop cheating.

作弊的手段 | 1.互相抄袭;2.抄书和小纸条;3.用通讯工具. |
作弊的危害 | 1.引起不公平的竞争;2.影响学生的自信心. |
采取的措施 | 1.严厉惩罚;2.说明教育. |
Dear editor,
I am a senior 3 student in a high school in Shandong. These days