
"___ Libya's oil production returns to normal, I guess, it will be fifteen months," said a UN expert.








【解析】考察固定句型。It be 一段时间before从句;一段时间以后某事才发生。句意:15个月以后利比亚的石油生产将恢复正常。



President Barack Obama has complained about the loss of privacy that comes with being leader of the United States, regretting the loss of simple pleasures such as a long walk or a trip to the car wash or supermarket.

"I just miss – I miss being unknown," he said. "I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks. I can't take a walk."

His dream, he said, was to "go through Central Park and watch folks passing by ... spend the day watching people – I miss that".

Faced with criticism for playing more golf than most previous occupants of the White House, he explained that the sport was simply the best way of getting relaxed.

"It's the only excuse I have to get outside for four hours," he told Hearst magazines.

Though he said he enjoyed his life in the White House, he felt disillusioned(醒悟的,幻想破灭的) with the some of the ways of Washington, which he has failed to change, such as the "kabuki dance(日本歌舞)" among political parties before serious policy discussions begin. His comments may be seen as excuse by critics who have accused him of appearing too detached(漠然), and being slow to engage in important issues such as Libya and the near shutdown of the US government last week.

Since arriving at the White House in January 2009, Mr Obama has already racked up(打)60 rounds of golf in office, more than George W Bush did in his eight years.

In terms of ability, Golf Digest magazine has ranked Mr Obama eighth out of the 18 presidents who played the game since it became established in the early 20th century.

1.What do the second paragraph and the third paragraph mainly tell us?     .

A.Obama wishes to enjoy simple pleasures.

B.Obama likes going shopping with his girls.

C.Obama likes to take a walk.

D.Obama likes to watch folks passing by.

2.According to Obama, he plays golf to ___________.

A.avoid criticism

B.show his ability

C.get relaxed

D.show his advantage over the former presidents

3.What does the underlined word “It” refer to in the fifth paragraph?

A.Playing golf.                            B.Getting relaxed.

C.Changing some ways of Washington.         D.Watching people

4.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Obama complains about lack of privacy as president

B.Obama can’t live a normal life

C.Obama is often criticized

D.Obama likes to play golf


NEW YORK CITY?A hurricane warning has been given for New York City.Forecasters say Hurricane Irene could cause widespread flooding, power failure and billions of dollars in damage.About 65 million Americans live in Hurricane Irene's projected path —many of whom have been evacuated

In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered the city's first-ever evacuation. Roughly 250,000 people have been told to leave their homes in low-lying areas, including the Wall Street financial district.

WASHINGTON D.C.—On Aug.24, 2011, Apple announced that Mr.Steve Jobs, who has battled cancer for several years, was stepping down as the CEO but would serve as chairman.

In January, he had announced that he was taking a medical leave of absence from Apple.In announcing his leave, he turned daily oversight of the company over to the chief operating officer, Timothy D.Cook, and it was Mr.Cook whom Apple named to succeed him as the next CEO of the company.

TRIPOLI—Opposition forces in Libya say they control more than 90 percent of the country.It is still not clear where Moammar Gadhafi is.The opposition has offered more than 1,600,000 dollars for his capture (逮捕).The head of the opposition forces said his group supports a decision by local businessmen to provide the money in an effort to speed up the capture.Earlier Wednesday, government forces fired onto the former headquarters (总部) of Mr.Gadhafi, which is now controlled by opposition forces.Heavy fighting also continued near Tripoli's airport and in a town of Zuara.

1.The underlined word "evacuated" probably means ________.

A.sent away to safer places          

B.gathered around to higher positions

C.flooded off to lower reaches            

D.left behind to dangerous situations

2.Who has been appointed as the new CEO of Apple?

    A.Steve Jobs.                    B.Michael Bloomberg.

    C.Moammar Gadhafi.                D.Timothy

3.From the news above, we know that in Libya _______.

    A.the local businessmen have offered money to catch hold of Gadhafi

    B.the opposition forces suffered a thorough defeat near Tripoli's airport

    C.the government forces are defending the headquarters of Mr.Gadhafi

    D.the town ofZuara is the place where Moammar Gadhafi probably hides


NEW YORK CITY?A hurricane warning has been given for New York City.Forecasters say Hurricane Irene could cause widespread flooding, power failure and billions of dollars in damage.About 65 million Americans live in Hurricane Irene's projected path —many of whom have been evacuated

In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg has ordered the city's first-ever evacuation. Roughly 250,000 people have been told to leave their homes in low-lying areas, including the Wall Street financial district.

WASHINGTON D.C.—On Aug.24, 2011, Apple announced that Mr.Steve Jobs, who has battled cancer for several years, was stepping down as the CEO but would serve as chairman.

In January, he had announced that he was taking a medical leave of absence from Apple.In announcing his leave, he turned daily oversight of the company over to the chief operating officer, Timothy D.Cook, and it was Mr.Cook whom Apple named to succeed him as the next CEO of the company.

TRIPOLI—Opposition forces in Libya say they control more than 90 percent of the country.It is still not clear where Moammar Gadhafi is.The opposition has offered more than 1,600,000 dollars for his capture (逮捕).The head of the opposition forces said his group supports a decision by local businessmen to provide the money in an effort to speed up the capture.Earlier Wednesday, government forces fired onto the former headquarters (总部) of Mr.Gadhafi, which is now controlled by opposition forces.Heavy fighting also continued near Tripoli's airport and in a town of Zuara.

1.The underlined word "evacuated" probably means ________.

A.sent away to safer places

B.gathered around to higher positions

C.flooded off to lower reaches

D.left behind to dangerous situations

2.Who has been appointed as the new CEO of Apple?

A.Steve Jobs.                    B.Michael Bloomberg.

C.Moammar Gadhafi.              D.Timothy  D.Cook.

3.From the news above, we know that in Libya _______.

A.the local businessmen have offered money to catch hold of Gadhafi

B.the opposition forces suffered a thorough defeat near Tripoli's airport

C.the government forces are defending the headquarters of Mr.Gadhafi

D.the town of Zuara is the place where Moammar Gadhafi probably hides



The Mediterranean Sea-Whistling, cheering, waving hands with tears flowing and shouting are the sight I see when the Chinese frigate Xuzhou approaches.The huge Greek ship, containing about 2,200 Chinese from Libya, and the frigate whistle and raise their flags up and down to each other showing respect."We salute the Chinese frigate in the same way we would a Greek warship," an officer of the Greek ship tells China Daily.

After the ship and frigate greet each other, they sail side-by-side for an hour and a half only three hundreds meters apart.A Chinese helicopter flies over the two ships.The frigate Xuzhou, which had been on duty in the Aden Gulf, joined the removing efforts in the waters surrounding Libya.

Weijianhua, captain of the Chinese frigate, sends his warm greetings over the radio, thanking Greek crew for their help and support in the removing of Chinese nationals from disordered Libya.Wei also welcomes his fellow Chinese on board on their way back home.“The strong and prosperous motherland is with you when you are experiencing hardship,” Wei greets passengers on board the frigate.

On hearing this, a group of people wave their hands toward the frigate, cheering and shouting "Yes, we feel that we are from a big family and when we meet troubles overseas, we can get help any time," says the 40-aged Cui Qinghua, one of the 300 Chinese construction workers in the central part of Libya.They planned to leave Libya as soon as events became uncontrolled on Feb.16.But Local wrongdoers robbed them and prevented them from fleeing.However, the Chinese embassy tried every means to help them."Finally we succeeded, and now here we are," says Cui.

Cui and other evacuees are halfway to Crete in Greece.The Chinese government has sent seven hired ships from Crete to transport Chinese nationals from Libya.They are all expected to take flights back to China by 10th March.

72.The author writes the article to show that  __     ___.

       A.the Chinese navy is strong enough to protect its overseas citizens

       B.the Chinese government is responsible for its nationals

       C.Libya is not friendly to the Chinese workers

       D.Chinese are proud of their prosperous motherland

73.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

       A.The Chinese nationals are on a Greek warship.

       B.The Chinese nationals met with difficulties before fleeing Libya.

       C.The Chinese nationals are leaving Libya for Crete in Greece.

       D.A powerful motherland is more important than anything else to its citizens overseas.

74.The purpose of China sending the frigate Xuzhou to the Mediterranean Sea is to  __     ___.

       A.prevent sea robbers from attacking commercial ships

       B.pick up the Chinese nationals from Libya

       C.greet the Chinese nationals from Libya

       D.protect the Greek ship carrying the Chinese nationals from Libya

75.From Cui Qinghua's words we know that he felt ______ when he heard the captain of the Chinese frigate.

       A.excited and relaxed                                     B.emotional and proud

       C.happy and confident                                    D.honest and talkative


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