
3.People who are confident really seem to be naturally outstanding and just seem to do everything with more styles than others.(16)CIt is a habit that everyone can develop in life.Try these simple tips to drill and build up your confidence:
    1.Admit your shortcomings calmly.
    Do not try to escape from them or cover them.Face them bravely.(17)BFight against them every day until the day when you could break away and conquer them.
    2.Dress for self-confidence.
   (18)AAnd therefore pay attention to your dress,display your unique physical advantages and exhibit your best image.In addition,in formal occasions such as a business party or a wedding ceremony,elegant dressing contributes to building your confidence.
You should get rid of your habit that deals with the work passively(被动的).Concentrate your efforts immediately on overcoming it,because it will make your restless mind at ease and build yourself-confidence   
    4.Be positive.
    Feel pity neither on yourself nor on others.If you are used to hating and blaming yourself,others would tend to do that and believe it.Instead,you should speak positively about yourself,your progress,and your bright future.(20)E

A.Your appearance could put you into embarrassment or increase your confidence.
B.Then talk about them to a reliable mate,a friend or a family member.
C.Actually,true self-confidence is neither born nor acquired overnight.
D.Build your confident vocabulary.
E.By doing so,you would encourage your growth in a positive direction.
F.Don't put off what you eventually have to do
G Don't judge a person by appearance.

分析 本文向我们讲述了自信的人往往是成功的人,并在文中给出四点关于建立自信的建议.首先,要勇于面对并努力克服自己的缺点.其次,要穿着得体以获得自信.再次,要首先完成不愿意做但是不得不做的事情.最后要积极乐观.

解答 16.C   考查上下文的推理判断能力.从下句It is a habit that everyone can develop in life.可知实际上自信既不是天生的也不是一夜间就能获得的,它是一种人人在生活中能养成的习惯.故选C.
17.B  考查上下文的推理判断能力.本段用了几个祈使句来讲述要如何对待缺点,前句Do not try to escape from them or cover them.Face them bravely讲要勇敢面对缺点,然后要和可信赖的人,比如朋友,家人等谈论这些缺点.故选B.
18.A  考查上下文的归纳概括能力.本段讲述穿戴打扮能够给人增添信心,而A选项内容恰好与后句therefore pay attention to your dress构成因果关系,故选A.
19.F  考查上下文的推理判断能力.根据You should get rid of your habit that deals with the work passively(被动的).Concentrate your efforts immediately on overcoming it,because it will make your restless mind at ease and build yourself-confidence  可知在本段作者建议打破被动处理事情的惯例,要马上集中精力去处理不愿意做但不得不做的事情,故选F.
20.E  考查上下文的推理判断能力.根据段中出现的Be positive.和you should speak positively about yourself,and your bright future.可知应该讲乐观的态度能让自己朝着积极的方向成长.故选E.

点评 本文需要学生通读全文,了解文章大意,分析句型,明确关联关系,结合上下文判断,确定答案后带入复查.

14.Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids (孩子) to?Try some of these places
•Visit art museums.They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids'interest.Many offer workshops for making land-made pieces,traveling exhibits,book signings by children's favorite writer,and even musical performances and other arts.
•Head to a natural history museum.This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur(恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky.Also,ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.
•Go to a Youtheater.Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors.Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts.Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.
•Tryhands-on science.Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country.These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike.They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons,experimenting,and building.When everyone is tired,enjoy a fun family science show,commonly found in these museums.

56.If a child is interested in the universe,he probably will visitC.
A.a Youtheater
B.an art museum
C.a natural history museum
D.a hands-on science museum
57.What can kids do at a Youtheater?C.
A.Look at rock collections.
B.See dinosaur models.
C.Watch puppet making.
D.Give performances.
58.What does"hands-on science"mean in the last paragraph?B
A.Science games designed by kids.
B.Learning science by doing things.
C.A show of kids'science work.
D.Reading science books.
59.Where does this text probably come from?C
A.A science textbook.
B.A tourist map.
C.A museum guide.
D.A news report.
  Though she had been in a coma(昏迷)for nearly six months,it was still a(16)Awhen my grandmother passed away.I was not yet thirteen when she(17)B.I'd understood that death awaited her,but in those first moments of knowing,I could not(18)Dthat"eventually"had finally come to pass.
  Friends came to the funeral home to pay their last respects to my grandmother and to show their support for my mother.Not(19)Awhere to be or what to do,I stayed off to the side.The(20)Dfinally ended with the arrival of my friend Kelly.
  Kelly and I had been friends ever since she was three and Four.We were"home"friends,the kind who rode bikes together after school,went(21)Cto a KFC a few blocks away,even though we weren't allowed to leave the block.
  At the funeral home,Kelly came right to me.In her hands were two packages of M&M's.Kelly knew that was one of my(22)B.We had often taken long trips to the store for(23)D.We sat in the back,eating M&M's and talking quietly.A(24)Cexperience had suddenly become easier to bear,with a childhood offering of chocolates and the(25)Cof a devoted friend.
  Trying to come up with something to offer a heartbroken person is(26)C.Kelly had understood,even at twelve,that there wasn't much she could do to reduce my pain(27)Abe there with me and bring something that just might make me(28)C.
  Now,whenever Kelly and I find ourselves at funeral home for family member of ours,the other has always shown up(29)BM&M's,a small offering of(30)Ato take the edge off the hovering sorrow.We've(31)Dthat when we're old,the one who dies first will have a crazy old lady throwing M&M's into her grave.M&M's will(32)Bbe significant to me.They will(33)Dme that even when something as painful and powerful as(34)Ccomes to claim what's most important to me,there will always be Kelly…and her chocolate.
  M&M's,melt(溶解)in your(35)B,not in your hand.

18.Human civilization has truly come a long way.From using animals for transport to the super fast automobiles that we have today.From using flint to making fire to using one touch lighters.But there are some things that we will never let go of.Some ancient traditions that have been brought down through the ages are still followed today.
Groundhog Day(土拔鼠节),falls on the 2nd of February every year.It is observed in the United States and Canada.While this day may be a public holiday and a bank holiday,it is not a compulsory holiday declared by the government.But this is not so for all the states.State-wise holidays may vary.
Ever heard of Punxsutawney Phil?Groundhog Day is observed because of this groundhog.The day is indeed about a groundhog.Punxsutawney is the name of an apparently weather forecasting groundhog.He lives in his burrow(洞穴)on Gobler's Knob,Punxsutawney in Pennsylvania,for a short period before the 2nd of February every year.On the 2nd of February,Phil comes out from his burrow and looks for his shadow.If he sees his shadow and goes back into the burrow,then America will have an extended winter of six weeks,But if he cannot see his shadow,and he remains outside.It means winter will soon end and spring will arrive very shortly.Phil has been‘predicting'the length of winter in this manner for almost a century and they have always been almost 100% accurate.
Groundhog Day is celebrated in some parts of the USA and Canada.The largest celebration is held at Punxsutawney,Pennsylvania.People come in scores to visit Punxsutawney Phil.They wait eagerly,camping days in advance,to see the small groundhog appear from his burrow,check for his shadow and either go back in or stay out.People cheer when they hear it is time for winter to end and celebrate by eating sweets and singing and dancing.Today.the Groundhog Day is a widespread tradition and an exciting event.

46.People celebrate Groundhog Day becauseC.
A.some sweets are provided on Groundhog Day
B.more and more people love groundhogs
C.the groundhog predicts the beginning of spring
D.Punxsutawney Phil is worth respecting
47.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 1?B
A.Human civilization has a long history.
B.Some old traditions should be carried on.
C.Human civilization develops very fast.
D.Some old traditions have disappeared.
48.We learn from the passage that Punxsutawney PhilA.
A.forecasts the weather based on his shadow
B.witnesses the history of human development
C.organizes celebrations on Groundhog Day
D.gives performances on Groundhog Day
49.We may infer from the passage thatC.
A.groundhogs will replace TV weathermen soon
B.groundhogs can forecast the weather accurately
C.Groundhog Day is becoming popular in the US and Canada
D.a longer shadow of a groundhog indicates a longer winter
50.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?D
A.Winter will end if the groundhog goes back into the burrow.
B.Groundhog Day is a compulsory'holiday in the US and Canada.
C.A groundhog will remain outside if he sees his shadows on 2nd,Feb.
D.The celebration in Punxsutawney attracts large numbers of visitors.

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