81. 别想着作弊——对作弊者会严惩不贷。(get away with)
82. 多么好的一本小说啊!我从来没有读过一本比这更感人的。(否定副词与比较级连用)
83. 千千万万的人受益于这种新的疗法。(benefit)
84. 你是不是一直在暗中监视我?(spy)
85. 她还欠600美元。(in debt)
81. Don’t be tempted to cheat---you’ll never get away with it.
82. What a wonderful novel! I have never read a more moving one.
83. Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment.
84. Have you been spying on me?
85. She was still $600 in debt.