
Fill ________ the blanks with“a”,“an”or“the”where ________.

  1. A.
    in; is necessary
  2. B.
    with; necessary
  3. C.
    in; it necessary
  4. D.
    in; it is necessary
fill in the blank填空;where necessary=where it is necessary有必要的地方.

Stephen Glenn is a famous scientist who has made several medical breakthroughs. When   36   why he was so much more   37   than the average person, he replied that it all came from an experience   38   his mom.
At 2, he was trying to   39   a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he   40   his hold on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling (洒) its contents all over the kitchen floor! When his mom came in, instead of shouting at him or   41   him a lesson, she said, “Robert, what a great mess you’ve made! I’ve   42   seen such a sea of milk. Well, now that the   43   has been done, would you please get down and   44   in the milk for a while   45   we clean it up?”
So happily he did. After that, his mom said, “Robert, whenever you make such a mess like this, you’ll have to clean it up and restore (恢复) everything to its proper   46  . So which do you prefer, a sponge, towel or mop?” He   47   the sponge and tighter they cleaned up the milk. His mom then said, “Robert, you’ve just had a   48   experiment how to carry a big milk bottle   49   with two tiny hands. Now go to the sink to fill the bottle with   50   and see if you can discover a way to carry it safely.” Instantly Robert learned that he could   51   it if he grasped the bottle at the   52  near the lip with both hands.
53  wonderful a lesson! The famous scientist then remarked it was then and there that he came to know that   54   were just opportunities for learning something new, which is what scientific experiments are all about.
Wouldn’t in be great if all parents could react the way Robert’s mom did to   55  ?
36.A.puzzled       B.explained  C.asked     D.wondered
37.A.creative       B.diligent     C.cautious    D.aggressive
38.A.beyond        B.with     C.about     D.from
39.A.deliver        B.remove     C.bring     D.make
40.A.dismissed     B.tightened  C.caught      D.lost
41.A.teaching      B.punishing  C.directing   D.taking
42.A.sometimes          B.always      C.rarely          D.mostly
43.A.experiment      B.damage     C.work     D.favor
44.A.drink         B.gather       C.swim     D.play
45.A.after         B.when     C.before      D.once
46.A.situation      B.model       C.order     D.size
47.A.chose              B.used     C.liked     D.saw
48.A.useless         B.funny       C.valid     D.failed
49.A.effectively          B.heavily     C.strongly    D.luckily
50.A.milk         B.water     C.sand     D.stones
51.A.complete     B.try       C.make     D.get
52.A.bottom        B.cover     C.outside     D.top
53.A.How         B.Too      C.Very     D.What
54.A.tests         B.mistakes   C.exercises   D.achievements
55.A.it             B.them     C.her       D.him

What Is a Boy?
Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a “boy”. Boys come in different sizes, weights, and colors, but all boys have the same belief: to enjoy every second of every minute of every hour of every day and to fill the air with noise until the adult males send them off to bed at night.
Boys are found everywhere –--  on top of, under, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around, or jumping to. Mothers spoil them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers love them, and God protects them. A boy is TRUTH with dirt on its face, BEAUTY with a cut on its finger, WISDOM with chocolate in its hair, and the HOPE of the future with a snake in its pocket.
When you are busy, a boy is a trouble-maker and a noise. When you want him to make a good impression, his brain turns to jelly or else he becomes a wild creature destroying the world and himself with it
A boy is a mixture – he has the stomach of a horse, the digestion (消化) of stones and sand, the energy of an atomic bomb, the curiosity of a cat, the imagination of a superman, the shyness of a sweet girl, the brave nature of a bull, the violence of a firecracker(鞭炮), but when you ask him to make something, he has five thumbs on each hand.
He likes ice cream, knives, saws, Christmas, comic books, woods, water (in its natural habitat), large animals, Dad, trains, Saturday mornings, and fire engines. He is not much for Sunday schools, company, schools, books without pictures, music lessons, neckties, barbers, girls, overcoats, adults, or bedtime.
Nobody else is so early to rise, or so late to supper. Nobody else gets so much fun out of trees, dogs, and breezes. Nobody else can put into one pocket a rusty knife, a half eaten apple, a three-feet rope, six cents and some unknown things.
A boy is a magical creature – he is your headache but when you come home at night with only destroyed pieces of your hopes and dreams, he can mend them like new with two magic words, “Hi, Dad!”
【小题1】The whole passage is in a tone (语气) of _________.

A.respect and harmonyB.humor and love
C.hope and expectationD.confidence and imagination
【小题2】What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence?
A.He has altogether five fingers.B.He is slow, foolish and clumsy.
C.He becomes clever and smart. D.He cuts his hand with a knife.
【小题3】According to the writer, boys appreciate everything in the following except _________.
A.ice creamB.comic books
C.Saturday morningsD.Sunday schools
【小题4】What does the writer feel about boys?
A.He feels curious about their noise.B.He is tired of these creatures.
C.He is amazed by their naughtiness. D.He feels unsafe staying with them.

From school to band practice, the Venturi Eclectic is an Earth-friendly way to get where you want to go. This battery-powered, zero-emission (meaning it doesn't pollute the air) vehicle runs mainly on renewable energy. Solar panels on the Eclectic's roof absorb sun rays when you're driving. On windy days, you can connect a machine to the car's roof that collects energy from the wind while you're parked. The Eclectic's top speed is 28 miles an hour; the battery lasts for 31 miles before it needs to be recharged. Zipping (迅速行进) around the neighborhood has never been better.

Here's an eco-friendly way to tell time: Simply fill the Bedol Water-powered Clock's tank (箱) with water, add some lemon juice, and the clock will display the time without the need for environmentally harmful batteries. There are two sets of metal electrodes(电极) inside the water tank. Water contains ions (离子) that carry negative and positive charges. These ions complete a charge between the electrodes, creating enough energy to power the clock. Just refill the tank every few weeks, and this clock will keep on ticking.

You’re having a blast at your friend’s birthday party. But when it's time to bring out the cake, everyone crowds around, blocking your view. No worries. Throw the Triops into the air, and this clever camera catches the view from above. The Triops can take three pictures at once, each from different angles. You can also record sounds and command the Triops to start shooting (拍摄)whenever it hears that noise. That's one smart camera.
【小题1】According to the passage, the Venturi Eclectic      .

A.is popular with businessmen
B.is suitable for a long trip
C.has only a little gas emission
D.can turn wind into energy
【小题2】What is the common characteristic of the Venturi Eclectic and the Bedol Water-powered Clock?
A.They don't need batteries.
B.They can be powered by water.
C.They are difficult to operate.
D.They are environmentally friendly.
【小题3】The underlined phrase “having a blast” in the last paragraph probably means      .
A.looking at a pictureB.recording sounds
C.enjoying yourselfD.blowing out a candle

Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across America’s farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and crop-eating insects. The country’s farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census (普查) figures show that the fastest-growing group of farmers is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2012 statistics are completed.
Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside from trying to stop the graying of America’s farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No. 1 on a list of “useless” college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking about the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.
“There couldn’t be anything that’s more incorrect,” Merrigan said. “We know that there aren’t enough qualified graduates to fill the jobs that are out there in American agriculture.”
In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said.
“I truly believe we’re at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an all-time record high, and global supplies are at all-time record lows,” said Matt Rush, director of the Texas Farm Bureau. “Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture.”
The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers’ Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier for new farmers.
Ryan Best, president of Future Farmers of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21-year-old Best hopes his message — that this is a new time in agriculture — will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics. “Never before have we had the innovations (创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,” he said. “There’s really a place for everybody to fit in.”
【小题1】What is the new challenge to American agriculture?

A.Fewer and older farmers. B.Higher fuel prices.
C.More natural disasters.D.Lower agricultural output.
【小题2】Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country?
A.To draw federal agriculture officials’ attention.
B.To select qualified agriculture graduates.
C.To clarify a recent blog posting.
D.To talk more students into farming careers.
【小题3】According to Matt Rush, American agriculture will provide opportunities for younger people because ____________.
A.the government will cover production costs
B.global food supplies will be even lower
C.investment in agriculture will be profitable
D.America will increase its food export

Deputy Agriculture Secretary Kathleen Merrigan sees an epidemic (流行病) sweeping across America’s farmland. It has little to do with the usual challenges, such as flood, rising fuel prices and crop-eating insects. The country’s farmers are getting older, and there are fewer people standing in line to take their place. National agricultural census (普查) figures show that the fastest-growing group of farmers is the part over 65. Merrigan is afraid the average age will be even higher when the 2012 statistics are completed.
Merrigan, a former college professor, is making stops at universities across the country in hopes of encouraging more students to think about careers in agriculture. Aside from trying to stop the graying of America’s farmers, her work is made tougher by a recent blog posting that put agriculture at No. 1 on a list of “useless” college degrees. Top federal agriculture officials are talking about the posting, and it has the attention of agricultural organizations across the country.
“There couldn’t be anything that’s more incorrect,” Merrigan said. “We know that there aren’t enough qualified graduates to fill the jobs that are out there in American agriculture.”
In addition, a growing world population that some experts predict will require 70% more food production by 2050, she said.
“I truly believe we’re at a golden age of agriculture. Global demand is at an all-time record high, and global supplies are at all-time record lows,” said Matt Rush, director of the Texas Farm Bureau. “Production costs are going to be valuable enough that younger people are going to have the opportunity to be involved in agriculture.”
The Department of Agriculture has programs aimed at developing more farmers and at increasing interest in locally grown food. The National Young Farmers’ Coalition has also been pushing for state and federal policy changes to make it easier for new farmers.
Ryan Best, president of Future Farmers of America, has been living out of a suitcase, traveling the country and visiting with high school students about careers in agriculture. The 21-year-old Best hopes his message—that this is a new time in agriculture—will motivate the next generation to turn around the statistics. “Never before have we had the innovations (创新) in technology which have led to agriculture in this country being the most efficient it has ever been,” he said. “There’s really a place for everybody to fit in.”
【小题1】What is the new challenge to American agriculture?

A.Fewer and older farmers.B.Higher fuel prices.
C.More natural disasters.D.Lower agricultural output.
【小题2】Why is Merrigan visiting universities across the country?
A.To draw federal agriculture officials’ attention.
B.To select qualified agriculture graduates.
C.To clarify a recent blog posting.
D.To talk more students into farming careers.
【小题3】According to Matt Rush, American agriculture will provide opportunities for younger people
A.the government will cover production costs
B.global food supplies will be even lower
C.investment in agriculture will be profitable
D.America will increase its food export
【小题4】What do the underlined words “to turn around the statistics” in the last paragraph mean?
A.To re-analyze the result of the national census.
B.To increase agricultural production.
C.To bring down the average age of farmers.
D.To invest more in agriculture.

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