

I was 17 when I walked into Carley’s bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at  21  on the shelves, the shop owner asked if I’d like   22  . I needed to start   23  for college, so I said yes. I worked after school, and the job helped  24  my yearly tuition. I would work many other jobs: making coffee in the Students Union; a hotel maid and   25  making maps for a company. But selling books was one of the most   26  .

One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost everything  27  and found other books we could order. She left the store less   28  . I’ve always remembered the   29  I felt in having helped her.

Years later, as a   30  in Los Angles, I heard about an immigrant child born   31  his fingers connected. His family couldn’t afford a corrective operation, and the boy lived in   32  , hiding his hand in his pocket.

I   33  my  boss to let me do the story. After the story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the   34  for free.

I visited the boy soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his   35  hand and said, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of   36  .

In the past, while I was   37  , I always sensed I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the   38  . Fox pays my salary,  39  I feel as if I work for the   40  , helping them make sense of the world.

21.A.maps                   B.articles                  C.reports                  D.titles

22.A.a book                 B.some tea               C.a job                     D.any help

23.A.planning        B.saving                   C.preparing              D.studying

24.A.pay for                 B.fit for                     C.run for                  D.enter for

25.A.so                        B.yet                        C.even                     D.still

26.A.boring                                                     B.satisfying       

C.surprising                                                        D.disappointing

27.A.in need                 B.in all               C.in order                 D.in store

28.A.worried                B.satisfied                 C.interested              D.puzzled

29.A.surprise                B.failure                    C.regret                    D.pride

30.A.doctor                 B.TV reporter          C.bookseller             D.store owner

31.A.with                     B.in                          C.by                         D.for

32.A.horror                  B.honor                    C.shame                   D.danger

33.A.advised                B.persuaded             C.forced                   D.permitted

34.A.action                  B.program                C.treatment              D.operation

35.A.repaired               B.connected             C.injured                  D.improved

36.A.humor                  B.interest                  C.pleasure                D.excitement

37.A.at the TV station                                     B.in the Students Union   

       C.at the US Forest Service                          D.at Carley’s bookstore

38.A.opposite              B.same                     C.different                D.right

39.A.so                        B.and                       C.but                        D.because

40.A.viewers                B.readers                 C.customers             D.passengers

答案  21.D   22.C  23.B  24.A  25.C  26.B  27.D  28.A  29.D  30.B  31.A  32.C  33.B  34.D  35.A  36.C  37.D  38.B  39.C  40.A



More and more electronic devices and services in our daily life mean we have too many passwords and numbers to remember . Passwords help us protect our 21  and privacy , however , however ,they also bring us a lot of 22  .

       Every day I need to remember much 23  information . Every morning I 24  my cellphone  — it needs a password . I get to work and I have to have 25  my computer with a password . Like many people in Britain , I have two bank 26  . One needs a five-digit number and a password ; 27  needs a six-digit number and a memorable place name . I have an online savings account that needs a different password 28  the password for my bank account .

        29  you never use a computer , you can be 30  by the password overload . Look in your wallet . Your probably 31  four or five credit cards . In these days of chip and pin , these are virtually useless if you do not have the magic four-digit numbers . The banks 32  you not to have the same number for all your cards . Give me a break . Am I going to carry five different random (随机的) four-digit numbers in my head ? 33  , I’m not Good Will Hunting .

       I’ve tried systems to help me 34  — such as using the names of favorite films or members of my extended family ; but none seems to 35  . So what is the solution ?

       If you are a technical expert , you can download a “ password safe ” . These are programs that 36  all your passwords so they can be used for accessing sites . The problem is that you can only use this on your home computer , and if that get 37 you are in trouble .

       Some of the banks are starting to 38  customers a “ dongle ( 适配器 )” , which is a portable password device that plugs into your computer . This is an electronic version of writing the password down on a piece of paper . The 39  is that dongles cost money and if the one your bank gives you doesn’t let you store other websites’ passwords , you could 40  carrying a dozen dongles in your pocket .

       Well , putting all your cash in a box under the bed never seems so attractive .

21.A.health                   B.life                         C.wealth                   D.qualities

22.A.fun                        B.conveniences        C.advantages           D.troubles

23.A.useless                 B.practical             C.valuable                D.meaningful

24.A.turn on                 B.turn off                  C.turn down                  D.pick up

25.A.control over     B.access to               C.words with             D.pity on

26.A.passwords           B.assistants                  C.cards                        D.accounts

27.A.another                 B.others                   C.the other            D.neither

28.A.with                       B.in                           C.from                      D.above

29.A.Even if                  B.As if                    C.In case                  D.As long as

30.A.hit                        B.overthrown            C.attracted            D.hurt

31.A.steal                         B.carry                         C.bring                         D.take

32.A.have                            B.tell                         C.allow                         D.make

33.A.Above all              B.In all                   C.After all              D.Of all

34.A.remember                    B.operate                 C.recognize                  D.study

35.A.work                      B.do                         C.act                        D.serve

36.A.process                B.destroy                  C.store                         D.create

37.A.changed               B.separated                 C.hurt                       D.stolen

38.A.promise                B.offer                   C.teach                        D.buy

39.A.fact                       B.offer                   C.problem                D.rule

40.A.end up                  B.turn up                  C.give up                  D.make up

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