
My baby ________ at two tomorrow afternoon.Please don’t call me at that time.

  1. A.
    will nap
  2. B.
    will be napping
  3. C.
    is about to nap
  4. D.
    will have been napping
这句句子的意思是“我的小孩明天下午二点要睡一会,那时不要打电话给我。”这句句子中的时间状语是at two tomorrow afternoon,这是表示将来的某一点时间,因此要用将来进行时。

More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert. One day the Prince wanted to go hunt-ing with his men. He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle, which was like a small bed. When the Prince came back from hunt-ing, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged his tail and jumped up to put his paws on the Prince's chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelert's jaws and head.
"What have you done?" the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and there was blood on them.
"So you have killed my son?" the Prince said angrily. "You unfaithful dog!" He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.
The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son lying on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended the baby and killed the wolf.
The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was dead. The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran down his face when he realized 'he had killed his faith-ful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again. Every morning at dawn, he walked up the mountain and stood by the dog's grave for a few minutes.
If you go to Mount Snowdon in Wales, people will show you where Gelert is buried. There is a sign by his grave. It reminds peo-ple of a brave and faithful dog.
Gelert was the dog of the Prince of ___.

A.ScotlandB.England C.IrelandD.Wales
The Prince told the dog to _____ when he was leaving.
A.watch the door B.take care of his baby at home
C.welcome his friends D.stop the strangers
The dog was very ____ when his master came back from hunting.
The Prince never smiled again because __
A.the wolf was killed by GelertB.he had buried the dog on the top of mountain
C.he had killed his faithful friend GelertD.Gelert had killed his baby son


Maria is a very fast runner. She has won many races put on by the factory in Russia where she works. She was asked how she was able to stay in such good shape(体型). This was her answer.

“I’m in shape because of the way I spend my day. It begins at 5:30 in the morning. I jump out of bed to cook for my husband and iron(熨衣服) the clothes. Then I have to start running to work on time.

“I rush with a large bag in one hand and my four-year-old baby in the other. First, I stop at the school, hand my baby to the teachers, and then rush to work. After work I run back to the school to pick up my baby and then run to the market. Then I run home to start cooking supper-and then it takes time to feed them and get them all to bed. Then I start doing the washing so I can iron in the morning.

“My husband is soft because I have made life easy for him. He doesn’t hurry to and from work,and I have the table set when he gets home. He eats, puts on the television, sits down and reads the newspaper. And that’s why I’m in such good shape—and my husband isn’t.”

1.Maria is in good shape mainly because she _______.

A. goes to exercise classes          B. runs so much every day

C. has won many races             D. is a Russian

2.Maria gets up at 5:30 in the morning because ______.

A. her children wake her 

B. she has so much to do before she goes to work

C. she likes getting up early 

D. her husband wakes her

3.After work, Maria usually_________.

A. goes on with her work           B. takes her baby to school

C. irons the clothes                D. cooks supper

4.Which of the following is TRUE about Maria’s hus band?

A. He’s a bad?tempered man.

B. He always goes to work in a hurry. 

C. He isn’t in good shape. 

D. He cooks breakfast by himself.

5.Which of the statements is right ?

A. Maria is an American woman.

B. Maria won many races put on by the CLUB in Russia.

C. Maria has to hurry to do something every day.

D. Maria and his husand care about each other.


Watching some children trying to catch butterflies one hot August afternoon, I was reminded of an incident in my own childhooD.When I was a boy of 12 in South Carolina, something happened to me that cured me forever of wanting to put any wild creature in a cage.

We lived on the edge of a wood, and every evening at dusk the mockingbirds would come and rest in the trees and sing. There isn’t a musical instrument made by man that can produce a more beautiful sound than the song of the mockingbird.

I decided that I would catch a young bird and keep it in a cage and in that way would have my own private musician.

I finally succeeded in catching one and put it in a cage. At first, in its fright at being captured, the bird fluttered about the cage, but eventually it settled down in its new home. I felt very pleased with myself and looked forward to some beautiful singing from my tiny musician.

I had left the cage out on our back porch, and on the second day of the bird’s captivity my new pet’s mother flew to the cage with food in her mouth. The baby bird ate everything she brought to it. I was pleased to see this. Certainly the mother knew better than I how to feed her baby.

The following morning when I went to see how my captive was doing, I discovered it on the floor of the cage, dead. I was shocked! What had happened! I had taken excellent care of my little bird, or so I thought.

Arthur Wayne, the famous ornithologist, happened to be visiting my father at the time, hearing me crying over the death of my bird, explained what had occurred. “A mother mockingbird, finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison berries. She thinks it better for her young to die than to live in captivity.”

Never since then have I caught any living creature and put it in a cage. All living creatures have a right to live free.

64.Why did the writer catch a mockingbird when he was a boy of 12?

A.He had just got a new cage.         B.He liked its beautiful feather.

C.He wanted it to sing for him.         D.He wanted a pet for a companion.

65.The mockingbird died because it ______.

A.was frightened to death          B.ate the poisonous food its mother gave it

C.refused to eat anything            D.drank the poisonous water by mistake

66.An ornithologist probably means ______.

A.a religious person                 B.a kind person

C.a schoolmaster                   D.a expert in birds

67.What is the most important lesson the writer learned from the incident?

A.Freedom is very valuable to all creatures.

B.All birds put in a cage won’t live long.

C.You should keep the birds from their mother.

D.Be careful about food you give to baby birds.


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