
【小题1】Everyone has the right to be ________ (受教育).
【小题2】It is impossible for them to live p______________.
【小题3】As is known to all ,it is i___________to hunt wildlife.
【小题4】He started to study ecology and decided to ________(奉献)his whole life to the science.
【小题5】Many buildings were d______ in the earthquake.
【小题6】It was very g____of your parents to lend us all that money.
【小题7】here was a ____________(惊恐的) look on his face hearing the roar of the wind.
【小题8】These include the ______(苦难)of the poor, and the corruption of the rich.
【小题9】People fled aimlessly in ______(惊恐)as the tsunami struck the city without any precaution.
【小题10】What is your n________? I’m a Chinese.


解析【小题1】本句是被动语态。指每个人都有被教育的权利。不定式to be educated修饰名词the right.不定式做定语通常修饰一些表示抽象意思的名词,如ability等。
【小题3】根据to hunt wild life捕杀野生动物,说明这样的事情是违法的,注意构词法,legal合法的,illegal违法的。
【小题4】固定词组。Devote oneself/some time to致力于…;指他决定把终生献给科学事业。
【小题9】固定词组in terror惊恐地。指当海啸来临的时候,人们惊恐地到处逃跑。


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